COE-STL host conference of education historians; outsiders welcome

Some of the South’s leading scholars and students in the field of education history will gather in Gainesville March 23-24 when the COE hosts the 2018 annual conference of the Southern History of Education Society.

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Some of the South’s leading scholars and future leaders in the field of education history will gather in Gainesville March 23-24 when the University of Florida College of Education hosts the 2018 annual conference of the Southern History of Education Society (SHOES).
The meeting, to be held at the Holiday Inn University Center hotel, kicks off Friday morning with a panel discussion titled Higher Education in the Age of Trump: Racism, #MeToo, and Anti-intellectualism in the Classroom and on Campus.
From there, attendees can choose between more than 35 breakout programs over the two-day event, segmented into five topical sessions with concurrent presentations. Speakers will offer scholarly insights and new research on historical milestones, trends, crises, social and equity issues, and progressive advances in education throughout periods of history from pre-World War I through today.
Program topics include:

  • Teaching Gender and Media in the Era of Cosby and Weinstein
  • First Amendment Arguments on Behalf of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Educators
  • College Sport Facilities and Their Honorees: Who Are We Honoring?
  • Getting Innovative: Practitioner Action Research in the New Millennium
  • A History of American Education Through American Girl
  • What’s Sex Got to Do With It: Reconsidering Women’s Relationships with Women on College Campuses in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries

The complete conference agenda finds more than a dozen mostly-southern universities and colleges represented on the speaker roster including UF and Alabama from the Southeastern Conference. Florida State joins UF as the in-state institutions.
Thirteen UF doctoral students—including seven from the College of Education—will be among the presenters.
SHOES is a U.S. regional chapter of the international History of Education Society, which is devoted to promoting and teaching the history of education across higher education institutions across the country and around the world.

Sevan Terzian

“Historical perspectives on education can offer valuable insights on the origins of some of our most challenging educational and societal problems,” said conference chair Sevan Terzian, professor and associate director of graduate studies for the college’s School of Teaching and Learning. “Our conference features historical investigations in many places and contexts including the South in ways that can encourage us to realize that our current educational dilemmas are not inevitable and can yield solutions.”
While SHOES is a southern chapter, the UF conference also is drawing scholars from a few colleges and universities in the Northeast and Midwest.
Terzian said there is no registration fee, so anyone from UF and the community who is interested in education history is welcome to attend the conference.
“We are proud to host the regional conference to show how our college is engaging with both professors and graduate students on enduring issues in the field of education and its histories,” he said.  “Our graduate students have also played a major role in planning for the event.”
UF COE doctoral students presenting reports will include Tera Ferland, Brittany Eichler, James Rigney, Amanda Taylor, Matthew Cowley, Tianna Dowie-Chin and Stephanie Schroeder.
The college faculty also will be represented on the program by COE Assistant Professor Christopher Busey, who will speak on perspectives of black intellectual thought in education. Terzian will moderate and open each day with stage-setting remarks introducing some of the important questions attendees will explore and seek resolutions for.
This will be UF’s first time hosting the group’s regional annual conference. Along with the College of Education and its School of Teaching and Learning, the event is co-sponsored by the UF Office of Research, the History Department and Student Government.
For more information, contact Professor Terzian (352-273-4216;

    SOURCE: Sevan Terzian, 352-273-4216
    WRITER: Larry Lansford, news & communications manager, UF College of Education; 352-273-4137
