Personnel Affairs
The UF College of Education’s faculty and staff are committed to preparing exemplary practitioners and scholars; generating, using, and disseminating knowledge about teaching, learning, and human development; and to collaborating with others to solve critical educational and human problems in a diverse global community. With an array of on-campus and online programs the college has consistently ranked in the top 20 public colleges for U.S. News & World Report’s Best Graduate Education Programs.
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Faculty Affairs
The Associate Dean for Personnel Affairs works in collaboration with the College leadership team to facilitate faculty growth and development; advises the dean and school directors and individual faculty on matters affecting faculty; and provides administrative support for the Faculty Policy Council.
The college’s faculty are housed in three schools:
Staff Affairs
The college’s mission is also supported by dedicated staff with a wide array of expertise. The Associate Dean for Personnel Affairs works in collaboration with the College leadership supports the direct supervisors, individual staff members, and Staff Advisory Council on pertinent issues. The College’s Staff Advisory Council is comprised of representatives from across the COE, including affiliated Centers.
Staff Development
Staff members at the College of Education are encouraged to participate as active members of the College. The information below outlines various opportunities for staff professional development, including the staff advisory council.