Members present:  Dr. Michael Bowie, Dr. Vivian Correa, Ms. Mary Driscoll, Dr. Kathy Gratto  (for Dr. Jim Doud), Ms. Kay Hughes, Dr. John Kranzler, Dr. James McLeskey, Dr. David Miller, Dr. Mickie Miller, Dr. Don Pemberton, Dr. Dorene Ross, Dr. Pete Sherrard  (for Dr. Harry Daniels), Dr. Theresa Vernetson, Dr. Nancy Waldron, Dr. Rodman Webb

Information Items

Committee members reviewed the October 1, 2002 meeting minutes.  After minor corrections on the attendance list, Dr. David Miller moved to accept the minutes.  Dr. Vernetson seconded the motion, and the minutes were accepted by unanimous vote.

Discussion Items

Vision discussion in the College:

Rod Webb commended Dr. Correa on facilitation of the Fall Faculty meeting, October 11, 2002 and asked the DAC members for their impressions of the vision discussion.  Comments included the following comments and observations:

  • There was little discussion of research, reward structure, personnel preparation, and academic commitment.
  • Only half the faculty attended the meeting and not everyone spoke.
  • The discussion was helpful and diverse, but incomplete.
  • The FPC should continue vision discussions in the future in collaboration with the dean’s office.
  • Committee members agreed that the Deans and faculty should be involved in future discussion of the vision.  A suggestion was made to choose a particular idea and move forward (e.g. teacher education, doctoral program).

Rod Webb stated that Deans Emihovich and Vernetson met with Paul Nagy, U.F.’s Coordinator in the Office of Educational Services (assigned to the Office of the Provost), and Curtis Jefferson, Vice President of Academic Affairs at Santa Fe Community College.  A proposal to establish a collaborative teacher education program with SFCC in areas of critical shortage, particularly in mathematics, science, and special education was discussed.

Preliminary suggestions for such collaboration included the following:

  • SFCC might provide facilities and faculty to teach lower division classes
  • UF faculty and graduate students might teach upper division courses
  • COE, LAS, and SFCC faculty would produce high-quality, focused, four-year programs
  • Programs could include elements of distance learning

Rod Webb asked committee members to list possible benefits of well-designed, collaborative degree programs with SFCC.


  • Recruiting more students from more diverse backgrounds
  • Recruiting students from non-traditional backgrounds
  • Feeder for graduate programs/5th year teacher education
  • Better parking
  • More accessibility/Satellite campuses
  • Gives COE an opportunity to think differently about our role in addressing critical needs (Large scale undergraduate programs)
  • SFCC’s infrastrucure for technology – delivery of instruction
  • Would not necessarily supplant Proteach – but make Proteach smaller (elementary)
  • Clinical faculty used to potential advantage
  • Opportunity for graduate students to teach and more leadership roles for graduate students
  • Clinical teachers (school-based) plus graduate work opportunities with COE
  • Shortage of qualified Special Education teachers
  • Recruitment of Special Education teachers
  • Good community relations builder
  • Provides leverage with Provost’s office for graduate admissions rules
  • Politically pleasing
  • Academic support at SFCC available in greater quantity (remedial courses, tests, etc.)
  • We get to count them
  • Four year program at SFCC might protect five year program


  • Students might not come to UF if SFCC charges less
  • “Caste” system
  • Replicating programs at two sites?
  • If BA only, program integrity is a problem (elementary, early childhood)
  • Concern about SFCC “taking over” the BA program
  • NCATE visit is in April 2003.  There is lots to do!  Time?  Incentives?

Next Steps

  • Ask SFCC if they will do BA alone
  • Is COE going to set standards for faculty teaching in program?
  • Who is going to do this?
  • Fact finding at other community colleges – what models are available?
  • What’s going to happen if COE doesn’t do this?
  • Implications for redesigning programs?

Dr. Bowie announced that the Office of Recruitment, Retention and Multicultural Affairs will sponsor a minority recruitment event in the COE.  His office will bring up to two minority applicants per department to UF for a 2-3 day expense-paid visit.  He asked departments to suggest applicants he can invite to this event.

Beginning in the spring, the Office of Recruitment, Retention and Multicultural Affairs will offer two GRE refresher courses each semester.

Dr. Bowie’s office will offer a 3-hour workshop on Cultural Diversity for Administrators in December.  Dr. Bowie will submit possible dates later in the week.

Dr. Pemberton announced that a Lastinger Advisory Council meeting was held on October 4.  Forty-four administrators, teachers, COE faculty, and business leaders attended the meeting and contributed to the discussion of the Lastinger Center’s work and vision.  Participants reviewed the Lastinger Center Concept Paper, and encouraged the Center to conduct regular surveys exploring pressing educational issues.

Dr. Mickie Miller announced that on October 3 the UF Alliance team participated in “UF on the Road, Orlando Tour”.  Part of the tour included a visit to Jones’ High school, a new member of the Alliance.

Rod Webb distributed a list of “Occupations Gaining the Most New Jobs” as an informational item.

Meeting adjourned at 10:45.