
1.  In accordance to the College of Education Constitution (Article III, Section 2), The Dean of the College, as the President’s designee, shall appoint such Associate and Assistant Deans and other administrative officers of the College as deemed necessary after seeking faculty input on each position. The duties and responsibilities of such Associate and Assistant Deans shall be determined by the Dean to provide for the execution of College policy. The service of the Associate and Assistant Deans shall be reviewed every two years by the faculty.

2.  Review provides a formal, systematic way for the faculty to have input into assessment of Assistant and Associate Deans, the vast majority of whose activities bear directly on the faculty.

3.  Review provides a structured mechanism for feedback and advice for the improvement of College of Education administration and for the maintenance of superior administrative performance.

4.  Review provides a psychological boost through the knowledge that an Assistant and Associate Deans’ efforts and the program that is the focus of those efforts will be reviewed at regular intervals and that favorable performance will be endorsed by the constituencies to which the administrator has responsibilities.

5.  Review encourages both the administration generally and the individual administrator to set appropriate goals and to assess one’s success in reaching those goals.

6.  Review extends beyond the review of the individual administrator, because

A.  In general, it stimulates internal review of the areas for which the administrator is responsible, a process that may be most beneficial to the College of Education as a whole, and

B.  It allows those most directly affected (i.e., the faculty, students, and staff) to study the Assistant and Associate Deans’ responsibilities and his or her performance in meeting those responsibilities.


1. Administrative officers holding positions bearing directly on the campus-wide teaching/research mission of the University of Florida College of Education shall have their performance and that of their offices evaluated regularly by a process referred to as a Review.  Review shall apply to the following academic officers/offices reporting to the Dean of the College of Education.

A. Assistant Dean, Student Services

B. Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research

C. Associate Dean, Academic Affairs

2. The review shall be conducted at the end of every three years in office.

3. Early in the spring semester of each academic year, The Dean of the College of Education shall provide the Faculty Policy Council with a list of all administrative officers subject to Review the following year.  He or she shall have responsibility for selecting the membership of the Review Committees, according to the following provisions:

A. The majority of the members of the Review Committees shall have direct knowledge of the responsibilities of the administrator to be reviewed.

B. The Faculty Policy Council’s Agenda Committee shall submit a list of prospective Review Committee members to the Dean.

C. The list shall contain approximately one-third more names than requested by the Dean, so as to provide him or her some choice in appointments to the committee.

D.  In addition to receiving nominations for the Review Committee from the Agenda Committee, the Dean shall solicit nominations from appropriate representative groups.

E. Before being made final, the composition of the Review Committee shall be submitted by the Dean to the Agenda Committee for discussion.

F. The Dean shall appoint the chair.

4. The Dean shall make his or her requests for the creation of Review Committees simultaneously with the announcement of the officials to be reviewed in order to allow at least one semester for completion of the Review process.

5. The Dean and the Chairperson of the Faculty Policy Council shall convene the Review Committee.  The Dean shall provide the Review Committee with a description of the duties and responsibilities of the administrator under Review, as well as arranging for reasonable and adequate staff and resources for the activities of the Review Committee.  The Review Committee shall have latitude in establishing its own procedures, provided that it responds with data to the following questions as a minimum:

A. Has the administrator set valid goals and objectives for the unit?

B. To what extent does the administrator facilitate the achievement of these goals?

C. How effectively does the administrator represent and promote the unit to persons within and outside the unit?

D.  How effectively does the administrator relate to the faculty, students, and staff?

6. Prior to submitting its findings to the Dean, the Review Committee shall:

A. Provide the reviewed official with a copy of the report, and

B. Meet (not less than three days later) with the official being reviewed to discuss its findings with him or her and to solicit reactions.

C. The reviewed official may attach a brief and concise written response to any material in the report.

7. Subsequent to meeting with the reviewed official, the report will be given to the Dean.