Budgetary Affairs Committee (BAC)

Meeting Minutes – 10/10/11


Members present:  Suzy Colvin , James McLeskey, Jeanne Repetto, Eileen Oliver, Tina Smith-Bonahue

Members absent:  Harry Daniels, Bernie Oliver; Ex-officio member:  Tom Dana, Associate Dean


  1. Minutes were approved as amended and will be sent to FPC via Paul Sindelar, Chair.


  1. Group Norms, established last year, were considered and validated as appropriate for moving forward in 2011-2012:


  1. Keep a college perspective
  2. Seek to understand the perspectives of others; not just convince
  3. Seek to understand each school’s perspective
  4. Work to create a budget that helps to support and maintain three strong schools in the college


  1. A discussion ensued related to the committee’s charge vis-à-vis the 2009 revisions, the Concept Paper developed for the College of Education’s Strategic Plan, and the vision of the new Dean.  Unlike other committees, this is not a decision-making body.  Instead, the Budgetary Affairs Committee is both advisory and responsive to the Dean, intended to “capture” faculty feedback and act as a conduit between the college’s central administration and the faculty.

It is the hope of the committee that we will work with the new Dean to understand the budget and ensure that information received is understood, transparent, and open to faculty input.

Questions, interest and concern about entrepreneurial activity may well be attended to by this committee, and a two-way conversation regarding these matters could be facilitated through our specific charge.

  1. The committee reviewed the Committee Goals of 2010-2011 and made revisions for the 2011-2012 as follows:


  1. Understand the current budget and rationale for decision-making
  2. Share knowledge of the budget and rationale for decision-making with college faculty
  3. Understand how budget is aligned with the Strategic Plan and long-term College of Education goals
  4. Develop a long-term plan/principles for budget planning and decisions


  1. Additional discussion centered around the interest and need of the committee to learn of the Dean’s expectations regarding our role and ability to assist him in decision-making.  We look forward to his visit next month to further understand his philosophy and direction for us and the college; we also look forward to supporting his interests and the interests of the college.


  1. The committee decided that it would be premature to set further goals and/or agenda items until we have the opportunity to meet and become more familiar with the Dean’s expectations, and we are pleased to welcome him to our next meeting on November 9th.