Gainesville Sun: Freedom Schools, born in the Civil Rights Era, come to Gainesville this summer

Two UF faculty are brining Children's Defense Fund Freedom Schools, new national summer reading program for kindergarten through eighth graders, to Alachua County.


January 16, 2022



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Gainesville Sun    
Freedom Schools, born in the Civil Rights Era, come to Gainesville this summer

A new national summer reading program for kindergarten through eighth graders will be coming to Alachua County.

The Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools will be a six-week program to help low-income and diverse children fall in love with reading.

The program is being brought to Gainesville by two University of Florida professors from the College of Education. Chonika Coleman-King will serve as the executive director for the CDF Freedom Schools and Taryrn Brown will be the project director.

Both professors have been trying to get the Freedom School in the city of Gainesville for the past two years.

At a December Children’s Trust of Alachua County board meeting, the CDF Freedom School was approved to receive $60,000 in funding.

Read the full article here (subscription required).

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Chonika Coleman-King


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Taryrn Brown

