Ed.D. Program Curriculum
The online Ed.D. in Educational Technology takes a minimum of 3 years to complete. Students have to complete a minimum of 90 hours beyond their bachelor’s degree to graduate with their doctoral degree.
- The minimum required credits to be completed with the online cohort are 54 credits, in addition to which students choose electives and transfer credits from their Masters degree.
- Students take 6 credits with their cohort each semester (Fall, Spring and Summer). This includes online courses and seminars, and online synchronous sessions.
- Degree completion depends on the student’s ability to complete program requirements to a level commensurate with doctoral level work.
Required Courses
All courses are 8-week online offerings except for seminars, research courses, and dissertation research that are full semester courses.
- EME 5054: Foundations of Educational Technology
- EDG 6226: Fundamentals and Research in Curriculum and Instruction
- EME 6066: Issues and Trends in Educational Technology Research
- EDG 6931: Qualitative Research in Educational Technology
- EDG 6648: Research Design in Educational Technology
- EME 7938: Seminar in Educational Media
- EME 6480: Quantitative Methods in Educational Technology
- EME 6609: Instructional Design
- EME 6651: Learning Analytics Concepts and Techniques
- EME 6048: Distance Teaching and Learning
- EME 7435: Implementation and Evaluation of Educational Technology Initiatives
- EME 5404: Media Ecologies and Open Education
- EDG 7979: Research Credits (3 credits)
- EDG 7980: Dissertation Research (12 credits)

Ed.D. in Educational Technology Program Requirement
- A Master’s degree from an accredited U.S. college or university, or a degree deemed equivalent by the University of Florida Office of Admissions.
- An acceptable grade point average for previous graduate work.
- No GRE requirement.
Program Highlight
Entry: Fall of even years
Typical Course Load: 6 credits per semester
Full-Time/Part-Time: Part-Time
Application Deadline: January of even years
Average Class Size: 20-30
Program Completion: 3-4 years