Vivian Gonsalves 

Clinical Associate Professor

Vivian Gonsalves





PO Box 117050
Gainesville, FL 32611



Vivian Gonsalves, Ph.D. is a Clinical Associate Professor in the School of Special Education, School Psychology, and Early Childhood Studies. Her scholarship focuses on early literacy development, teacher education, mentoring, and reading instruction and remediation, and online instruction. She is currently an instructor of special education and literacy development courses in various programs in the College of Education and provides professional development to in-service educators and other related service professionals in implementing assessments and designing instruction for developing readers. Additionally, she is one of the associate directors of the University of Florida Literacy Institute (UFLI), a center housed in the College of Education, which provides technical assistance to school districts in literacy initiatives. Dr. Gonsalves is also the program coordinator for the Dyslexia Certificate program at UF. This is an online program for educators and other professionals interested in working with students with dyslexia.


  • School of Special Education School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies
  • University of Florida Literacy Institute
  • International Literacy Association (ILA)
  • National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD)
  • International Dyslexia Association (IDA)
  • Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
  • Teacher Education Division (TED) of CEC

Research Interests

Curriculum Development, Disabilities Assessment and Outcomes, Diverse Learners, Early Childhood, Early Childhood Literacy, Elementary Education, Field Experience, Higher Education, Inclusion, Intervention, Language, Language and Literacy Development, Learning Disabilities / RTI, Mild and Moderate Disabilities, Online and Distance Education, Primary / Elementary, Professional Development, Reading


  • Ph.D. - University of Florida, Special Education
  • Ed.S. - University of Florida, Special Education
  • M.Ed. - University of Florida, Special Education
  • B.S. - University of Florida, Elementary Education

Professional Appointments

  • Clinical Associate Professor of Special Education, University of Florida, School of Special Education, School Psychology, and Early Childhood Studies, 2018-Present
  • Program Coordinator, Dyslexia Certificate, 2016-Present
  • Assistant Director, University of Florida Literacy Institute, 2021-Present
  • Project Coordinator, James Patterson Literacy Challenge, 2017-2020
  • Visiting Clinical Assistant Professor of Special Education, University of Florida, School of Special Education, School Psychology, and Early Childhood Studies, 2016-2018
  • Professor in Residence, ADePT Grant, University of Florida, School of Teaching and Learning, 2015-2016

Activities and Honors

  • Online Education Excellence Award, University of Florida, UF Center for Teaching Excellence; 2018, 2022
  • Trainer, University of Florida Literacy Institute (UFLI)
  • Mentor, High Honors Undergraduate Projects, College of Education at the University of Florida, 2011-Present
  • UF Senate
  • Member, Faculty Policy Council, College of Education at the University of Florida, 2016-Present
  • Editorial Board at the Journal of Special Education Preparation (JOSEP)

Selected Grants

Project READERS: Reading Educator Advancement, Development, and Efficacy Research Scholars

  • Co-PI
Funding Agency
  • U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs
Project Period
  • 2022-2027

Project DECODE: Developing Expertise and Collaborative Opportunities for Dyslexia Educators

Funding Agency
  • U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs
Project Period
  • 2022-2027

Selected Publications

  • Cheyney-Collante, K., Gonsalves, V., & Giuliani, S. (2021). Online Dyslexia Professional Development for Diverse Practitioners: A Multiple-Case Study. Teacher Education and Special Education, 45 (3), 246-264.
  • Cheyney-Collante, K., Gonsalves, V., Bader, J. & Duggins, S. (2020). A Misunderstood Fundamental: Evidence-Based Strategies for Letter Formation Practice in Inclusive Preschool Settings. Dimensions of Early Childhood, 48(2).
  • Lane, H. B., Pullen, P. C., Gonsalves, V., & Campese, T. (2019). University of Florida literacy initiative: Small-group instruction for the intermediate grades. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.
  • Gonsalves, V., Cheyney, K., Bader, J. &, Duggins, S. (2018). The Power to ROAR: Reaching Out to All Readers by Using Shared Storybook Reading to Cultivate Self-Efficacy and Social-Emotional Growth. Dimensions of Early Childhood, (46)1, 25-30.
Books / Book Chapters
  • Lane, H. B., Gonsalves, V.E., & Hanson, A. (2020). Demystifying the Online Program Development Process: A Graduate Certificate in Dyslexia. In: Thornburg, A. W., Abernathy, D. F., & Ceglie, R. J (Eds). Handbook of Research on Developing Online Courses. (pp. 330-349). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-2132-8
  • Pullen, P. C., van Dijk, W., Gonsalves, V. E., Lane, H. B., & Ashworth, K. E. (2019). Response to Intervention and Multi-tiered Systems of Support: How Do They Differ and How are They the Same, If at All? In: P. Pullen & M. Kennedy (Eds). Handbook of Response to Intervention and Multi-tiered Systems of Support (pp. 5-10). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.
  • Cheyney-Collante, K. Gonsalves, V. Ricke, A. (2022). A Virtual Coaching Model to Support Dyslexia Practicum Graduate Students. Presentation at the annual conference for the for the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children. Richmond, VA.
  • Cheyney-Collante, K. & Gonsalves, V. (2022). Online Dyslexia Professional Development for Diverse Practitioners: A Multiple-Case Study. Presentation at the annual conference for the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Orlando, FL.
  • Lane, H. B., Contesse, V.A., Campese, T., Cheyney-Collante, K. & Gonsalves V. (2021). Explicit, Systematic, and Intensive Works for Teachers Too: Teaching Teachers to Teach Reading. Presentation at Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children, Fort Worth, TX.
  • Gonsalves, V., Cheyney-Collante, K., & Giuliani, S. (2020). Designing and Implementing Effective Online Professional Development for Teachers of Children with Dyslexia. Presentation at the annual conference for the International Dyslexia Association (IDA). Virtual.
  • Cheyney-Collante, K., Gonsalves, V., & Giuliani, S. (2020). Diverse Practitioners and Online Dyslexia Professional Development: A Multiple-Case Study. Presentation at the annual conference for the International Dyslexia Association (IDA). Virtual.
  • Gonsalves, V., Lane, H., Cheyney- Collante, K. & Woods, C. (2020). Dyslexia Certificate: Effective Online PD for Teachers of Children with Dyslexia. Presentation at the annual conference for the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Portland, OR.
  • Lane, H., Contesse, V., Gonsalves, V., & Pico, D. (2020). Intensive Practice-Based Preparation in Reading Intervention. Presentation at the annual conference for the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Portland, OR.
  • Contesse, V., Gonsalves, V., Pico, D., Kaplan, R. & Woods, C. (2020). The Effects of an Intensive Summer Literacy Intervention on Reader and Teacher Development. Presentation at the annual conference for the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Portland, OR.
  • Gonsalves, V., Lane, H., Contesse, V. Kaplan, R. & Woods, C. (2020). Powerful Intervention Models for Struggling Readers: The UFLI models. Presentation at the annual conference for the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Portland, OR.
  • Cheyney-Collante, K, Gonsalves, V., & Giuliani, S. (November 2019). A Multiple-Case Study of an Online Graduate Certificate in Dyslexia. Presentation at the annual conference for the for the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children. New Orleans, LA.
  • Lane, H. Giuliani, S. Moss, S. & Gonsalves, V. (February 2019). Customized Literacy Professional Development for Low-Performing Schools. Presentation at the annual conference for the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Indianapolis, IN.
  • Gonsalves, V. & Lane, H. (February 2018). Providing Evidence-Based Literacy Intervention for Students with Dyslexia. Presentation at the annual conference for the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Tampa, FL.
  • Gonsalves, V. & Duggins, S. (February 2018). Summer Adventures in Literacy: A Model for Intensive Reading Intervention. Presentation at the annual conference for the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Tampa, FL.
  • Gonsalves, V. & Lane, H. (November 2017). Using IDA Standards to Design Powerful and Effective Professional Development Experiences for Teachers. Presentation at the annual conference for the International Dyslexia Association (IDA). Atlanta, GA.
  • Lane, H. & Gonsalves, V. (November 2017). Preparing Teachers to Provide Evidence-Based Literacy Intervention: The UFLI Model. Presentation at the annual conference for the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children. Savannah, GA.
  • Gonsalves, V., Bader, J., & Jones, H. (October 2014). Using Small-Group Intervention to Improve Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge of Reading Remediation. Presentation at the annual conference for the Division of Early Childhood (DEC) of the Council for Exceptional Children. St. Louis, MO.
  • Bader, J.M., Jones, H., Gonsalves, V., K., & Lane, H.B. Improving the Accuracy and Automaticity of Struggling Second Grade Readers: A Single-Case Design Study (November, 2014). Presentation at the annual conference for the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children. Indianapolis, IN.
  • Lane, H., Jones, H., Gonsalves, V., Bader, J., Cheyney, K., Duggins, S., & Lutz, S. (July, 2014). Project RELATE: Research in Early Literacy and Teacher Education. Poster presentation at the Conference for the Office of Special Education Program’s Project Directors Meeting (OSEP). Washington, DC.
  • Gonsalves, V., Bader, J., Jones, H & Lane, H. (April, 2014). Using Small-Group Intervention to Improve Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge of Reading remediation. Poster presentation at the annual conference for the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC): Kaleidoscope. Philadelphia, PA.
  • Gonsalves, V., Bader, J., Lane, H., & Jones, H. (November, 2013). Preparing Pre- service Teachers to Teach Struggling Readers. Presentation at the annual conference for the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children. Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
  • Gonsalves, V., Bader, J., Cheyney, K., Duggins, S., Lutz, S., V., Lane, H., & Jones, H. (April, 2013). Neighborhood Contributions to Children’s Language and Literacy Development: An Ecological Study. Poster Presentation at the American Educational Research Association Conference (AERA). San Francisco: CA.
  • Bader, J., Lutz, S., Gonsalves, V., Duggins, S., Cheyney, K., (November, 2012) Ecological Study of School Neighborhood Contributions to Language and Literacy Learning. Presentation at the Florida Education Reading Association Conference (FERA). Gainesville, FL.
  • Gonsalves, V. & Lutz, S. (March, 2012). Reading Aloud to Young Children. North Central Florida Association for the Education of Young Children (NCFAEYC) Conference. Gainesville, FL.
  • Duggins, S., Gonsalves, V., & Lutz, S. (September 2011). Making Storybooks Engaging in Multi-Age Settings. Tracks to Success Early Childhood Conference. Gainesville, FL.