Gainesville Tips and News
Gainesville offers a rich multicultural experience.
Gainesville offers a rich multicultural experience.
Writing, especially academic writing, papers, theses, and dissertations, are a lifelong skill, especially for students writing in a second language. The UF Writing Studio can help you before you turn in papers.
Click here to learn more information or to schedule an appointment.
Academics and scholars in the US have strict policies regarding plagiarism and citing or using other scholars’ work. There are clear cultural differences in what and how works are cited and used. The Marston Science Library has information regarding plagiarism and use of citations in academic writing in the US.
Follow this link to read about UF’s plagiarism policy and other Student Conduct rules.
Settling into Gainesville
Gainesville Apartment Guide:
Getting a Driver’s License:
Recommended websites for car purchase:
Bicycle and Motorcycle:
Social Life Outside of UF
Churches, Synagogues, Temples and Centers
Gainesville has numerous faith centers, churches, synagogues, temples, and mosques. In addition, there are religious schools and institutions that promote diversity across faith institutions.
For a list of resources, please click here:
Healthy Living
For check-ups, physicals, injuries (non-emergency),etc.:
Gainesville has two hospitals if you need to visit an Emergency Room without ambulance assistance: