EduGator Central Academic Advising

Advisors are here to help you navigate toward graduation. Whether you need to change your major, drop a course, apply for a minor, or choose your classes for next semester, an academic advisor may be a great first point-of-contact for you.

Our team of experienced advisors is here to support you throughout your academic journey, whether you’re just starting out or nearing graduation. From helping you select the right courses to guiding you through major decisions, we’re committed to providing personalized guidance tailored to your unique goals and aspirations. Explore our virtual advising sessions, workshops, and resources designed to empower you to make informed academic choices and achieve your full potential. Let us help you navigate your path to academic excellence with confidence and clarity.


Appointments can be arranged directly with an Academic Advisor over email. Walk-in or phone appointments may also be available subject to your advisor’s availability. Contact advisors below to schedule your appointment.

Meet Our Advisors

Aaron Ganas

Aaron Ganas

Academic Advisor

Education Sciences BA & Scholarships

  • Advisement & program coordination, BA in Education Sciences (on campus)
  • Non-teacher prep minors
  • Student Awards, Scholarships & Funding
Earl McKee

Earl McKee

Academic Advisor

UF Online – Education Sciences BA

  • Advisement & Program Coordination-BA in Education Sciences (PaCE & UF Online)
  • Undergraduate & Transfer Admissions-BA in Education Sciences (PaCE & UF Online)
  • Student Organizations
Robin Rossie

Robin Rossie

Academic Advisor

Initial Teacher Preparation Programs & Minors

  • Early Childhood, Elementary, Secondary Education, EPI Programs
  • UF Teach Math & Science, FL Teaching Minors
  • Undergraduate/Transfer Admissions
  • Change of Major, Degree Audits, Degree Clearance

Online Learning

At the College of Education, we welcome online students at various phases of educational pursuit. We offer options to practicing professionals wishing to enhance their skill set or renew educator credentials through non degree coursework. Also, for those interested in career advancement, we have several online graduate certificates from which to choose. And for those who wish to continue their education or change careers via the benefit of obtaining an advanced degree, we have a number of highly ranked online graduate programs.

For more information about our online learning programs, please contact Chris Cook.

Chris Cook

Our Online Education Services Coordinator- Chris Cook


Our online students have access to our EduGator Central Student Services, including general student services assistance by Chris Cook (
The student services that the distance student is entitled to are comparable to those of the resident student and include:

Graduating with Honors

The College of Education offers  three levels of honors upon award of the bachelor’s degree: cum laude (honors)magna cum laude (high honors), and summa cum laude (highest honors). Honors recognition is noted on the university transcript and printed on the diploma.

The GPA used to determine honors includes only UF credits, earned after admission to the College, beginning the semester after accumulating 60 credits (junior status).

Cum laude is earned automatically with a minimum 3.75 honors GPA at the time of graduation.

Magna cum laude is earned with a 3.75 GPA and a scholarly project deemed superior by the faculty at the time of graduation. Summa cum laude is earned with a 3.9 GPA and a scholarly project deemed superior by the faculty at the time of graduation. The scholarly project may be pursued in conjunction with the University Scholars Program (see information below) or independent of that program. Registration for one credit of Undergraduate Research is required in the final semester to be considered for magna cum laude or summa cum laude.

Honors GPA Requirements: College of Education

Cum Laude

3.75 GPA on all courses taken at UF, while a student in the college, beginning the semester after accumulating 60 credits.

Magna Cum Laude

3.75 or more GPA at the completion of BAE or BA; submission of an approved scholarly project.

Summa Cum Laude

3.9 or more GPA at the completion of BAE or BA; submission of an approved scholarly project deemed superior.

University Scholars Program 2024-2025


The purpose of the University Scholars Program is to introduce University of Florida undergraduate students to the exciting opportunities of working closely with UF faculty to pursue fundamental research and scholarly activities, thereby gaining valuable insight into how new knowledge is created and developed and how existing knowledge is focused on important problems.

This program will permit selected undergraduate students, who will be designated as University Scholars, to work one-on-one with a chosen faculty member on a research/creative project of mutual interest. From such interaction, the student will take away an understanding of and appreciation for the scholarly method, an experience that will be invaluable in many career opportunities, including graduate and professional schools. Students in all areas of undergraduate studies are encouraged to apply.

Students participating in this program will receive a $1,750 stipend to support research efforts under the faculty mentor. This funded research will be conducted during the student’s junior or senior year. The research structure will be developed in consultation with the mentor.


Students must have at least a 3.3 upper division GPA or a 3.0 GPA for a minimum of 75 hours of completed coursework. Students may not be graduating before Spring 2025. Undergraduate students in the College of Education and in other colleges are eligible to complete a project with a College of Education faculty mentor. Students participating in University Scholars will also complete variable credits of Undergraduate Research (EDG 4910) through participation.

How Do I Start?

The 2024-2025 University Scholars application should include the completed form, a statement of one page (maximum) describing the (a) purpose/rationale for the study; (b) description of the study/project; and (c) how the applicant hopes to benefit from the experience. A letter of endorsement from the faculty mentor who will supervise the work must also be included.

Applications should be submitted by Friday, February 23, 2024 to Aaron Ganas in EduGator Central, 1002 Norman Hall.

Selection of recipients will be determined by a COE Committee. Criteria for selection will include (a) quality of the written proposal and scholarly contribution of proposed work, (b) fit between topic and mentor’s area of research interests, (c) feasibility of conducting the study. It is unlikely that more than one project will be approved for a single faculty mentor.

Students will be notified of their selection by mid-March 2024, along with faculty mentors and school directors.

Students interested in becoming a University Scholar through the College of Education may contact Aaron Ganas in EduGator Central, 1002 Norman Hall with any questions and visit the University Scholars Program page for more information.


Student Concerns Procedures

The College of Education adheres to the University of Florida Rules for Student Affairs Grievance Procedures (6C1-4.012) wherein “a student believes that any decision, act or condition affecting him or her is illegal, unjust, or creates unnecessary hardship.

Within the College of Education the following procedures should be followed:

  • Students are encouraged to discuss the concern directly with the individual instructor involved, and to attempt resolution informally.
  • If a student is not comfortable approaching the individual instructor involved directly, or is not satisfied with the result, the student should discuss the matter in a timely fashion with the School Director.
  • If a student is not satisfied with the result of the discussion with the School Director, both undergraduate and graduate students should discuss the matter, in a timely fashion with the College of Education’s Associate Dean for Student Affairs. The Associate Dean will provide consultation in an effort to resolve the matter informally and will provide a copy of this policy to the student.
  • If a student remains dissatisfied with the result of the informal intervention by the Associate Dean, they should confirm in writing to the Associate Dean their desire to proceed with a formal grievance.
  • The Associate Dean shall investigate the matter thoroughly and respond to the student in writing in a timely fashion.
  • If the student is dissatisfied with the written response by the Associate Dean, they may appeal the matter in writing to the Dean. The Dean will investigate the matter thoroughly and respond in writing in a timely fashion.
  • If the student is dissatisfied with the written response of the Dean, the process for subsequent appeals is outlined in the Rules of the University of Florida Student Affairs (all students) and the Graduate Student Handbook (for graduate students).

Frequently Asked Questions

Major Changes

If you are interested in learning more about a major available through the College of Education, please review the UF Catalog for Education Sciences, Early Childhood Education, or Elementary Education. If you have any questions or are ready to change your major, please reach out to an Academic Advisor.

For undecided students ready to explore the field of education, please consider registering for:

EDF1005 – Intro to Education
EDF2085 – Teaching Diverse Populations
EME2040 – Intro to Education Technology


If you are interested in learning more about a minor available through the College of Education, please review the UF Catalog for Disabilities in Society, Educational Studies, Educational Technology, Florida Teaching, UF Teach Mathematics, or UF Teach Science.

To add a minor in the College of Education, please complete the following:

  • Review the requirements for your intended minor.
  • Complete the Minor – Undergraduate Application to Add or Cancel to initiate the automated process.


Early Field Experience

EDF1005 and EDF2085 both have a guided field experience, usually in a local school setting. We recommend taking these two courses in different semesters if possible. For local students, the Alachua County School Volunteer Program assists students with finding a placement in the Gainesville area. More information about the field experience will be included on the course syllabus.

Scholarly Opportunities: Undergraduate Research

Have a proposal for a research project? Explore the possibilities.

Engagement and Involvement

Make the most of your time here. Get involved!

Deciding which program is right for you

Explore our undergraduate majors and minors.

Applying for admission to upper-division: early childhood and elementary majors only

The application period is February for Fall admission. You’ll receive an email invitation from Robin Rossie to complete an application. When you apply, you should be meeting all course, GPA, and testing requirements listed on your degree audit. Applicants must document passing scores on all four subtests of the Florida Teacher Certification Examination General Knowledge Test to be considered for admission.


Information regarding registration dates, advance registration, schedule adjustment periods, and the drop/add period can be found on the UF Registrar’s webpage.

Check ONE.UF to make sure there are no holds on your account prior to registration. Contact an Academic Advisor if you see a tracking or College of Education hold on your account.


University policies regarding dropping and withdrawing from courses can be found in the UF Catalog.

Prior to dropping a course students are advised to calculate their current grade in the course, checking the course syllabus for information about grading policies, and speaking with the instructor of the course to determine the likelihood of earning the desired grade. Students should also consider reaching out to the Office of Student Financial Affairs for counseling on the financial aid implications of a dropped course.

If you are considering withdrawing from the entire semester, please contact an Academic Advisor for advice.

To add a course after the Drop/Add period please reach out to an advisor. You will need instructor and advisor permission before the course can be added to your schedule.

Universal Tracking

In order to ensure adequate progress toward graduation, students are required to satisfactorily complete the appropriate pre-professional requirements for their programs. Please follow the links below for information on tracking courses and other requirements: