MINUTES of Faculty Policy Council

Meeting date: December 12, 2011

Call to order: A faculty policy council meeting of the college of education was held on December 12, 2011. The meeting convened at 2:01 PM, Paul Sindelar presiding, and Dorene Ross, secretary.

Members in attendance: Catherine Cavanaugh, Suzanne Colvin, Tom Dana (ex officio), Cynthia Garvan, Glenn Good (ex officio), Diana Joyce, Holly Lane, Walter Leite, James Mcleskey, Bernard Oliver, Steven Pape, Jeanne Repetto, Dorene Ross, Paul Sindelar, Stephen Smith, David Therriault, Edil Rivera Torres, Shelley Warm

Approval of minutes: Motion was made by Diana Joyce and seconded to approve the minutes of the November 14, 2011 meeting. Motion carried.


Paul Sindelar thanked all who were involved in the process of selecting a representative to Mission Statement Task Force. He also announced that Buffy Bondy has been elected.

Dean’s Report- Dean Good relayed information regarding COE’s plans to hire new faculty. Specific plans to hire an Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies were discussed including a desire to fill those positions during the 2012 fiscal year.  Dean Good also noted that the strategic planning process is moving ahead with a focus on development and funding.  President Machen has agreed to stay at UF a while longer which is fortunate as he is a great supporter of the College of Education. Currently, Missy Sheffield is filling in for Naomi Castillo as business manager and that office is still getting data together to create a clear fiscal picture.

Action Items

There were no action items

Committee Reports

Budgetary Affairs- James Mcleskey reported on the meeting with Dean Good where the group was provided information across all college units and their budgetary status. At that meeting, the Dean’s office brought models for on-book and off-book programs to address how student enrollment, profit, or significant loss affected the college. The committee expects to continue this conversation and come up with principles that departments can use when making decisions about off or on book programs. Dr. Dana offered the caveat that the Dean’s office is still reviewing everything with the new business manager to the college.

Curriculum- Dorene Ross reported that the committee had approved two courses in the November meeting, while one certificate plan is moving forward and some more courses/certificates are expected to be arising. The group will meet again on December 19, 2011.

Diversity – Holly Lane reported that the committee has followed through with the plans made last year, and they are currently planning some awareness raising events, including a video with discussion afterwards, for the spring semester. The announcements for these events will begin in January. Shelly Warm will replace Holly Lane as FPC representative to the Diversity Committee.

Faculty Affairs- David Therriault reported that this committee has had no new business since the creation and approval of the promotions document. They are expecting sabbatical information to come forward very soon. Sabbatical applications are due by Friday, December 16th. In January, the Faculty Affairs committee will look at them and provide feedback.

Lectures Seminars and Awards- Diana Joyce reported that the committee is in process of reviewing doctoral dissertation nominations as they were asked to forward two names to the Dean.

Long Range Planning- Walter Leite reported that the committee was charged to look at trends from the existing Strategic Planning report. One resulting action item was for the chair of LRP to meet with the Implementation committee chair in order to clarify the tasks of the LRP. The committee expects to discuss this with the Faculty Policy Council at the January meeting.

Research Advisory- Steven Pape reported that the RAC would meet on December 14th for ROF. The committee has no chair at this time and is hoping to fill that position.

Technology and Distance Ed- Cathy Cavanaugh reported that she is resigning as chair of this committee and that the group is meeting to find a new chair. Holly Lane will be replacing her as the FPC rep from the Tech and Distance Ed. Committee.

Discussion Items:

Strategic Planning Implementation Committee- Dorene Ross reported that the Strategic Planning Implementation Committee, which consisted of all three directors, the department representatives from the Long Range Planning committee, Paul Sindelar, Dorene Ross, Bernie Oliver, and Dean Glenn Good, met with Jodi Gentry who provided consultation. The group began to clarify what would be asked of the Long Range Planning committee regarding identification of trends.  It was decided that we are not yet ready to do this kind of analysis. Dean Good and Jodi Gentry are working to create a structure to secure faculty input to initiate a discussion of the core values of the college. The Strategic Planning Implementation Committee will meet next in January.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 2:40 PM


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Secretary                                                                                             Date of approval

[Organization Name]