October 7, 2002

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present: Jim Archer, Phil Clark, Maureen Conroy, Vivian Correa, Silvia Echevarria-Doan, Lamont Flowers, Bridget Franks, Paul Sindelar, Jane Townsend, Nancy Waldron, Elizabeth Yeager

Other Present: Associate Dean John Kranzler

Correa called the meeting to order at 2:07 p.m.

Action Items

1.  Approval of the agenda for October 7, 2002.

Clark made a motion to approve the agenda as submitted by Correa.  Yeager seconded the motion.  The FPC unanimously approved the agenda as it was submitted.

2. Approval of the September 30, 2002 Minutes

Conroy made a motion to approve the minutes of September 30th, which was seconded by Sindelar.  The minutes of September 30, 2002 were unanimously approved with the following revisions:

a. Members reported absent that had an alternate attend the meeting should not be marked absent.  Mention should be made that Campbell attended as an alternate for Clark, and Bondy attended as an alternate for Yeager and Townsend.  Clark, Townsend and Yeager should be removed from the absent list.

Reports of FPC Committees

· Agenda Committee

Correa reported that the Agenda Committee discussed an item addressing the need to review the research requirements for doctoral programs in the College. The committee was unsure of the path this issue should follow; which committee should work to develop a proposal? Also, where would the proposal be approved? The issue was generated by the Research Advisory Committee (RAC), but there was also consideration of whether it should go to the College Curriculum Committee (CCC) because it involves program/curriculum changes.

Correa stated that the Agenda Committee would send the issue to the RAC.  Following review by the RAC, the proposal will be presented as an agenda item to the FPC prior to being submitted to the College Curriculum Committee.

Kranzler stated that the current research requirements for the doctoral degree were established in 1984 according the CCC minutes and that this might be a good time to review these requirements.

Waldron added that the duties of the RAC might need to be revised, along with other committee descriptions in the Constitution. Clark stated that this should occur when changes are made to the Constitution this year.

· College Curriculum Committee

Waldron reported that the CCC met on September 30, 2002 and will hold its next meeting on October 28, 2002.  Submissions to the Committee must be made to Laurie Douglas in room 125 Norman Hall at least two weeks prior to the meeting.

· Undergraduate Admissions/Petitions Committee

Franks reported that this committee would meet on October 11, 2002.

· Graduate Admissions/Petitions Committee

Echeverria-Doan reported that the committee would meet on October 18, 2002.

· Faculty Affairs Committee

Townsend stated that this committee would meet on October 14, 2002.

· Research Advisory Committee

Conroy stated that the committee would meet on October 15, 2002 to discuss decisions regarding doctoral requirements.  Conroy also stated that Dean Emihovich has been invited to attend the meeting and discuss the proposed CARE office.  Revisions regarding the EdD/PhD also will be discussed

· Student Recruitment and Admission Committee

Yeager reported that this committee met on September 26, 2002.  Yeager stated that they discussed Graduate Admissions procedures.  Kranzler announced that some changes are being considered through the Provost’s office that may effect graduate admissions.  Terzian and Mary Ann Clark will co-chair the Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee to assist with recruitment efforts, student surveys, and orientations for graduate students within the COE, receptions, workshops, and a better interface of graduate coordinators with the students.  This committee will meet again on October 31st.

· Long-Range Planning Committee

Archer stated this committee would meet on November 8th, at 3:30 pm in the Counselor Education Conference Room.

· Ad hoc Committee on Assistant/Associate Dean Review

Townsend, Correa, and Clark will meet with Associate Dean Webb to begin discussions of how the review will be conducted. Townsend will arrange the initial meeting of this committee.

Unfinished Business

1. Filling Vacancies on Operating and Standing Committees

Correa reported that a new member of the Undergraduate Admissions/Petitions has been appointed. As directed by the FPC, Correa consulted with the Elections Committee and it was determined that the runner up for the committee in the Spring election was Dick Renner.  He has agreed to serve on the committee for this year.

It was proposed that this general procedure (consulting spring election results to identify the a runner-up) be used for any future vacancies on elected FPC committees. This would require that the election committee retain the final results of all elections for one year.

Correa stated that Loesch and Gregory have agreed to continue serving on the Elections Committee, and there is a need to identify one new member.  The names of two potential committee members were identified, Ashton and Schwartz.

Correa announced that Phil Clark has agreed to be the Parliamentarian for this year.

2. Update on Graduate Admissions Proposal

Kranzler reported on a recent meeting that addressed graduate admission issues for teachers. The meeting included Kranzler, Emihovich, Colburn, Phillips, and Gerhardt.

The Provost indicated that due to the critical shortage of teachers in the state, the university may be open to alternative admissions criteria for teachers interested in being recertified or obtaining a master’s degree. This is particularly important given that the University is interested in increasing admission standards for the Graduate School and is considering the elimination of postbaccalaureate status.

Sindelar inquired about the postbaccalaureate issues and impact on fifth-year students in Pro-teach. The point was made that these students also help fill the critical shortage of teachers, even more so than teachers who are already teaching and are coming back for Master’s degrees or recertification.

Archer stated there is a statewide shortage for school counselors. Could alternative admission procedures apply to other shortage areas, in addition to teachers?

Kranzler remarked that these issues are not on the agenda yet and that Colburn appears to be focusing only on teachers.

Sindelar inquired about the minimum GRE score for admission.  Kranzler responded that he believed it would be set at 900.

Discussion focused on the need to have the Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee move forward with consideration of the graduate admissions policy for the college. Sindelar stated that this policy focuses on procedures for admissions, while the meeting with Colburn was addressing criteria. It is important that the College provide information and be proactive in making recommendations about any alternative admissions criteria.

Correa suggested that if additional meetings are held on these issues that one or two members of the Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee should attend.

Kranzler will meet with Emihovich this week and discuss the FPCs issues regarding this topic.


1. College of Education Fall Faculty Meeting

Correa announced that the Fall Faculty Meeting would be held in Room 250 on Friday, October 11, from 3 – 5 pm.

Correa has posted the proposed COE Tenure and Promotion procedures on the FPC website.  These guidelines are ready for discussions with faculty and department chairs.

Townsend moved the meeting be adjourned.  Clark seconded the motion.  The Committee voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 3 pm.