February 9, 2004
Room 158, Norman Hall
Members present: Jim Archer, Jennifer Asmus, Maureen Conroy, Dave Honeyman
(alternate for Dale Campbell), Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Linda Lamme, Terry Scott, Nancy Waldron, Craig Wood, Elizabeth Yeager
Members absent: Dale Campbell
Others present: Dean Kranzler
Waldron called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
Agenda and Minutes
1. Approval of agenda for February 9, 2004
Conroy made a motion to approve the February 9, 2004 meeting agenda as submitted by Waldron. Archer seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.
2. Approval of the minutes of the January 12, 2004 minutes
Wood made a correction to the minutes. Asmus made a motion to approve the January 12, 2004 minutes with the changes requested. Honeyman seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the minutes as amended.
1. FPC Agenda Committee Meeting.
The next meeting is scheduled for February 16, 2004 from 11:00 – 12:00 noon. Issues to be placed on the agenda for this meeting should be forwarded to Waldron or Conroy.
2. COE Spring Faculty Meeting.
Waldron reported that the Spring Faculty meeting is scheduled for March 29, 2004 from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. An announcement including the location of this meeting will be sent out to faculty.
3. Associate Dean for Academic Affairs – Search Committee Membership
Conroy and Waldron met with the Dean to discuss additional faculty members for the Associate Dean Search committee. The new list of search committee members was presented to the FPC. Kranzler made a correction to the search committee membership list noting that Dr. Don Pemberton, Director of the Lastinger Center for Learning, will not be serving on the committee. Waldron announced that review of applications for Associate Dean for Academic Affairs position will begin on February 16, 2004.
Committee Reports
1. College Curriculum Committee
Conroy reported that the minutes for this committee will be placed on the web. The last meeting was cancelled due to lack of agenda items. Reading courses were on hold, but they have been approved. Proposals are on review for developing an interdisciplinary, cross discipline, doctorate.
2. Faculty and Budgetary Affairs Committee
Archer stated that he does not know when the committee meets because he has not received notice of the meetings. Waldron referred him to the committee chair, Dick Allington. Waldron reported that the committee is putting the final touches on the proposal for representation of nontenure accruing faculty on the FPC. She expects this proposal to be presented to the FPC in March.
3. Lectures, Seminars & Awards Committee
Asmus reported that they have completed the nominations for Doctoral Dissertation Advisor/Mentoring Award. Kranzler stated that the Faculty Travel Awards deadline is February 18, 2004. The committee is currently receiving applications for the faculty travel award. This competition will use the same criterion that was used last year. In addition, Asmus reported that the President of the University of Florida, Dr. J. Bernard Machen, will speak at commencement.
4. Long Range Planning Committee
No report
5. Research Advisory Committee
Wood reported that the committee is working on a proposal for developing an ad hoc committee for the research professorship award. Criteria for application materials for this award are currently being discussed.
6. Student Recruitment, Admissions, and Petitions Committee
Yeager reported that the topic for the last meeting was graduate student recruitment and retention and surveys of recent graduate students. Graduate student enrollment has dropped and is expected to continue to drop in the fall 2004. This may be due to a lack of resources. To increase enrollment, the committee has discussed creating posters, making changes to the web page, reviewing enrollment trends, producing recruitment materials for faculty to share at conferences, developing a recruitment database as well as distance education programs, and evaluating what other programs do to recruit students. The committee will be meeting on Wednesday, February 9, 2004 at 9:00 a.m.
Yeager announced that the contact person for the newly created graduate student organization is Karen Kuhel who will be providing FPC with a graduate student representative.
Kranzler noted that a list of questions have been distributed to all departments asking them about recruiting graduate students. The responses will be tallied and summarized on Wednesday. Additionally, COE will award a Dell laptop to the graduate student awarded with the Presidential Fellowship.
Conroy asked if the committee had considered increasing graduate assistantships and stipends. Yeager indicated that they did although the committee is still discussing how to acquire those funds.
7. Technology Committee
Scott reported that the committee has discussed the web policy and it has been distributed to department chairs. Following department chair review, the web policy will be presented to the FPC. Kranzler noted that if department chairs have questions or concerns the web policy would be reviewed and revised before it is presented to FPC.
8. Ad Hoc Committee on Procedures for Annual Review of COE Dean
Campbell reported that the committee is collecting information from Kansas-State and other universities to use as sample assessment tools. The committee will be meeting following the FPC meeting. The preliminary information they have collected and developed is being refined.
Report from Dean
No report
New Business
1. Faculty Attendance at Spring COE Commencement
Waldron announced that the first college only commencement will be held on Sunday, May 2, 2004, at 2:00 p.m. Dr. Vernetson, (committee chair), requested that FPC discuss how to encourage faculty attendance at the commencement. Yeager stated that having President Machen speak at commencement is the committee’s biggest accomplishment so far. The committee wants a good faculty turn out at commencement so they are pleading with faculty to be present and support the event.
Honeyman questioned if arrangements have been made about the role of faculty. Yeager responded that the committee is still discussing faculty involvement. Honeyman questioned the time of day of commencement and whether or not lunch could be provided to faculty members. Yeager responded that social activities as well as the recognition of faculty have been discussed including a brunch and/or a reception for select groups.
Asmus questioned whether or not regalia would be provided. Honeyman shared his experience with commencement where faculty was required to attend but though expensive, the Dean paid for regalia.
Waldron agreed that COE faculty should be recognized and the committee should make it as easy as possible for faculty to participate.
Wood questioned if faculty would still be hooding doctoral students. Yeager responded to the affirmative and reported that marshals have already ready been arranged.
Wood was concerned about selectively providing brunch versus cookies and punch to commencement attendees because of it potential to set an unfair tone. Yeager responded that it is a budget issue and that there would be distinguished guests and the college cannot feed the entire group. Wood replied that using “select” defeats the purpose. Yeager responded that the committee is still discussing the event.
Waldron asked FPC how they thought faculty attendance could be enhanced. Archer questioned the cost of regalia. Asmus replied that the cost was between $50 and $70. Waldron shared that other colleges who have separate commencements have mass measurement and distribution of regalia.
Waldron asked whether or not FPC wanted to leave the issue to the committee or if FPC wanted to make a statement. Archer stated that if the committee wanted faculty to participate, they had to provide as many incentives as possible. Honeyman suggested that the college provide faculty with parking. Waldron noted that parking would not be an issue because it is a separate graduatation on a Sunday at O’Connell Center.
Scott shared that marshals did not pay for their regalia last year. Waldron replied that marshals do not pay but other participants do. Archer noted that used regalia could be purchased on the Internet.
Wood questioned why faculty not hooding a doctoral student would go. Waldron responded that the commencement would be a nice end of year event. Conroy stated that if faculty had a defined role it would be beneficial for them to attend and that undergraduate students like to see faculty present. Yeager added that from a public relations perspective, faculty attendance is important. Conroy noted that she is proud of her undergraduate students and in her past experience faculty has been able to borrow regalia.
Archer suggested that because students and faculty are much more connected to their departments, departments may consider organizing their own activities.
Asmus questioned whether or not graduate and undergraduate students were participating in commencement. Yeager responded that there was just once commencement for all students.
Waldron asked the length of commencement. Yeager replied that commencement is 11/2 hours.
Waldron and Conroy will forward FPC comments to Vernetson.
2. Admission requirements to Secondary and Pathways to Education Minors
Yeager made a motion to put undergraduate minor admission requirements amendments on the table. Archer seconded the motion.
Yeager reported that changes to the admission requirements for Secondary PROTEACH students has been initiated because the committee wants to make Pathways to Teaching and Secondary PROTEACH consistent, eliminate barriers to recruiting, and conform to state requirements.
Honeyman questioned how many students were in the Secondary program. Yeager responded two. Honeyman asked for clarity about whether the changes affect admissions to the minor or to PROTEACH. Yeager replied that the changes would affect the minor.
Honeyman asked if students would still have to follow regular admissions guidelines. Honeyman replied in the affirmative.
A motion was made to accept the changes and the motion was seconded. The FPC unanimously approved the motion.
3. FPC Elections
Waldron shared the FPC procedures that have been used for the last two years. The first two years, elections were by paper ballot. Last year, elections were completed on the Internet. Waldron asked for a discussion on how elections will take place this year noting that online voting went smoothly last year. Additionally, Waldron shared a tentative timeline for elections. The dates listed do not conflict with spring break or major conferences and it also provides time for the new council to meet on May 3rd in order to elect a new Secretary.
Wood questioned if FPC is observing contracts. Waldron responded that faculty is on contract until the 5th.
a. Internet elections
Archer and Honeyman agreed with the use of the Internet if it is easier and it works. Asmus questioned whether or not double signing would be a concern. Waldron responded that it would not. Koro-Ljungberg questioned the percentage of people responding to the Internet election compared to those responding to the written. Waldron replied that she will check that information and added that with the Internet there were no complications or difficulties and the results were immediate.
Honeyman questioned what problems there were with the language in the write up of FPC elections procedures. Waldron indicated that the languages of the procedures are written as though the elections are done on paper. Waldron stated that if FPC decided to continue with web elections, she would tailor the language. Waldron also added that we could do both web elections and paper ballots.
Asmus asked if there were any complaints with web elections. Waldron replied that there were none.
Honeyman questioned if there could be a run off on the web. Waldron responded yes.
Kranzler shared that in the future FPC would be able to create their own ballots.
Waldron asked FPC if elections should be placed on the web. FPC unanimously agreed. Waldron will change the language of the FPC elections procedures so it is consistent with Internet elections and distribute the procedures for review prior to the next meeting.
b. Elections time line
Waldron shared that the election takes place over seven business days. Asmus noted that the COE Spring Faculty Meeting on Wednesday, March 29th almost coincides with nominations. Yeager suggested that nominations be extended to the 29th of March in order to give faculty additional time to nominate. Waldron will extend the nomination period.
Waldron noted that calls for nominations are to listserv requesting department chairs for FPC Representatives. Calls for committee members go directly to department chairs.
Waldron asked FPC for additional comments. Waldron will proceed.
4. Proposal on Doctoral Research Requirements
Waldron reported that she has yet to send out a message based on FPC report asking faculty for comments on doctoral research requirements.
Waldron reminded FPC that the next meeting is on February 23rd from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Asmus made a motion for adjournment. Yeager seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m.