Postcard from Ireland
From: Stephen Smith and Mary Brownell
From: Stephen Smith and Mary Brownell
Where in the world have you traveled to conduct your work?
We visited Ireland, June 2016
What type of work or partnerships have you engaged in (research, teaching, training, outreach, a keynote)?
1. We visited Trinity College in Dublin Ireland in June, 2016 and met with the director of special education to discuss current issues in Irish delivery of educational services to students with disabilities. As a result of that meeting, we have planned several possible collaborative efforts in the future. Stephen W. Smith is also an outside member on a doctoral committee for a special education doctoral student at Trinity College.
2. We also conducted two workshops, one at Mary Immaculate College in Limerick, Ireland and one at the University of Limerick in Limerick, Ireland
Smith, S. W., & Brownell, M. T. (2016, May). Impact of Self-Regulation and Executive Functioning Deficits on the Social-Emotional Well Being of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. University of Limerick, Department of Education & Professional Studies and Department of Psychology, Limerick, Ireland.
Brownell, M. T., & Smith, S. W. (2016, June). Developing Scholarship in Demanding Times: Reflections on Research, Publishing, and Taking Advantage of Context. Mary Immaculate College, Department of Special Education, Limerick, Ireland.
3. We also visited Catherine McAuley Special School, a school for students with disabilities near Mary Immaculate College in Limerick City, Ireland.
Who has benefitted from this work?
We benefitted because we have established relationships with our Irish colleagues that might result in further collaborative efforts. We also believe that attendees at our workshops benefitted.