Higher Ed. Grad Student is Author of Book Examining Ghana’s Higher Education System
Fred Boateng is a doctoral student (Higher Ed.) at the UF College of Education. He received a joint Master’s of Philosophy degree from the University of Oslo, Norway; University of Tempere, Finland; and University of Aveiro, Portugal. He also holds a Master of Administrative Sciences degree from the University of Tampere, Finland. And now he can add “author” to his list of titles.
Boateng recently authored “An Examination Of The State’s Role In Ghana’s Higher Education System: Status Quo Ante, Status Quo”. According to the book’s description on amazon.com, “That the state is a vital actor in the sector of higher education is beyond doubt. The role of the Ghanaian state and its agencies in influencing the behavior of its higher educational institutions is examined in historical and contemporary perspectives. In this regard, the dynamics of state-higher education relationship in various time periods of post-independent Ghana is brought to bear. Researchers, students, policymakers and indeed, all stakeholders in higher education would find this material deeply enriching.