Members present: Dr. Michael Bowie, Dr. Nancy Dana, Dr. Tom Dana, Dr. Harry Daniels, Ms. Dotti Delfino, Dr. James Doud, Ms. Mary Driscoll, Dean Catherine Emihovich, Ms. Kay Hughes, Dr. John Kranzler, Ms. Iona Malanchuk, Dr. James McLeskey, Dr. David Miller, Dr. Ben Nelms, Dr. Pam Pallas, Dr. Donald Pemberton, Dr. Frances Vandiver, Dr. Theresa Vernetson, Dr. Nancy Waldron, Dr. Rodman Webb
Information Item
The June 24, 2003 minutes were unanimously approved.
- OnLine Class Rolls and Listservs
Dean Emihovich reported that adjuncts, visiting scholars, graduate and teaching assistants will no longer have automatic access to class rolls online. Effective fall 2003, faculty members and department and college grade coordinators will have access to online rolls through the UF portal. Department chairs were asked to send a list of names of people who need this access to Dean Kranzler so he could request authorization from the Registrar’s office.
- Dean’s Advisory Committee Retreat
Dean Emihovich announced that a Dean’s Advisory Retreat has been scheduled for September 26, 2003 from 8:30-4:00 (place to be announced later). The topic of discussion will be Strategic Initiatives (e.g. prioritizing and resources). All members of DAC, FPC committee chairs and departmental representatives, and additional faculty will be invited to attend.
- Grant Opportunities
Dean Emihovich announced that The Multi-University Reading, Mathematics and Science Initiative (MURMSI) at the Learning Systems Institute, Florida State University is seeking proposals for research projects addressing high priority research needs in K-12 Reading, Mathematics and Science education. Research projects will be subcontracted out to other state institutions at approximately $155,000,000 each. In addition, people can submit proposals for planning grants for about $5,000. Dean Emihovich encouraged interested persons to request proposal applications, and noted that proposals are due September 12, 2003.
- Legislative Opportunities
Dean Emihovich announced that the University of Florida has been asked to identify projects for federal priorities in 2003-2004. Committee members discussed the following ideas for proposal consideration: Ecology of Families, The South Carolina Teacher Cadet Program, Parent Education/Families and ICARE. Input on new project requests must be submitted to the Dean’s office by the next DAC meeting on September 23, 2003.
- College Events
Ms. Kay Hughes announced that the Office of Information and Publication Services needs professional pictures of new faculty. She also announced that Mr. Jimmy Ebersole, Alumni and College Events Coordinator has accepted a new position in President Young’s office. The following College events have been scheduled to date:
September 10, 2003 – College Ice Cream Social (1:00 pm)
September 12, 2003 – New Faculty Reception (3:30 pm)
October 3, 2003 – Grand Guard Reunion Lunch (12:30 pm – Dr. Correa Guest Speaker)
October 21, 2003 – College Retirement Reception (6:00 pm)
October 23, 2003 – Career Night (7:00 pm)
November 7-8, 2003 – Homecoming
December 20, 2003 – Graduation (2:00 pm)
May 2, 2004 – Graduation (Time TBA)
Ms. Hughes also announced that the Office of Information and Publication Services will be publishing an on-line monthly newsletter and the Education Times on a quarterly basis.
Dr. Vandiver announced that the opening of P. K. Yonge Performing Arts Center will be held during the week of December 8, 2003.
Mary Driscoll announced that an unveiling of Albert and Alberta will be held on Wednesday, August 27 at Emerson Hall. Everyone is invited to attend. She also announced that the next Development Committee meeting will be held on September 12, 2003.
Ms. Iona Malanchuk announced that the Children’s Literature Comprehensive Database (CLCD), is a new electronic resource that brings together the widest range of useful information about the world of pre-K through 12 literature, including international sources, reviews, author/illustrator web links, awards and prizes, reading programs, best books lists, audio books and videos. Access through the Education Library is via UF Libraries Home Page ( Ms. Malanchuk also expressed concern about thieves in the Education Library. She suggested that Norman Hall be checked during off-hours and arrange to know who will be in the building at any given time for safety purposes.
Dean Webb announced that Dr. Arthur Levine, President of Teachers College at Columbia University, will share his perspective on the future of higher education, on October 8, 2003 at 7:30 p.m. at the Philips Center for the Performing Arts.
Discussion Items
- Update on Budget
Ms. Dotti Delfino reported that new financial software will soon be available. The College does have a budget and the Dean will be meeting with chairs and directors in the near future to distribute individual budgets. The Enterprise Resource Program (ERP) is being implemented due to decentralizing policy changes in Finance and Accounting. Staff will be trained directly and cross training is encouraged.
- Update on Technology
Dr. Kranzler reported the following updates on technology:
- Microsoft Exchange servers will be in place by the end of the fall semester.
- A greater emphasis will be placed on integrating technology with support.
- New college databases will be created linked to the development of a unit-wide assessment system.
- Graduate Studies has completed a survey of graduates and working on current student survey. A survey of technology support and services will be conducted in near future.
- Under the new server system, machines will be password protected and only designated security administrators will have access to all computers. New security policies will be drafted with input from the FPC technology committee and chairs. It was noted that no individuals would be able to access information on someone else’s computer.
- Updates on Programs and Centers
Dean Emihovich announced that renovations are underway in the new Office for Evaluation, Research and Inquiry office located in room 134. The Institute for Children and Adolescent Research and Evaluation (ICARE) will also be housed in this area. Staff members are on board, a search is currently underway for the research coordinator, and the search for a director will begin later in the semester.
Dean Webb reported the following College updates:
- Students are driving over the barricade in the parking garage. This problem has been reported to Traffic and Parking.
- Tenure and Promotion training has been extended.
- Building activities include the new research office and Digital World. Faculty will be invited to tour Digital World in the near future.
- G520 classroom will be set up by IT.
Dr. Don Pemberton, Director of the Lastinger Center for Learning, reported the following updates:
- Center has focused on four practice areas: Improving teaching, learning, and leadership;
- Securing and sustaining family and community engagement in schools;
- Ensuring high poverty schools are also high achieving schools; and
- Creating the Lastinger Center Clearing House to develop and bring effective practices, tools, resources, and initiatives to students, teachers, principals, schools, and communities.
- The Summer Institute was successful.
- Currently 11 faculty are engaged in the Center’s work and additional faculty are needed.
Dr. Pam Pallas, Director of Baby Gator, reported the following updates:
- The Center is being revamped and revitalized in the areas of curriculum, staff patterns and meals.
- The goal is to become a high quality children’s care and research center. Special attention will be given to accommodate children with special needs.
- Students are allowed to intern but will need prior authorization from the director.
- She will actively be seeking new facility and money via grant-writing and research.
Dr. Nancy Waldron, Chair of Faculty Policy Council (FPC), reported the following updates:
- Dr. Maureen Conroy has been appointed as the FPC secretary for 2003-2004.
- The FPC web site will be updated in 2-3 weeks.
- FPC is working on operationalizing its committee structures.
- The issue of non-tenured faculty participating in the governance structure will be discussed this year.
Dr. Theresa Vernetson, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, reported the following updates:
- The University of South Florida has eliminated their Early Childhood Program.
- The Education College Council (ECC) Committee will meet every Monday. Dr. Art Newman, Department of Educational Leadership, Policy and Foundations, will serve as the new faculty advisor. Dr. Vernetson asked Chairs to encourage faculty to become involved in ECC activities and provide their support.
- A Draft of the Minority Recruitment and Retention Plan was distributed. All changes have been made and final approval will be given by FPC.
Dean Emihovich distributed an article written by Robert Shireman that was published in the Chronicle of Higher Education entitled “10 Questions College Officials Should Ask About Diversity.” She encouraged Committee members to read the article and consider how to move forward on this issue.
- Space
Dean Webb reported the following updates on space issues:
- The College has several upcoming projects but no space to house them;
- FPC will be asked to establish space policies;
- The Fiscal office will conduct an inventory of space in the near future in order to compile a database;
- The expansion of Norman Hall remains a long term goal.
Due to time constraints, Dean Emihovich asked that the remaining centers and departments delay their reports until the next meeting. She then distributed a first draft of the College Strategic Initiatives for 2003-2007. The list contained initiatives the College is either currently maintaining, or will be establishing over the next four years. The purpose of the list is to identify projects, programs, and initiatives that will be the basis for aligning current and future resources generated from state, federal, or private funds, and which can be institutionalized for permanent base support. She asked that committee members e-mail her items that should be added to the list. She stated that future conversations will take place over the year on how to collaborate more effectively, and to develop themes and priorities.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 AM.