Budgetary Affairs Committee

This committee reviews, revises, and to makes recommendations to the Dean of the COE related to budget.

Constitutional Responsibilities

This committee will consist of two people from each school as well as a voting representative of the Council. The role of the Budgetary Affairs Committee is to review, revise, and to make recommendations to the Dean of the COE related to budget. The BAC is an advisory group that solicits faculty input and feedback related to budgetary directions proposed by the Dean.

2022-2023 Budgetary Affairs Committee Members

FPC Representative

  • Julie Brown (Chair) 
  • Ashley MacSuga-Gage (Chair-Elect)

Dean’s Office Representative

  • Erica McCray
  • Thomasenia Adams
  • Tina Smith-Bonahue
  • Glenn Good
  • Tom Dana

School of Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education (HDOSE)

  • Chris Redding
  • Anne Seraphine
  • Wei Li
  • Ben Skinner
  • Cathy Atria (alternate)

School of Special Education, School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies (SESPECS)

  • James McLeskey
  • Linda Lombardino
  • Meg Kamman
  • Valentina Contesse
  • Alisa Hanson (alternate)

School of Teaching and Learning (STL)

  • Magdi Castaneda
  • Mark Pacheco
  • Catherine Paolucci
  • Hyuni Jung
  • Anthony Botelho (alternate)

Meeting Minutes

Two people standing together wearing hats

Faculty Salary Influences

Updated December 9, 2021