Members present: Dr. Michael Bowie, Dr. Vivian Correa, Dr. Harry Daniels, Dr. James Doud, Dr. Kathy Gratto, Ms. Kay Hughes, Dr. John Kranzler, Dr. James McLeskey, Dr. David Miller, Dr. Mickie Miller, Dr. Don Pemberton, Dr. Dorene Ross, Dr. Theresa Vernetson, Dr. Nancy Waldron, Dr. Rodman Webb, and Dr. Sandra Witt
Information Items
Committee members reviewed the October 15, 2002 meeting minutes. Dr. Pemberton made a motion to accept the minutes, Dr. Bowie seconded the motion, and the committee members agreed unanimously on their acceptance.
Dean Emihovich circulated packets of information from the University of Southern California, Lehigh University, and Michigan State University that contain descriptions of academic programs, centers, and related information for review by committee members. She reported that Ms. Hughes is in the process of creating a similar packet to showcase programs in the College of Education. She also circulated an announcement about the Professional Development School Conference that will take place at Towson University in Baltimore on March 27-29, 2003.
Interim Associate Dean Kranzler distributed copies of the College of Education Fact Book, 2001-2002, a document compiled by the Office of Graduate Studies and Research that reports comprehensive information about student enrollment; faculty issues related to teaching, research, and service; degrees, grades, and attrition; and provides a 2001-2002 fiscal analysis. Associate Dean Kranzler will disseminate this document to the department chairpersons and deans. He will also post it on the Office of Graduate Studies and Research Web site.
Dean Emihovich and Ms. Hughes have met with Ms. Jackie Levine, managing editor at the Gainesville Sun, and several other Sun editors and staff members in an effort to increase the future visibility of College initiatives through publication in the Sun.
Dr. Vernetson distributed handouts from a UF workshop on the Buckley Amendment that was held on October 22. She indicated that she would welcome input and questions about the Buckley Amendment and confidentiality of student records from the departments.
Drs. Doud, McLeskey, Ross, Vandiver, and several local principals will participate in a meeting that addresses issues related to “redesigning the principalship” at Innisbrook Conference Center in Tarpon Springs next week.
Dr. Correa will address a Blue Ribbon Commission on doctoral leadership in special education programs in Washington, D.C. this week.
Discussion Items
- Proposal for Continuing Professional Development for Teachers
The Provost has requested that the College of Education submit a proposal that outlines the ways in which the College can meet the needs of teachers. Dean Emihovich and Interim Associate Dean Kranzler met with Provost David Colburn, Vice-President for Research and Graduate School Dean Winfred Phillips, and Graduate School Associate Dean Ken Gerhardt in September to discuss ways in which the College could respond to the continuing professional development needs of teachers.
The College of Education and the Graduate School have agreed to develop a proposal for the Provost’s approval. The College of Education proposal—drafted by Associate Dean Kranzler following consultation with Dean Emihovich and the Faculty Policy Council—addresses three separate issues:
- Teachers Pursuing the Master’s of Education (M.Ed.) and Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) Degrees
- Postbaccalaureate Status for Teachers
- Minimum GRE Requirement for All Graduate Students in the College of Education
Associate Dean Kranzler referred the draft proposal to the Faculty Policy Council (FPC) for review. The FPC referred it to the Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee (SRAC). The SRAC endorsed the draft proposal and supported it in principle with respect to the admission of students for doctoral-level graduate programs. The SRAC referred the proposal to the FPC with its recommendations. At the FPC meeting on November 4, a motion was made to approve the proposal so that it could go forward for further deliberation with the Graduate School and Provost. The FPC did not support the motion; four committee members voted for it, five voted against it, and one abstained.
Issues pertaining to the draft document were discussed, including the following:
- Dr. Correa indicated that the proposed changes in the third section—specifically, the 900 minimum GRE score for admission—would negatively impact the students in the five-year Proteach Program, especially minority students.
- She also reported that the minimum GRE score requirements have been historically a contentious issue for many Proteach students.
- The importance of teachers’ professional development, including the possibility of providing professional development courses through distance education, was discussed.
- A reconfiguration of the College’s undergraduate teacher education programs will have to be considered.
- Pending changes in teacher certification, including a proposed national examination, will impact professional preparation programs throughout the nation.
- The proposal would result in discrepant graduate admission standards for (a) practicing teachers and (b) students in teacher-preparation programs.
- It was noted that the College should be allowed to set graduate admission standards that are professionally defensible and ethical; Dr. McLeskey cited the low correlation between “good teachers” and their GRE scores. He also suggested that Section 3 (Minimum GRE Requirement for All Graduate Students in the College of Education) should mirror Section 1 [Teachers Pursuing the Master’s of Education (M.Ed.) and Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) Degrees] more closely.
- Issues were discussed related to valid documentation regarding the “success” of our graduates.
- The costs involved in the successful recruitment of and competition for minority students were discussed.
- There was discussion of the Graduate School requirement that an externally validated measure, such as the GRE, be used for admission decisions. Other options that have been presented for consideration have not been accepted.
- Dr. Vernetson recommended replacing the term “teachers” by the term “professional educators” in the title of and in the first sentence of Section 2 (Postbaccalaureate Status for Teachers).
- Options for alternative admission criteria were discussed, including no longer requiring the GRE for students in five-year professional preparation programs. Dr. Ross recommended reexamining the Proteach Program GRE-GPA data, using different data configurations (e.g., students who present a 3.4 GPA and a score of 850 or higher on the GRE) before the proposal is submitted to the Graduate School.
- Associate Dean Webb asked whether it would be possible to add an option for allowing students to petition in the third section.
- Dean Emihovich asked each of the chairs how their programs would be affected by setting a minimum standard of 900 on the GRE, apart from the impact it would have on the Proteach program. Each chair acknowledged it would have little effect since they do not typically accept students below this score.
Associate Dean Kranzler indicated that this proposal must go forward soon for consideration by the Graduate School.
After an extended discussion, Dean Emihovich agreed to amend the draft proposal in the following ways:
- Add the phrase “to include undergraduates students currently enrolled in the Unified Early Childhood and Elementary Education programs” after “certified teachers” in the first sentence of Section 1 [Teachers Pursuing the Master’s of Education (M.Ed.) and Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) Degrees]. The rationale could include that these students are close to teacher certification status. The teacher shortages in Florida and other states could also be cited.
- Delete all references to Proteach students in Section 2 (Postbaccalaureate Status for Teachers).
- Delete all references to Proteach students in Section 3 (Minimum GRE Requirement for All Graduate Students in the College of Education) since they would be covered by the changes in Section I.
Dean Emihovich indicated that she intends to present the draft proposal to the Graduate School by November 18. She also indicated that she and Associate Dean Kranzler would advise the Graduate School and Provost that the faculty are not completely supportive of the draft proposal, at least not for students in professional preparation programs.
- Cost Sharing on Grants
Dean Emihovich plans to establish a policy (with review by and input from the FPC) that will provide for the sharing of indirect costs with the College for grants that are awarded with other units. Such cost sharing will be used to provide for the costs involved in funding College grant-related expenses. She discussed this idea at the FPC meeting on November 4, and reported that she needs the support of the faculty before she can present a proposal to the other UF deans.
- College Strategic Planning
Dean Emihovich will meet with Provost Colburn on November 19 to discuss the College of Education’s Strategic Planning initiatives. She will revise the document that was prepared by the College of Education to outline the College’s strategic directions in response to the UF Presidential Task Force. She has requested that the FPC and DAC review this document and provide input before she submits the final version to the Provost.
She indicated that the framing piece of the College strategic plan would address issues related to children and families. She requested specific input from committee members about how the College’s programs are important for the UF strategic planning initiatives in three separate areas (a selection of responses is included under each area description):
- Core strengths in the College that align with the strategic plan that the University must fund.
- External funding for children and families
- College of Education rankings (higher than other UF units)
- Outreach
- Collaboration
- Translating research into practice in different contexts
- Core strengths in the College that that do not seem to align with the strategic plan but should continue to be funded.
- Partnerships
- New instructional technologies
- Models of cognition and learning
- Where the College can interface with the University’s interdisciplinary priorities and strengthen them and the College simultaneously.
- Teacher education is broader than College program issues alone, as evidenced by the College’s ongoing and proposed collaborative initiatives with other units, including the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Department of Pediatrics, the Brain Institute, Engineering, and the Institute of Child Health Policy.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.