University of Florida’s College of Education to expand undergraduate research and transform math learning statewide

With support from University of Florida President Ben Sasse’s strategic funding initiative, two projects are taking shape in the College of Education: one to accelerate undergraduate research and another to transform mathematics education in Florida.


December 05, 2023


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With support from University of Florida President Ben Sasse’s strategic funding initiative, two projects are taking shape in the College of Education: one to accelerate undergraduate research and another to transform mathematics education in Florida.  

The SALT-Math: Scalable AI-Augmented Learning by Teaching for Math Education project (which received $930,000 over three years), aims to revolutionize K-12 mathematics learning in Florida and beyond by implementing a learning-by-teaching framework that uses a large language model to flip students’ roles as teachers to AI agents (resulting in enhanced student outcomes). 


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UF Students as Research Scholars (STARS): Illuminating Pathways for Undergraduate Research and Innovation received $330,000 over three years to pair undergraduates with faculty for research opportunities. The objective of this project is to increase the number of University Scholars Program applicants, grow the participation in the College of Education Research Symposium, support graduate assistantships, and reward excellence in faculty mentorship of undergraduate researchers.

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“The College of the Education is changing the way we teach and learn in Florida, and this initiative is a prime example of that,” Sasse said. “Through the use of AI and large language models, this program will help revolutionize K-12 math learning throughout the state.”

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“We need to celebrate and encourage faculty mentorship of undergraduate researchers, and UF STARS champions that work,” Sasse said. “This initiative will introduce more undergrads to enriching research opportunities and help them use their ideas to change the world.”


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Wanli Xing, Ph.D., an associate professor of educational technology in the College of Education, looks forward to embarking on the SALT-Math project. 

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“Our enthusiasm stems from harnessing the immense power of the HiPerGator supercomputing infrastructure, allowing us to analyze millions of interactive math scenarios and responses, along with a billion lines of log data,” Xing said. “This process is instrumental in refining our large language models, thereby catalyzing a transformative impact on K-12 math education.” 

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SALT-Math will be created and distributed in the context of the Lastinger Center for Learning’s Math Nation platform, which was adopted as the core K-12 math curriculum in the state of Florida (and engages more than 1 million K-12 students across the United States annually).  

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Wanli Xing


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While SALT-Math is impacting these students, UF STARS will be helping to build the infrastructure and capacity for bachelor’s-level research. Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs Elayne Colón sees great opportunity in pairing students with faculty and nurturing meaningful connections around research. Ultimately, an expanded research profile will support UF’s ambitions to explore real-world solutions to society’s greatest challenges.

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“We are so grateful for this support to identify innovative ways to connect undergraduate students with transformational research, recognize and reward excellence in faculty mentorship of undergraduate researchers, and inspire and launch the next generation of scholars,” Colón said. 


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These two projects directly support UF’s strategic priorities by focusing on AI and expanding research to prepare the future workforce.   

“As evidenced by these projects, our faculty and students continue to make incredible strides in translating research into practice,” said Glenn Good, Ph.D., the dean of the College of Education. “This alignment of efforts across the university will prove to be transformative, unlocking benefits that will strengthen our society.” 


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Elayne Colón

