May 2, 2002

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present: James Archer, Maureen Conroy, Vivian Correa (Chair), Bridget Franks, Nancy Waldron, and Elizabeth Yeager

Members Absent:  Phil Clark, Jane Townsend, Lamont Flowers, and Max Parker

Others Present:  John Kranzler

Call to Order:

Vivian Correa welcomed the new FPC members and called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m.

Approval of the Agenda:

Kranzler stated that he would like an item to be placed under discussion during today’s meeting related to the responsibilities of Dean’s representatives on committees.


Archer stated that Max Parker was resigning from the FPC.

Membership of the 2002-2003 FPC Committee:

Correa announced the new members and their length of service on the FPC by department:

Department of Counselor Education:

Jim Archer (2), Max Parker (1) (now resigned), and Silvia Echevarria-Doan (alternate)

Department of Educational Psychology:

Nancy Waldron (2), Bridget Franks, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg (alternate)

Department of Educational Leadership, Policy and Foundations:

Lamont Flowers (2), Phil Clark (1), Dale Campbell (alternate)

Department of Special Education:

Maureen Conroy (2), Paul Sindelar (was alternate and will serve a 1 year term), Cyndy Griffin (alternate)

School of Teaching and Learning:

Elizabeth Yeager (2), Jane Townsend (1), Elizabeth Bondy (alternate)

Correa reminded the new members that if they are unable to attend the FPC meeting, they must notify their alternate who will attend in their place.

Membership of Operating and Standing Committees:

Correa also stated that FPC members each serve on a Standing Committee.  A draft copy of the membership on the Operating and Standing Committees was presented:

Undergraduate Admissions and Petitions Committee

Assistant Dean for Student Affairs – Theresa Vernetson

Affirmative Action Officer – Theresa Vernetson

FPC Member – Bridget Franks (1 year)

Faculty 1 – Rose Pringle (1 year)

Faculty 2 – Anne Seraphine (2 years)

Graduate Admissions and Petitions Committee

Associate Dean for Graduate Studies – John Kranzler

Affirmative Action Officer – Theresa Vernetson

FPC Member – TBA

Faculty 1 – Elizabeth Bondy (1 year)

Faculty 2 – Silvia Echevarria-Doan (2 years)

Faculty Affairs Committee

Dean’s Representative – Rod Webb

FPC Member – Jane Townsend (1 year)

Faculty 1 – Mary Brownell (1 year)

Faculty 2 – Danling Fu (1 year)

Faculty 3 – Linda Behar-Horenstein (2 years)

Faculty 4 – Randy Penfield (2 years)

Research Advisory Council

Dean’s Representative – John Kranzler

FPC Member – TBA

Faculty 1 – Tracy Linderholm (1 year)

Faculty 2 – Diane Silva (1 year)

Faculty 3 – Barbara pace (2 years)

Faculty 4 – Colleen Swain (2 years)

Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee

Dean’s Representative – Theresa Vernetson

FPC Member – TBA

Student Representative – TBA

Faculty 1 – Stuart Schwartz (1 year)

Faculty 2 – Ruth Lowery (1 year)

Faculty 3 – Mary Ann Clark (2 years)

Faculty 4 – Sevan Terzian (2 years)

Long Range Planning Committee

Dean’s Representative – Rod Webb

FPC Member – TBA

Faculty 1 – Jeanne Repetto (1 year)

Faculty 2 – David Miler (1 year)

Faculty 3 – Harry Daniels (2 years)

Faculty 4 – Hazel Jones (2 years)

Election Committee (need to appoint members for 2002-2003)

Previous Members:

Faculty 1 – Larry Loesch

Faculty 2 – Dale Campbell

Faculty 3 – John Gregory


Candace Harper (need to appoint new member for 2002-2003)

Correa stated that there are four FPC slots on the Standing Committees available.  She also said the FPC member on the committees were responsible for convening the first meeting in the fall.  Committees would then elect their chairpersons.

College Curriculum Committee:

Correa discussed that the department chairs selected the members of the College Curriculum Committee.  The new committee format will include the secretary of the FPC as a non-voting member, one member from each department and two students (one undergraduate and one graduate).

Agenda and Steering Committees:

The chair of the FPC, the secretary of the FPC, and the Dean chair the Agenda Committee.  This committee sets the agenda for the FPC meetings.

The Steering Committee consists of the chair of FPC, the secretary of FPC, and Associate Dean Webb.  This committee schedules the faculty meetings.

Meeting Schedule:

Correa suggested that the FPC meetings be held every two weeks at the designated time for college-wide meetings (Mondays from 2-4 p.m.).  FPC members agreed and set up the meeting schedule for the fall and spring semesters.  The scheduled meetings are:

August 26, September 9, September 23, October 7, October 21, November 4, November 18, December 2, December 16, January 13, January 27, February 10, February 24, March 24, April 7, April 21, and May 5th.

Action Item:

Selection of Secretary

Correa reviewed the constitutional language regarding the duties of the FPC secretary:  “The Council shall elect one of its regularly elected and tenured members to serve as Secretary of the Faculty Policy Council.  The Secretary is a voting member of the Council.  The Secretary of the FPC shall have .25 released time, reached in agreement with his/her chair or director, for the fall and spring semesters.  The Secretary shall become the Chair of the FPC the subsequent (or following) year.”

Correa asked for nominations to serve as Secretary of the FPC.  Waldron and Conroy volunteered to run for the position.  Correa will send an electronic ballot to the FPC members.  The FPC members will vote on one of these individuals to serve as Secretary to the FPC.

Discussion Items:

Kranzler requested clarity as to what role he served on the College Curriculum Committee, Research Advisory Committee, and the Graduate Admissions and Petitions Committee.  Kranzler wanted clarification on whether he was a voting member on the Research Advisory Committee and the Graduate Admissions and Petitions Committee.  He also asked if Dean Representatives could serve as chair on these committees.  Some FPC member stated that it might not be appropriate for college administrators to serve as chairs.  The committee guidelines and responsibilities of members of the committees will be discussed at the fall FPC meetings.

Yeager stated that she was interested in the FPC position on the Graduate Admissions and Petitions Committee.  Franks stated that last year there were some concerns with graduate coordinators serving on the Graduate Admissions and Petitions Committee.  Correa will raise this issue with the FPC in the fall.  Conroy stated that she was interested in the FPC position on the Research Advisory Council.

Franks moved and Conroy seconded that the meeting be adjourned.  The FPC voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 am.