December 16, 2002
Room 158 Norman Hall
Members Present: Phil Clark, Maureen Conroy, Vivian Correa, Silvia Echevarria-Doan, Lamont Flowers, Cynthia Griffin (for Paul Sindelar), Mirka Koro-Ljungberg (for Bridget Franks), Jane Townsend, Nancy Waldron, Elizabeth Yeager
Members Absent: Jim Archer
Others Present: Dean Catherine Emihovich, Associate Dean John Kranzler
Correa called the meeting to order at 2:06 p.m.
Agenda and Minutes
1. Approval of the agenda for December 16, 2002.
Conroy made a motion to approve the agenda. Echeverria-Doan seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.
2. Approval of the minutes of the December 2, 2002 Meeting.
Associate Dean Kranzler requested two revisions in the section Graduate Admissions—Continuing Professional Development for Teachers. Specifically, ”Gerhardt” should replace “The Provost and Vice President” in the third sentence. He clarified the position of the Provost, who supports the consideration of exceptions for current teachers and for students currently enrolled in the Proteach Elementary and Early Childhood Programs to the UF graduate admission criteria of a minimum score of 1000 on the GRE and a 3.0 upper-division GPA. He indicated that further discussion with the Provost and Graduate School is underway.
Clark made a motion to approve the minutes (as revised). The motion was seconded by Yeager, and the revised minutes were unanimously approved.
Reports from FPC Committees
· College Curriculum Committee.
Waldron stated that the next CCC meeting is scheduled for January 6.
· Undergraduate Admissions/Petitions Committee.
No report
· Graduate Admissions/Petitions Committee.
Echevarria-Doan reported that the committee met on December 6 to consider petitions for seven students (five supported, two denied) and would meet again on February 7.
· Faculty Affairs Committee.
Townsend reported that the committee met December 12 and is continuing to review feedback on the Tenure &Promotion Procedures.
· Research Advisory Committee.
Conroy reported that the committee met with Dean Emihovich on December 10 to discuss her goals for the proposed Collaborative Assessment, Research, and Evaluation (CARE) Office[1] in the College. Several issues related to the new office were discussed, including (a) office infrastructure, (b) support for grants and proposals, (c) building collaborative teams for large grants, (d) seeking fellowship opportunities for students, and (e) evaluation grants.
The CARE office will be staffed by a fiscal assistant, two graduate assistants, a program manager, and a faculty member designated to oversee the work of the office. RAC will assist the Dean in writing a position description for a program manager. The position will be advertised in January or February. The RAC plans to attend department faculty meetings to gather input from faculty on the desired role for the CARE office.
RAC received a small number of responses regarding COE doctoral research requirements. The responses ranged from maintaining to completely changing the current requirements. The RAC discussed the idea of holding faculty forums to allow interested faculty to discuss the issue.
· Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee.
Yeager reported that the committee met on December 12 to discuss the proposal on continuing professional development for teachers, minority recruitment strategies, and the College’s options with regard to adopting the UF Graduate School’s policy of not requiring a GRE score for doctoral admission for applicants who hold master’s degrees from accredited programs. The committee would hold its next meeting on February 13.
· Long-Range Planning Committee.
No report.
Correa indicated that she has invited faculty to the spring faculty forums and has placed information about the faculty forums on the FPC Web site for faculty review.
Report from the Dean
Dean Emihovich reported that she has been meeting with potential donors. Attempts are being made to identify areas of faculty expertise and interest and match this information to potential donors. Some common interest areas that are being explored are leadership, and incorporating the arts in learning.
Emihovich briefly discussed David Lawrence’s recent visit to the College and possibilities for collaborative projects. Early childhood education is an area of emphasis for the State that may provide impetus for the development of a state-of-the-art early childhood research center at the COE.
Unfinished Business
1. Procedures for conducting faculty forums [Long-Range Planning]
The FPC discussed the development and facilitation of the faculty forums that are scheduled for February 3rd and March 3rd, 2003.
It was noted that assigning certain committees to develop and facilitate these forums would set a precedent for future assignments related to faculty forums.
The following related topics were discussed:
· Importance of involving the LRPC in the spring faculty forums because the focus of the meetings will relate to College “vision”
· The importance of “shared governance” with regard to the selection of topics for future faculty forums
· The involvement of the LRPC and the FPC with the process of planning and facilitating future faculty forums
FPC members agreed that LRPC should have the primary responsibility for planning and conducting the upcoming faculty forums, given the focus on “A Vision for the COE.” Correa reiterated the importance of organizing “successful” faculty forums, and indicated that it was important for FPC to provide support to LRPC by responding to requests related to the development, planning, and facilitation of the forums.
- Approve Review for Assistant/Associate Dean Evaluation Guidelines
Correa distributed a revised draft document that describes the rationale and procedures for conducting a review of the COE assistant and associate deans. She revised a document that is used by the Indiana University School of Education for the faculty review of academic administrators (Review Procedures for School of Education Academic Administrators – Indiana University).
This document provides procedures for regular review of the performance of administrative officers who hold positions bearing directly on the campus-wide teaching/research mission of the COE, as outlined in the COE Constitution.
This review will apply to the following academic officers/offices who report to the Dean of the COE:
· Assistant Dean, Student Affairs
· Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research
· Associate Dean, Academic Affairs
The FPC members in attendance, Dean Emihovich, and Associate Dean Kranzler reviewed the draft document. Several possible scenarios were discussed, and some document revisions were recommended, including:
· A proposed change from two years to three years for the review interval
· Add a provision for the reviewed official to be able to respond in writing to the review, if necessary, for the record
· A revision in the process of submitting the Review Committee’s report to the Dean
Dean Emihovich noted that the Dean would share the final copy of the report with the reviewed administrator. She reiterated that the Dean should have discretion regarding the ultimate action that is to be taken with regard to the reviewed administrator.
Correa will revise the document, utilizing the input from the FPC discussion, and present the revised document for final review at the next FPC meeting.
New Business
- The agenda was reviewed for the upcoming Dean’s Advisory Council/Faculty Policy Council Retreat, scheduled for Thursday, December 19, 2002 [8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.]
According to the preliminary agenda, Retreat attendees will divide into five groups to discuss how to implement elements of the COE strategic plan. The designated groups are:
1. Strategies for developing more collaborative programs
2. Strategies for increasing student recruitment and retention
3. Strategies for building research infrastructure
4. Strategies for balancing faculty load
5. Strategies for increasing diversity among faculty, staff, and students
The FPC members and committee chairs who plan to attend include Mary Brownell, Sevan Terzian, Jim Archer, Phil Clark, Jane Townsend, Maureen Conroy, Vivian Correa, and Nancy Waldron.
Correa distributed copies of the following two memoranda to FPC members:
· Memorandum from Jean A. Larsen, Faculty Senate Chairperson (dated November 11, 2002) to President Young and Provost Colburn about UF shared governance proposals (the Faculty Senate report is available at:
· Memorandum from Provost Colburn to UF Deans, Directors, and Department Chairs (dated December 16, 2002) requesting the submission of the criteria used by each college/unit during this year’s tenure and promotion proceedings.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:41 p.m.
[1]The CARE Office will foster multidisciplinary and inter-institutional research, identify funding sources, support proposal writing and processing, assist in grant administration, and help in report preparation.