September 22, 2003

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present: Jennifer Asmus, Dale Campbell, Maureen Conroy, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Silvia Echevarria-Doan, Linda Lamme, Nancy Waldron, Craig Wood, Elizabeth Yeager,

Members Absent: Terry Scott

Others Present: Dean Catherine Emihovich, Associate Dean John Kranzler,  Dr. Tom Dana

Waldron called the meeting to order at 2:06 p.m.

Agenda and Minutes

1. Approval of agenda for September 22, 2003

Yeager made a motion to approve the September 22, 2003 meeting agenda as submitted by Waldron.  Lamme seconded the motion.  The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.

2. Approval of the minutes of the September 8, 2003 meeting

Lamme made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 8, 2003 meeting.  Campbell seconded the motion.  Dean Emihovich asked for several revisions to the minutes. The FPC unanimously approved the minutes with  the following two  changes: 1) Dr. Nancy Dana is the associate director for the Center for School Improvement;  and  2) the new president of UF may be announced as early as the end of the fall semester.


1.                  Barbara Yaney was introduced as the secretary assigned by Dean Emihovich to take minutes for the FPC meetings during the 2003-2004 academic year.

2.                  Silvia Echevarria-Doan was introduced as the alternate FPC member for Counselor Education. She will be replacing Jim Archer during the fall 2003semester.

3.                  The Dean’s Advisory Council will be holding a retreat on  Friday, September 26, 2003 from 8:00 am-4:00 pm at the Sweetwater Branch  Inn.

4.                  The College of Education Fall Faculty meeting will be held on Monday, October 20th from 3:00-5:00 p.m.

Committee Reports

1. College Curriculum Committee

Conroy reported the College Curriculum Committee will meet Monday, September , 29, 2003 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. in Norman 158.

2.                  Faculty and Budgetary Affairs Committee

Waldron reported that Vivian Correa was asked to convene the first meeting of the committee due to the absence of an FPC representative. The committee will meet Monday, September 29, 2003 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. in the Special Ed Conference Room

3.                  Lectures, Seminars & Awards Committee

Asmus reported that the committee is presently scheduling a time to meet.

4.                  Long Range Planning Committee

Lamme reported that Cyndy Griffin will serve as chair of this committee. At their first meeting they reviewed  the activities from the previous year and the committee’s progress toward meeting their goals. The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 29, 2003.

5.                  Research Advisory Committee

Wood reported that the Research Advisory Committee will meet Thursday, September 25, 2003 at 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. in Norman 290.

6.                  Student Recruitment, Admissions, & Petitions Committee

Yeager reported that the Student Recruitment, Admissions, & Petitions committee will meet on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 at 3:00 p.m. in Norman 2411.

7. Technology Committee

Dean Kranzler reported for Terry Scott. Scott will serve as chair of this committee. They will be holding their meetings on-line.

8. Ad Hoc Committee on Doctoral Research Requirements

Coro-Ljungher  reported that Jamie Algina will chair this committee.  At their first meeting, they began the discussion about the requirements and the tasks for the committee.

Dean’s Report

Dean Emihovich reported that the budget will be presented at the FPC October 6the meeting. Dean Emihovich will be unable to attend; however, Dean Webb will present the report and be available to answer questions.

Dean Emihovich reported that graduate enrollment has significantly declined this year.  This decline will impact long-range plans for the college and impact the current budget. She suggested a contributing factor may be the competition by alternative providers for masters and doctoral degrees. This issue will be discussed further in Friday’s retreat and strategies for addressing declining enrollment will be developed.

New Business

1. Nominations for 2003-2004 Elections Committee

Waldron asked for nominations from FPC members for the Elections Committee. John Gregory, Jeanne Repetto, Phil Clark, Tracey Linderholm were nominated. This committee will continue to use web based voting procedures.

2. Reviews of Assistant Dean Vernetson and Associate Dean Kranzler

Waldron reviewed the process that was developed last year by the FPC for reviewing Deans in the College of Education. She suggested using the same procedures this year for reviewing Dr. Vernetson and Kranzler. Waldron asked for nominations for committee members, which will be forwarded to the Dean for final selection.

3. Admission to Undergraduate Education Minors

Dr. Vernetson has developed a process to assist students in declaring a minor within a timely manner. This document will be forwarded to the Student Recruitment, Admissions, and Petitions Committee for review.

4. Ed.D. Requirements

Waldron reported that the FPC has been asked to examine the requirements for the Ed.D. In spring 2002, the RAC presented a policy statement to the FPC and the policy was tabled. Dr. Kanzler presented a brief overview of the policy and the requirements for the Ed.D. and Ph.D. qualifying exam. Discussion followed and a suggestion was made that the College Curriculum Committee may be the appropriate committee to examine this issue. Dr. Waldron will obtain additional information and place this item on the agenda for the next meeting.

5.                  Participation of non-tenured faculty in college governance

Dr. Waldron reported that the FPC has been asked to examine the participation of non-tenured faculty in college governance. The Faculty and Budgetary Affairs will examine this issue.

6. Distribution of COE space

Dr. Waldron reported that Dean Emihovich requested that the FPC develop a policy for assigning and allocating space for faculty in the college. Waldron requested the  Long Range Planning Committee to examine this issue and develop a policy.


A motion was made by Echevarria-Doan for adjournment and seconded by Asmus. The meeting was adjourned at 3:26 p.m.