Long-Range Planning Committee

This committee shall develop long-range plans and recommend priorities for the College of Education.

Constitutional Responsibilities

This committee will consist of two people from each school. This committee shall develop long-range plans and recommend priorities for the College of Education. Each year the committee shall examine one or more aspects of the long-range plan of the college and submit a written report with recommendations to the Faculty Policy Council.

    Long-Range Planning Committee Members


    • Chris Anthony

    FPC Representative: 

    • Julie Brown (Chair)
    • Ashley MacSuga-Gage (Chair-Elect)

    Dean’s Office Representative: 

    • Erica McCray
    • Thomasenia Adams
    • Tina Smith-Bonahue
    • Glenn Good
    • Tom Dana

    School of Human Development and Organizational Studies In Education

    • Chris Redding
    • Anne Seraphine
    • Wei Li, Ben Skinner
    • Cathy Atria (alternate)

    School of Special Education, School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies

    • James McLeskey
    • Linda Lombardino
    • Meg Kamman
    • Valentina Contesse
    • Alisa Hanson (alternate)

    School of Teaching and Learning

    • Magdi Castaneda
    • Mark Pacheco
    • Catherine Paolucci
    • Hyuni Jung
    • Anthony Botelho (alternate)

    Meeting Minutes

    Norman Hall Bench<br />