FEAP 2a- Organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space, and attention

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When moving into small groups,   students are confused as to where they are supposed to go, whether they   should take their chairs, etc.  (D)

There are long lines for   materials and supplies or distributing supplies is time-consuming. (D)

Students bump into one another lining up or sharpening pencils. (D)

Roll-taking consumes much time   at the beginning of the lesson and students are not working on anything. (D)

Most students ask what they are   to do or look around for clues from others. (D)

The students bump into desks while lined up at the door for recess.


Some students not working with the teacher are not productively engaged in learning. (D)

Transitions between large and small group activities are rough but they are accomplished. (D)

Students are not sure what to   do when materials are being distributed or collected. (D)

Students ask some clarifying   questions about procedures . (D)

The attendance or lunch count consumes more time than it would need if the procedure were more routinized. (D)

There is plenty of room for   students to line up at the door.

Students get started on an activity while the teacher takes attendance. (D)

Students move smoothly between   large and small group activities. (D)

The teacher has an established timing device, such as counting down, to signal students to return to their   desks. (D)

Teacher has an established   attention signal, such as raising a hand, or dimming the lights. (D)

One member of each small group collects materials for the table. (D)

There is an established   color-coded system indicating where materials should be stored. (D)

The teacher says, “Before we leave for the assembly, can someone please review   our class rules for being a nice audience.” (M)

The students line up in an orderly manner at the door before the end of a song.

In small group work, students have established roles, they listen to one another, summarizing different views, etc. (D)

Students redirect classmates in small groups not working directly with the teacher to be more efficient in   their work. (D)

A student reminds classmates of the roles that they are to play within the group. (D)

A student re-directs a   classmate to the table s/he should be at following a transition. (D)

Students propose an improved attention signal. (D)

Students respond to a daily   question on the graph board that also allows the teacher to take attendance. (D)

The assigned “table leader”   passes out the letters for word study without causing a loss of time or confusion.

The teacher has a class   discussion saying, “Our lines have been a bit sloppy and I am afraid we are distracting others when we walk down the hall. Does anyone have any ideas how we can   improve them?”

Where noted, examples based on:

“(D)” – Danielson C. (1996). Enhancing professional practice: A framework for teaching.

Alexandria, Va: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

“(M)” – Marzano, R. J. (2007). The art and science of teaching: A comprehensive

framework for effective instruction. Alexandria, Va: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.



General classroom environment








Passing out Materials

