February 23, 2004

Room 158, Norman Hall

Members present: Jim Archer, Dale Campbell, Maureen Conroy, Linda Lamme, Ann McGill Franzen (for Elizabeth Yeager), Terry Scott, Nancy Waldron, Craig Wood

Members absent: Jennifer Asmus, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg

Others present: Dean Emihovich, Dean Kranzler

Waldron called the meeting to order at 2:08 p.m.

Agenda and Minutes

1. Approval of agenda for February 23, 2004

Lamme made a motion to approve the February 23, 2004 meeting agenda as submitted by Waldron. Conroy seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.

2. Approval of the minutes of the February 9, 2004 meeting

Kranzler and Emihovich made a correction to the minutes. Archer made a motion to approve the February 9, 2004minutes with the changes requested. Campbell seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the minutes as amended.


1. FPC Agenda Committee Meeting.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 22, 2004 from 11:00 – 12:00 noon. Issues to be placed on the agenda for this meeting should be forwarded to Waldron or Conroy.

2. COE Spring Faculty Meeting.

Waldron reported that the COE Spring Faculty meeting is scheduled for March 29, 2004 from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. An announcement has been sent out to faculty.

3. Scholarship of Engagement Awards

Waldron announced that the Scholarship of Engagement Award nominations are due March 19, 2004. Emihovich has sent out an e-mail with award information.

Committee Reports

1. College Curriculum Committee

Conroy reported that the committee has not met since the last meeting. The committee will be holding an electronic meeting on three courses on Monday, March 1, 2004.

2. Faculty and Budgetary Affairs Committee

Archer reported that the committee is conducting a survey about faculty load.

3. Lectures, Seminars & Awards Committee

No report

4. Long Range Planning Committee

Lamme reported that the committee has held two meetings. The meetings have focused on how technology can support faculty and improve the decline in enrollment. They have asked Ferdig, Foti, and Dana for assistance on how to move ahead on these issues as well as faculty research assistance, online work, creating a Director of Distance Education position within the college, and assisting faculty on developing and running courses. Other topics were discussed and will be placed in a report.

5. Research Advisory Committee

Wood reported that the committee met electronically. The committee came to consensus regarding research criteria and selection procedures for Research Professorships.

Kranzler added that a committee will be formed to determine the COE Research Professor Award recommendation.

Lamme commented that additional money is needed for the creation of endowed professorships. Emihovich shared that in order to create endowed professorships, donors need to be found and the money needs to be matched or else the position cannot be created.

6. Student Recruitment, Admissions, and Petitions Committee

No report

7.      Technology Committee

No report

8. Ad Hoc Committee on Procedures for Annual Review of COE Dean

Campbell reported that the committee is merging the information regarding the procedures for annual review of the Dean into a draft document. The committee will be meeting following the FPC meeting. Deans Webb and Emihovich will attend.

Report from Dean

1. Dean’s Advisory Council Meeting

Dean Emihovich invited the FPC to the Dean’s Advisory Council Meeting with President Machen on Tuesday, March 30th, from 9:00 – 10:00 in the Terrace Room. Refreshments will be provided and FPC representatives will be able to ask President Machen about the role of education. FPC representatives have been asked to inform Emihovich if they are interested in attending.

2. Announcements

Algina is chairing the search for the Research Director Position. In addition, an internal search will be conducted for the Director of the Center for School Improvement.

The Provost has developed a search committee for the Director of the UF Alliance Project. On the committee are Webb, Pringle, and Correa.

The Scholarship of Engagement Committee is being formed. Student scholarship winners, donors, Scholarship of Engagement winners and their nominees will be invited to the banquet being held on April 27, 2004 from 6:30 – 9:00 pm at Emerson Hall.

Emihovich reported that supplementing assistantships is an important goal. COE department chairs have been asked to identify doctoral students eligible for receiving the Sara Lavinia de Keni Scholarships. Four scholarships are available in the amount of $2000 a piece.

Emihovich discussed research professorships including information about 2 B.O. Smith Research Professorships. The professorship focuses on mid career to early career professors and provides a $5000 salary supplement, $3000 for research, and a .25 FTE to fund a graduate student. Emihovich said the endowed professorships are a high priority and donors are being explored. Endowed professorships cost $1.5 million and require a state match. Archer asked if matches are available and if business and other fields can be tapped for funds. Emihovich responded that yes, state matches have been funded and that her office is currently looking at those connected to the college including graduates, spouses, and “Friends of the College of Educa tion”. Emihovich added that because she is trying to build capacity in areas like research, the more ideas from faculty the better.

Waldron asked Emihovich if the FPC will have input in develop criteria for research professorships. Emihovich replied that because the money is coming from a donor account, a research focus on pedagogy is needed in order to receive the professorship but, other criteria can be developed. Waldron noted that the Research Advisory Committee can develop the criteria if needed.

Wood noted that retired faculty can make a gift via their estate. Emihovich added that the money from retired faculty is currently being used for a student scholarship. For example, the funding for the Dr. James L. Wattenbarger Fellowship was willed to the college.

3.      2004 College Program Review

Emihovich asked if FPC had any questions about the 2004 College Program Review. Emihovich reported that her office is currently looking for an Instructional Designer and someone to support Distance Education development. The office is also considering faculty release time in connection to the Distance Education position.

Campbell suggested the dean should include outreach efforts and highlight the St. Petersburg Community College Administration Preparation Certificate in Community College Executive Leadership. Emihovich noted the information and commented that the review would be sent out that afternoon. Wood added that his department has been consistently ranked, that the COE has been going off campus 30+ years and is the only institution in the state to be accepted into UCEA membership. Emihovich stated that she would add the information to the report.

Wood, Emihovich, Kranzler, and Franzen discussed replacement lines, enrollment, growth, and departmental rankings.

New Business

1. FPC Elections Procedure

Waldron asked for approval of the new FPC election procedures, which were changed to reflect Internet ballots and voting. Lamme made a motion to approve the changes and Archer second. The new procedures passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business

1. Minority Recruitment and Retention Plan


2. Participation of non-tenured faculty in college governance

Waldron reported that the Faculty and Budget Affairs Committee are still working on logistics.

3. University guidelines & COE pre-tenure review process

Waldron reported that the items are still under discussion.

4. Holiday Proposal

Waldron reported that at a previous meeting the FPC discussed putting a proposal forward from the FPC to the steering committee of the Faculty Senate on special designations for Jewish holidays. Lamme moved to place the topic back on the table. Archer seconded.

Lamme noted that Christian holidays have fallen on weekends and/or they do not affect the academic calendar as Jewish holidays do. Lamme shared that she is concerned with students who have to take exams on Jewish holidays because not all faculty members are sensitive to them. Archer added that maybe changing the academic calendar is not option but faculty should be sensitive and students should have recourse. Lamme noted that she has cancelled class but she brought the issue to FPC because she wanted to know if something else could be done.

Conroy questioned what the FPC could do because they could not change the policy.

Wood recommended that the issue be sent to the calendar committee.

Campbell suggested that an announcement be made to faculty.

Lamme noted that this topic is an issue for exams and attendance.

Emihovich stated that university policy needed to be checked for religious holiday exemptions and that the information should be found in the graduate and undergraduate catalog.

Archer recommended checking with the Student Affairs office.

Lamme noted that she would check with Student Affairs, have an e-mail sent to COE faculty, and report to the FPC at the next meeting. Dale recommended that the issue be forwarded to the Dean’s office. Waldron asked Emihovich to provide the university policy, remind the faculty of the policy, and if there was no policy, the issue would be placed back on the table.

Wood made a point of order asking if tabled items expire at the end of the term. Waldron replied yes.

Archer made a motion for adjournment. Campbell seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 3:22 p.m.