January 13, 2003
Room 158 Norman Hall
Members Present: Jim Archer, Phil Clark, Maureen Conroy, Vivian Correa, Silvia Echevarria-Doan, Lamont Flowers, Paul Sindelar, Bridget Franks, Jane Townsend, Nancy Waldron, Elizabeth Yeager
Others Present: Dean Catherine Emihovich
Correa called the meeting to order at 2:06 p.m.
Agenda and Minutes
1. Approval of the agenda for January 13, 2003.
Franks made a motion to approve the agenda. Sindelar seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.
2. Approval of the minutes of the December 16, 2002 Meeting.
Townsend recommended a revision for the New Business section. She noted that faculty invited to attend the Dean’s Advisory Council/Faculty Policy Council Retreat were FPC members and chairpersons of standing committees. The minutes were revised to reflect this change.
Conroy made a motion to approve the minutes (as revised); seconded by Sindelar. The revised minutes were unanimously approved.
Reports from FPC Committees
· College Curriculum Committee.
Waldron stated that the committee encountered difficulties when using an e-mail voting procedure for course approvals, in place of a face-to-face meeting. The e-mail voting procedures were revised to include a comment period, followed by a designated voting period. The CCC also indicated a preference for face-to-face meetings, particularly when a new course is being presented for approval. This ensures that the faculty member proposing the course is able to present information about the need for the new course and also respond to questions from committee members. The next CCC meeting is scheduled for February 3.
· Undergraduate Admissions/Petitions Committee.
This committee has not met since the last FPC meeting.
· Graduate Admissions/Petitions Committee.
Echevarria-Doan announced that the committee will meet on February 7.
· Faculty Affairs Committee.
Townsend reported that the committee met December 12 and is continuing to review the feedback on the Tenure & Promotion Guidelines. The committee is in the process of scheduling meetings for the spring semester.
· Research Advisory Committee.
Conroy reported that the COE Research Advisory Committee would meet January 16th. The issues to be addressed in this meeting are: The CARE office, IDC allocations between UF units, and gaining faculty input on the COE doctoral research requirements.
· Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee.
Yeager reported that the committee would hold its next meeting on February 13.
· Long-Range Planning Committee.
Archer indicated that a meeting would be scheduled soon. This committee will organize the faculty forum that will take place on February 3.
Report from the Dean
- Dean Emihovich reported that the Dean’s Advisory Council/Faculty Policy Council Retreat on December 19 was very productive. She indicated that the strategic plan is under development. A chart that summarizes key issues, strategies, recommended actions, person(s) responsible, and timelines that were identified and addressed at the Retreat would be posted on the Web for faculty review. Faculty feedback will be requested.
- John Donaldson has been hired as the College Webmaster, effective January 6, 2003. He will be a resource for the entire College. His immediate responsibilities include: Maintaining the College’s web server; assisting departments as they update their web sites in preparation for the NCATE review; reviewing College sites to ensure compliance with College, UF, and “Bobby” standards; assisting department web masters; assisting in the construction and maintenance of College databases; and building dynamic capacities into College sites.
- The Graduate School has not notified the College about their decision regarding graduate admission criteria for teachers, as well as students in the Proteach unified elementary and early childhood programs. Emihovich will ask John Kranzler to contact the Graduate School about the status of the proposal.
- The Office of the Provost may replace the “instructor” position with the “lecturer” position, and possibly create three levels of lecturer; e.g., “lecturer,” “senior lecturer,” and “master lecturer.”
- Dean Emihovich announced her plan to build leadership capacity in the College by creating new leadership opportunities for faculty, staff, and students. She would like to designate 12 persons to serve as part of a leadership development team. The team’s charge will be to address issues of critical need within the College. The first issue that will be addressed will be diversity. The Dean indicated that team members may receive a stipend for assuming this responsibility. She will request nominations from faculty, department chairs, staff, students, as well as self-nominations.
- Dean Emihovich plans to present an overview of the COE budget at the February 10th FPC meeting.
Unfinished Business
- Revised Assistant and Associate Dean Review Guidelines
Correa distributed the document that she has revised (Review Procedures for Assistant and Associate Deans). The document describes the rationale and procedures for conducting a review of the COE assistant and associate deans. This document provides for a review of the performance of administrative officers who hold positions bearing directly on the campus-wide teaching/research mission of the COE, as outlined in the COE Constitution.
The document includes revisions that were made based on the input from the FPC discussion at the December 16, 2002 meeting.
Clark made a motion that the FPC approve this document. His motion was seconded by Yeager. The motion was unanimously approved.
Correa has contacted department chairs to request nominations of faculty members for the committee that will review Associate Dean Webb. She also asked for FPC members to notify her with self-nominations, if they wish to serve on this review committee.
- Faculty Forum (February 3, 2:00-4:00 p.m.)
The FPC discussed the faculty forum that is scheduled for February 3. The LRPC will organize this forum. Clark recommended that it be publicized to faculty, who should be aware that this is a forum for the entire College faculty. Correa noted that information about the Faculty Forum has been posted on the FPC Website.
New Business
- Selection of the (permanent) Associate Dean of Research, Graduate Studies, and Technology
Dean Emihovich announced at the Dean’s Advisory Council meeting of January 7th that she has appointed Interim Dean John Kranzler to a permanent position. Faculty concerns were raised about the procedures used for this appointment, as there was no process for faculty input as described in the COE Constitution.
The COE Constitution states:
COE Constitution, Section 2 – Associate and Assistant Deans
The Dean of the College, as the President’s designee, shall appoint such Associate and Assistant Deans and other administrative officers of the College as deemed necessary after seeking faculty input on each position. The duties and responsibilities of such Associate and Assistant Deans shall be determined by the Dean to provide for the execution of College policy. The service of the Associate and Assistant Deans shall be reviewed every two years by the faculty. (ARTICLE III – Administrative Officers)
Dean Emihovich presented her rationale and related background information about why she decided to appoint Interim Associate Dean Kranzler to a permanent position, including some important changes in the administrative function that this position would serve in the future. She indicated that the title of this position might be changed to Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Technology. Increased responsibility with regard to information technology and institutional database management will be assigned to this position. She cited external pressures that necessitate the College track and monitor all data related to professional education and graduate programs. She also noted the impact of the creation of the CARE Office (Center for Academic Research and Evaluation). Oversight of this office will include a faculty member hired as the director of CARE, and possibly a future Associate Dean of Research.
Dean Emihovich is also considering the roles and responsibilities of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. Many other colleges of education have a position entitled Executive or Senior Associate Dean. This person is largely responsible for the internal operations of the College. This allows the Dean of the College to divide time between internal college matters and other duties related to college development and external constituencies.
FPC members emphasized the need to follow COE Constitution requirements for faculty input for all internal or external searches for Deans’ positions. This includes moving individuals from interim to permanent status and redefining positions. For example, if the position Associate Dean of Academic Affairs is redefined to an Executive/Senior Associate Dean, this would constitute a need for faculty input on any individual being considered for the new position.
Dean Emihovich indicated her regrets for not following COE Constitution procedures and assured the faculty that she will solicit their input for such appointments in the future. She stated that faculty members will be involved in decision making in the College, including the advisability of reorganizing the responsibilities of Associate Deans.
FPC recommended that to address faculty concerns, Dean Emihovich announce to the faculty the appointment of a permanent Associate Dean of Research, Graduate Studies, and Technology. The announcement should specify reasons for the permanent appointment, a time table for the review of the Associate Dean Kranzler, and a statement that the requirements of the COE Constitution will be followed for any future appointments or reassignments of an Associate/Assistant Dean.
- Leadership America
Dean Emihovich announced that Vivian Correa has been selected to be a participant in Leadership America.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:41 p.m.