Frequently Asked Questions
Who are the participating partners in the James Patterson Literacy Challenge (JPLC)?
The University of Florida Literacy Initiative has partnered with James Patterson to increase reading proficiency in Florida’s schools. The James Patterson Literacy Challenge will also collaborate with other entities within UF and beyond to provide the best possible opportunities for schools. Key partners in these efforts will include the Lastinger Center for Learning, P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School, the Florida Center for Reading Research, the Foundation for Excellence in Education, the National Center on Improving Literacy, the Regional Educational Laboratory Southeast, and the Center for the Collaborative Classroom.
What is the goal of the James Patterson Literacy Challenge?
Our goal is to increase the number of Florida’s students who are achieving proficient reading levels. We will achieve this goal by strengthening teachers’ reading instruction through targeted professional development. Ultimately, we intend to build the capacity of participating schools so their successes can be sustained long-term.
When is the application due?
The James Patterson Literacy Challenge accepts applications on a rolling basis. Please contact us for more information for when the application window opens. The application must be submitted online.
Who can apply?
We work with public elementary schools in the state of Florida. Our work focuses primarily on schools who are currently seeking support in the areas of literacy and language development.
Who can submit the application?
The school principal or a school staff member, with permission from the school principal.
What is required of the leadership team in participating schools?
During the application process, the leadership team will be required to participate in an interview to discuss literacy outcomes. If selected, the leadership team is expected to attend planning meetings and maintain an open-door policy with the JPLC team. The principal must also agree to dedicate time and resources to reading development.
What is the is the commitment and duration of the partnership?
Selection for participation will require buy-in from at least 85% of your faculty for participation. We anticipate working closely with each selected school for at least two to three years, with a gradual release of responsibility to the school.
Does my school have to pay a fee?
The James Patterson Literacy Challenge does not charge a fee to partner schools. Schools are expected to provide support to teachers for professional development activities. In addition, the schools will provide any materials needed for professional development activities.
When are the professional development trainings?
Schools agree to participate in face-to-face professional development sessions for all teachers and school leaders (1-2 weeks in the summer, 4-8 days during the school year, 2-5 days the following summer and periodically beyond that). The Partnership Facilitator will provide ongoing professional development throughout the school year. This will be determined based on the needs identified by the James Patterson Literacy Challenge team and desires requested by the teachers.
How will new partner schools be notified?
Schools who are selected will be notified via their school district.
Contact Us
Still have questions? Please email our team at or use the contact form below. Please include the name of your school and district in your message.