College of Education
Faculty Policy Council
Monday, April 23, 2012
2:00 to 3:00 pm in 158 NRN
Call to order: A faculty policy council meeting of the college of education was held on April 23, 2012. The meeting convened at 2:05 PM, Paul Sindelar presiding, and Dorene Ross, secretary.
Members in attendance: Suzy Colvin (STL), Dianna Joyce( SESPECS), Holly Lane (SESPECS), Walter Leite (HDOSE), James McLeskey (SESPECS), Bernie Oliver (HDOSE), Jeanne Repetto (SESPECS), Dorene Ross (STL), Paul Sindelar (SESPECS), Stephen Smith (SESPECS), David Therriault (HDOSE), Shelley Warm (STL)
Dean in attendance: Glenn Good
Agenda accepted
Approval of minutes: Motion to approve the minutes of the meeting from March 19, 2012 was made by Holly Lane and seconded by David Therriault. Motion carried.
- Steven Smith Elections (68 to 71 percent): Reported results
- SESPECS FPC members: Joe Gagnon, Erica McCray; Alt: Jeanne Repetto
- HDOSE FPC members: Linda Eldridge, Edil Torres Rivera; Alt: Dale Campbell
- STL FPC members: Tim Jacobbe, Ester De Jong, Danling Fu; Alt: Crystal Timmons
- Tenure and promotion: Cyndy Griffin (SESPECS), Nancy Dana (STL)
- Issue—There was a tie between Ester De Jong and Danling Fu (for the 1 and 2 year slots). The election committee will figure it out.
Action Items
FPC Endorsement of Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Affairs
- Bernie moved that we endorse the concept of the committee. Holly seconded.
- Discussion focused on the following issues:
- Is the committee the best to consider all the issues proposed?
- It would be good to maintain a line of communication between FPC and the Dean’s office related to the work of this committee. There is concern that we do not have a well-defined list of issues for an ad hoc committee. This should apply to only college wide issues.
- FPC would like a written committee charge with a list of example issues (this could come to the 2012 FPC for approval).
- Issues to be considered would go before the Agenda Committee.
- We could approve it with the understanding that the Agenda Committee will charge it as needed or we could ask for an example list and approve it at the next meeting?
- Motion was to endorse the concept. It has been amended to say the agenda will be set by the Agenda Committee. Dorene called the question: Call was retracted and motion was TABLED
Policy on Graduation Marshall Service (FAC, Therriault)
- David Therriault presented the recommendation of the FAC.
- Does it make sense to include non-academic staff? Can FPC impose a new responsibility on staff?
- Does it make sense to add this as a responsibility for Associate and Assistant Deans?
- This will be sent back to the committee to provide a more complete definition of staff, and determine whether Deans will all participate (Return to FAC for consideration in Fall, 2012). WITHDRAWN
Committee Reports
Because of the shortened meeting, there were no committee reports
Discussion Items:
BAC Guiding Principles for Budget decision-making
- Jeanne Repetto introduced this document and described what is new in this document
- Updated and compiled what is important across three prior documents
- FPC members discussed the issue of vertical versus horizontal cuts. There was concern that vertical cuts are morale killing.
- Jeanne expressed the view of the committee that vertical cuts do not necessarily mean program cuts. Their intent is that cuts need to be intentional and strategic rather than random.
- Discussion will be continued at the next FPC meeting.
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn was made by Leite and seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 3:03 PM.
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Secretary Date of approval