November 17, 2003
Room 158 Norman Hall
Members Present: Jennifer Asmus, Dale Campbell, Maureen Conroy, Silvia Echevarria-Doan, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Linda Lamme, Terry Scott, Nancy Waldron, Craig Wood, Danling Fu (alternate for Elizabeth Yeager)
Members Absent: Elizabeth Yeager, James Archer
Others Present: Dean Kranzler
Waldron called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.
Agenda and Minutes
1. Approval of agenda for November 17, 2003
Lamme made a motion to approve the November 17, 2003 meeting agenda as submitted by Waldron. Echevarria-Doan seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.
2. Approval of the minutes of the November 10, 2003 minutes
Lamme, Campbell, and Wood made several corrections to the minutes. Campbell made a motion to approve the November 10, 2003 minutes with the changes requested. Lamme seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the minutes as amended.
1. FPC Agenda Committee Meeting
The next Agenda Committee meeting is December 1, 2003, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon.
2. College Conversation Hour
Dean Emihovich will hold a College Conversation Hour on December 8th from 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. in the Dean’s Conference Room.
Committee Reports
1. College Curriculum Committee
Conroy was delayed in arriving at the meeting so no report was given. The next meeting is scheduled for November 24, 2003 at 2:00 p.m. in the Dean’s Conference Room.
2. Faculty & Budgetary Affairs Committee
The Faculty & Budgetary Affairs Committee met on 11/17/03. Echevarria-Doan reported that the committee is discussing the voting rights of non-tenured faculty. The committee is considering a two-tiered system:
a. Full time, non-tenured accruing and department affiliated faculty, which includes clinical faculty, lecturers, and assistant scholars. These individuals are more clearly aligned with departments. A faculty wide vote would occur for approval.
b. Professional track faculty, which includes PK Yonge, Dean Affiliated faculty, Graduate Assistants, Teaching Assistants, and visiting scholars. This change would be considered in the second phase. A rationale would be developed explaining how these individuals are part of the faculty.
Campbell suggested that the committee limit their recommendation to UF lecturer lines only initially pending review by the college for appropriate positon classifications or titles.
Kranzler clarified that currently voting rights were based on whether the faculty member is eligible for graduate faculty status.
Waldron stated that sufficient time needs to be allowed for this process to occur since it would require two meetings, approval of faculty, and a constitutional change.
Kranzler suggested that in-unit and out-of-unit faculty may need to be considered.
Wood asked for clarification as to what these faculty would earn access to (i.e., what voting rights).
Waldron stated that they would be able to participate as equal members in the College wide votes and faculty governance committee participation.
Waldron asked that committee develop a recommendation for the full FPC to consider.
3. Lectures, Seminars & Awards Committee
Asmus stated that the Committee is currently waiting for doctoral dissertation mentoring information. Dr. Webb has been asked to clarify the committee’s role relative to lectures and seminars.
4. Long Range Planning Committee
Lamme stated that the Committee is developing a proposal to share at the December 1st meeting.
5. Research Advisory Committee
Wood stated that the Committee is meeting electronically. The committee will be meeting with the Dean to begin the process of searching for the director of the OERI. The Research Advisory Committee approved the position for the coordinator and the director.
Wood expressed concern that the director search was not connected with the revenue generating effort.
6. Student Recruitment, Admissions& Petitions Committee
The next meeting is December 5, 2003. The Committee will look at graduate enrollment and recruitment.
7. Technology Committee
The committee is proposing a set of technology security procedures for the College. The current policies need to be more secure so that use of the web can be restricted to those using it for University business and those currently employed by the University. It was suggested that John Donaldson, the College of Education Webmaster, be consulted for ideas.
8. Ad Hoc Committee on Doctoral Research Requirements
Koro-Ljungberg reported that the committee discussed the possibility of eliminating the doctoral research tracks. There would be two sets of courses: qualitative research and quantitative research. All doctoral students (i.e., Ed.D. & Ph.D.) would be included. All doctoral students would have to complete 12 hours. Substitutions would be approved by Kranzler’s office. The committee will try to finalize the document at the 11/18/03 meeting.
Report from the Dean
No report
New Business
1. Constitutional requirement for annual review of Dean Emihovich
COE Constitution, Article III, Section 1
“The service of the Dean shall be reviewed annually by the faculty.”
Waldron stated that there has not been an annual review of the Dean in the past several years. As stated in the Constitution, the performance of the Dean should be reviewed annually. This review is not intended to be a formalized personnel review. The review should provide the faculty an opportunity to give feedback and information to the Dean about the College and her performance in fulfilling the dean’s responsibilities. The scope of the review and the process and procedures need to be developed prior to completing the review.
Wood suggested that a faculty survey be completed. It was thought that the results should be brought back to FPC and that it be determined at that time what should be done with the results.
Lamme asked what has been done in the past. Kranzler stated that Dean McDavis was not evaluated and a vote of no confidence was given to Dean Gonzalez before he left. The results of the Associate Deans’ evaluations are currently not shared. This review would be different from a personnel review since the Provost would do that type of evaluation of the Dean.
In the Agenda Committee the Dean had stated that she welcomed the review. Currently the review would only come from faculty, but the FPC would be able to ask the Dean’s office staff for feedback. Most other Colleges at the University of Florida have no constitution so there would likely not be a procedure for evaluating and reviewing of Deans that would be available from other Colleges.
Wood stated that sharing the results with the provost would be an option. Lamme stated that the next step should be to decide what FPC wanted to achieve from this evaluation and the way it should be done.
A Committee was formed to discuss this review and how it should be handled. Members of the committee are Linda Lamme, Nancy Waldron, Maureen Conroy, Craig Wood, Jim Archer, and Dale Campbell (chair).
Asmus made a motion for the formation of this committee to consider options and procedures for the evaluation of the College of Education Dean. Koro-Ljungher seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved.
2. Holiday Proposal
A proposed policy was distributed suggesting that the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, which is the high holy day of the Jewish religion, be recommended to the University as a University holiday. Lamme suggested that the College would work to urge the community at the University level who develop the calendar to reconsider the holy day of Yom Kipper. Scott asked for clarification for how the process would work. There was a discussion that included whether this was a good idea due to the issue of separation of church and state. In addition, a point was made that the winter break is not considered a religious holiday even though it always includes Christmas. There was also a discussion regarding the number of other religions on campus that have religious holidays that are not honored by the UF calendar. Campbell recommended that this issue be referred to a committee to determine the appropriate avenue for consideration. Waldron decided to table the issue until she could determine the appropriate committee and process for considering this proposal.
3. Follow up to Dean’s Budget Report
Conroy stated that she has not heard back from the Dean at this point.
A motion was made by Echevarria-Doan for adjournment and seconded by Wood. The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.