April 25, 2002

2337 Norman Hall

Faculty Policy Council Update

1. Accomplishments:

Stephen Smith reported that the majority of the members of the Dean’s Search Committee were College of Education faculty.  The FPC was able to generate a faculty discussion about the Dean’s search at the fall faculty meeting, and the FPC passed this along to the search committee when it was formed.  Some of the FPC suggestions were incorporated in the Dean’s search.  The FPC was able to schedule time with for faculty to meet with the candidates in the recent Dean’s search as well.

He also stated that the Faculty Policy Council had developed meeting protocols, established election criteria, assigned members to standing committees, provided documentation through meeting minutes available to all faculty, and developed a manual for FPC meetings, and procedures for the operating and standing committees.

Stephen Smith also announced that, through the cooperation with the Dean and Department Chairs, the FPC was able to establish a common meeting time where no classes would be taught by faculty for college and department committee work.  This time period is Mondays from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

The FPC was involved in the Dean’s Goal Setting Retreat and the Dean’s Budget Advisory Committee throughout the year.  Smith stated that the FPC will hopefully take its first vote next Monday to approve new language for the Graduate Catalog regarding the Ed.D., and the discussion regarding graduate admissions will continue.

2. Report on Operating Committees

Stephen Smith reported that the Operating Committees consisted of the Agenda Committee which sets the agenda for the FPC and is chaired by Stephen Smith, the College Curriculum Committee which is chaired by Vivian Correa, the Graduate Admissions and Petitions Committee, which met continuously throughout the year and is chaired by Hazel Jones, and the Undergraduate Admission and Petitions Committee, chaired by Sandra Witt.

3.  Report on Standing Committees

The Standing Committees consist of the following:

The Research Advisory Committee, chaired by Tracy Linderholm, made recommendations to the FPC about rewording the Ed.D. narrative in the Graduate Catalog.  Recommendations for next year’s committee include:  advising Graduate Studies Office on setting guidelines for grant submissions and the dissertation review process and its importance as a function of the Graduate Studies Office.

The Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee, chaired by Ruth Lowery, made recommendation to the FPC about alternatives to current college policy for graduate admissions.  Next year’s committee recommendations include:  issues related to the GRE for graduate admission in the College, and issues related to doctoral student recruitment.

The Faculty Affairs Committee, chaired by Nancy Waldron, engaged in fact-finding procedures related to Tenure and Promotion.  Next year’s committee will focus on communication in the COE about criteria for Tenure and Promotion, including promotion from Associate to Full Professor.

The Long Range Planning Committee, chaired by Jeanne Repetto, has investigated strategies for increasing research infrastructure.  Recommendations for next year’s committee include the use of an Executive Report, which outlines nine different areas for consideration.

4. Constitutional Revisions

Stephen Smith reported that changes for the constitution were identified and an ad hoc committee will serve next year to review and revise the constitution of the COE.

5. Future of FPC

Stephen Smith stated that he looked at the future of the FPC on a 3-5 year perspective.  The FPC’s first year was to explore and build, 2nd year will be more substantive with regard to some decision-making.  Smith has great optimism about the FPC’s third year of operation and beyond.

Introduction of Award Winners and New Staff (Ben Nelms)

Dr. Vivian Correa offered appreciation to Laurie Douglass and Susan Stabel for their assistance with taking minutes at the FPC meetings and the College Curriculum meetings.  Flowers were presented to both Laurie and Susan.

Dr. Stephen Smith presented Dr. Correa with flowers and a gift certificate in appreciation for her hard work and service as secretary to the FPC this year.

Dr. Stephen Smith was presented with a plaque for his service in chairing the FPC this year.

Dean Nelms announced that Dr. Fong was recently appointed Associate Professor; Dr. Cecil Mercer has received the Outstanding Doctoral Mentoring Award from the University of Florida; Dr. Stu Schwartz was awarded Teacher of the Year from the University of Florida and was the recipient of Earnest L. Boyer International Award for Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Technology; and Dr. Rose Pringle was awarded Teacher of the Year from the College of Education.

Dean Nelms introduced new staff and faculty:  Jimmy Ebersole, Coordinator of special Events and Alumni Development; Mary Driscoll, Director of Development; Kay Hughes, Director of Professional Development and Communications; Dr. Theresa Vernetson, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, and Ms. Iona Malanchuk, Head Librarian for the College of Education.  Dean Nelms also mentioned that Suzanne Brown would be continuing as Assistant Director of the Library at the COE and that Cary Hunt was retiring after 30 years with the College of Education.

Iona Malanchuk thanked the faculty for their welcome and asked all faculty to let her know what their research interests and library materials needs are.  She would like to develop a profile of the colleges research interests, new terminology describing what faculty are working on, and individual contacts the faculty communicate with.

Dean Nelms announced the five UF Foundation Research Professors and congratulated them on their achievement:  Dr. Mary Brownell, Dr. David Miller,

Dr. Jamie Algina, Dr. John Kranzler, and this year’s recipient, Dr. Paul Sindelar.

Associate Dean’s Report (Rod Webb)

Associate Dean Rod Webb discussed the recent fire, which involved the elevator shaft in old Norman.  He stated that work needed to be done on evacuating the building within three minutes (not 20 minutes), everyone must evacuate regardless of tests being given or meetings being held, and the fire alarms need to be checked and kept in working order in both new and old Norman.  He also announced the beginning of the renovation of the Dean’s suite and stated that the monies used for this construction are funds that may not be used for programs or faculty or staff salaries.  Classrooms on the fist two floors of old Norman Hall also will be renovated.  Faculty will need to teach current classes across campus until the renovations are completed.

Dean Webb announced that the NCATE teams have met once every week.  Syllabi for courses can now be found on line and the NCATE group will begin collecting vita in preparation for the DOE and NCATE visits which will occur in February of next year.  Dean Webb stated that a mock visit would occur early in the fall 2002.  All programs need to be coordinated around a conceptual framework.  The faculty reviewed the conceptual framework and Dean Webb presented it at the Faculty Spring Meeting.  It states:  “The college of Education and affiliated programs prepare reflective professionals who organize, disseminate, and create knowledge; promote democratic values; and serve diverse communities.”

Dean Webb thanked Dr. Correa and Dr. Smith for their excellent leadership during the first year of the Faculty Policy Council.

Dean Search (Art Sandeen)

Dr. Art Sandeen stated that Dr. Paul George was out of town; therefore, he was reporting on the recent Dean’s Search.  He stated that two Dean candidates had been recommended to the Provost:  Dr. Catherine Emihovich and Dr. Peggy Fong.  The Provost will submit his comments and decision to the College as soon as possible.

Dr. Sandeen thanked the Dean’s Search Committee for their fine work.

College-wide Elections (John Gregory)

Dr. John Gregory stated that results of the recent college elections could be found on line as well as in a recent email from Dr. Larry Loesch.

Dean’s Personal Remarks (Ben Nelms)

Dean Nelms commented that, throughout the 43 years he has served as an educator, after each semester he felt a certain state of melancholy – just as he feels now at the end of his term as Interim Dean.  He said that the last two years serving as Interim Dean have been rewarding and pleasant, but he did not enjoy having to cut $587,000 from the college budget.  He thanked Associate Dean Webb,  Interim Associate Dean Kranzler, and Assistant Dean Vernetson for their very hard work.  He also stated that the College of Education is very much appreciated on the university campus and the deans of the various colleges on this campus and throughout the state of Florida are very supportive of our College of Education.  The Administration of the University of Florida also is supportive of our College and the College is held in high esteem politically across the state of Florida.

Dean Nelms stated that the College needs to work on outreach projects in schools throughout Florida, as well as stay in touch with alumni and work more closely with community colleges.  Dean Nelms reported that through the FPC, it was apparent that faculty governance could be collaborative rather than adversarial.  He also stated that we all need to be more aware of the College as a whole and we need collaboration and interdisciplinary cooperation.  He commented that the College reputation is more important than rankings.  Dean Nelms thanked the faculty for their support over the past two years.

Smith requested discussion on items mentioned during the meeting.  Dr. Ross stated that faculty input is needed at the Glover Task Force meeting at Lake Wauberg Lodge on April 26th, and at a public forum at the Reitz Union Auditorium on Thursday, May 2nd, at 8 am. Moving some classes from the COE to the CLAS will be a topic of discussion and faculty input is needed.

Smith then presented Dean Nelms with a John Moran photograph of the Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings home in Cross Creek in appreciation of his service as Interim Dean.  Dean Nelms thanked the faculty for their support and collaborative efforts and for their help in laying a foundation for future faculty governance in the College of Education.

Smith thanked Deans Nelms, Webb, Kranzler, and Vernetson for their support in the formation of the FPC.

Dr. Phil Clark moved and Dr. Brownell seconded that the meeting be adjourned.  The meeting was adjourned by a unanimous vote at 4:15 pm.