Faculty Policy Council

Minutes of the August 27, 2012

Regular Meeting

Location: Norman 158



Linda Eldridge (HDOSE), Danling Fu (STL), Joe Gagnon (SESPECS), Tim Jacobbe (STL), Ester de Jong (Secretary-STL), Holly Lane (SESPECS), Walter Leite (HDOSE), Erica McCray (SESPECS), James McLeskey (SESPECS), Dorene Ross (Chair-STL), David Therriault (HDOSE), Edil Torres-Rivera (HDOSE), Shelly Warm (STL).

Tom Dana (College Administration), Glenn Good (College Administration), Theresa Vernetson (College Administration)

Absent: none

Approval of Agenda

Linda Eldridge (moved), Shelley Warm (second)

Agenda was approved

Approval of April FPC Meeting Minutes

Walter Leite (moved), Danling Fu (second)

Minutes were approved


As a continuation of the Spring Faculty Meeting, FPC wanted to invite Jodi Gentry again as a facilitator. The initially proposed date for the Fall 2012 Faculty Meeting did not work for Jodi. Alternative proposed date will hopefully be available at the next FPC meeting.

Dean’s Report

Dean Glenn Good reported on a number of current issues.  In terms of budget, he noted that the reductions for our college are better than for almost all other colleges at the university. He hopes to be able to add three faculty positions next year, as a result of solid budget management.  He wants to be sure that the money is available before finalizing the decision and will discuss priorities with the chairs of the three Schools so that the process of hiring new faculty can be expedient.  In response to questions about the possible impact of hiring non-tenure faculty on program accreditation, the Dean noted that full-time clinical faculty are generally considered a reflection of better institutional support than part-time adjuncts. It is also important to keep a portfolio for the College that supports a strong doctoral program.

Dean Good noted that several Deans’ searches are happening at UF.  He did not think that the presidential search would harm the Deans’ searches. The presidential search is moving quickly and efficiently.  He is looking forward to the advancement of our college’s strategic plan.  The Doctoral PIP report that was recently released needs to be considered; he indicated that prompt action was expected from the Provost’s office. The Deans have requested an opportunity to respond to the report before any internal re-allocation of resources is considered.

Action Items

There were no action items.

It was noted that the Guiding Principles for Budget Decision Making document was approved by FPC in May via email vote and this document will be posted on the website. These guidelines will be operational till BAC revisits and revises them.

Discussion Items

1.      Committee Charges

Most committees have been elected with representation for one or two year membership from each School.  Each committee has a specific charge, set by the constitution (see https://education.ufl.edu/faculty-policy).  While deliberations can take place face to face as well as electronically, final decisions should take place in a face-to-face meeting.

Each Committee has a FPC liaison. These were selected at the April FPC meeting.

Agenda Committee: Holly Lane

Technology and Distance Education Committee: Linda Eldridge

Faculty Affairs Committee:  Walter Leite

Research Advisory Committee: Joe Gagnon

Long Range Planning Committee:  Shelley Warm

Budgetary Affairs Committee: Dale Campbell

Lectures, Seminars, and Awards Committee: Danling Fu

Diversity Committee: Edil Torres-Rivera

Ad-hoc Committee on Acdemic Affairs: James McCleskey

The role of the FPC liaison is to (1) convene the first meeting as soon as the committee assignment is complete; (2) elect a chair (FPC liaison does not have to be the chair); (3) set the agenda for this year based on last year’s report and the strategic plan; (4) set meetings for the rest of the semester; (5) send agenda and meeting days/times to FPC Secretary; and (6) report on committee’s activities and progress at each FPC meeting.

Brief discussion ensued that it is sometimes difficult to identify faculty for committee responsibilities.

Each committee should meet one time before the October FPC meeting.  Suggestions for successfully convening the meetings included: setting dates for the semester, asking committee members for preferred days and times. Under sunshine law, announcement of committee meetings for the semester need to be sent to all faculty by the chair of the committee in a timely fashion.

Thomasenia Adams requested that the Research Advisory Committee meet as soon as possible to discuss the FIEN dissertation awards. There are six applications.  Guidelines, criteria, and application processes were developed by last year’s committee; this year’s committee is asked to make decisions about awarding the scholarship.

2.      Provost’s Report on Doctoral Education

The Provost’s PIP report has not yet been released to public but has some public components that will be shared.  The review of the report has been assigned to the ad hoc Committee on Academic Affairs to consider the guidelines and see what they mean for the college community at large.

3.      COE Policy on Email Use

Dean Glenn Good has noted the absence of a College policy on appropriate use of email.  The Agenda committee has assigned the formulating of such a policy to the Technology and Distance Education Committee. Dean Good will provide a sample policy for consideration.

Strategic Planning Spring Faculty Meeting Report and Next Steps

FPC members received a copy of the summary of the discussions from the Spring Faculty Meeting, facilitated by Jodi Gentry. The discussion in the spring was about how to have an impact on the broader culture in the college. In order to engage the whole college in conversations about the strategic plan, it was proposed to ask each FPC committee to look at the Spring report and identify one goal related to the report to work on this year.

It was clarified that, whereas last year’s work by the Long Range Committee focused on the broader aspects of the strategic plan, these goals would focus specifically on the College climate as outlined in the actions of actions to stop, start, and continue at the Spring faculty meeting.

After discussion, the following proposal was accepted.  Each FPC standing committee will be asked to identify one goal related to any one of the College culture areas (Transparency, Multicultural Competence, Interdisciplinary collaboration, and Respect) that fits the committee’s specific charge, unless the Committee indicates that their agenda is already too substantial to add an additional goal.

Committee Reports

Curriculum Committee

Name of Reporter: Ester de Jong

Last year’s Curriculum Committee approved multiple courses and certification programs and sent them on for approval at the university level. Over the summer, the graduate council met and approved 14 courses for the college; 7 of which are still awaiting a course number.

Each department has two Curriculum Committee representatives. These representatives and the Chair must review each submission prior to submission for approval to the Curriculum Committee.  Also, the School Director must approve the submission in the Approval system before the Curriculum Committee can consider the course.  All these steps must be completed at least one week before the Curriculum Committee meeting.

The next Curriculum Committee meeting is September 10.

New business

There was no new business


Motion to adjourn by David Therriault, Walter Leite (seconded)

Meeting adjourned at 3:00pm