About Our Services

The Office of Educational Research (OER) supports and develops research, training, and service activities for faculty as follows:

Identify funding sources and promote research activities.

  • Search for and disseminate relevant funding opportunities through OER’s weekly Funding and Award Opportunities and monthly Research Bulletin newsletters.
  • Connect faculty with select funding opportunities aligning with their research agendas.
  • Assist faculty to acquire seed funds for external funding such as the Research Opportunity Seed Fund (ROSF).

Support development & submission of proposals.

  • Provide consultation to help guide principal investigators (PIs) through the proposal submission process.
  • Review requests for proposals (RFPs) to assist with funding agency requirements.
  • Meet individually with faculty to discuss the alignment of their research ideas with targeted funding opportunities.
  • Support faculty in responding to inquiries or requests from funding agencies for proposals under review.
  • Provide samples of successful proposals and present suggestions for project design.
  • Assess cost-sharing requests and coordinate sub-contract processes, as needed.
  • Provide support for the development of various proposal components (e.g., budgets)
  • Perform UFIRST uploads.
  • Serve as a liaison with various University offices (e.g., Division of Sponsored Programs, Contracts and Grants, Institutional Review Board, Provost’s Office) and funding agencies.

Build collaborative research teams.

  • Develop cross-departmental and cross-university collaborative teams.
  • Establish and sustain strategic partnerships.

Provide research coordination support funded by and for active grants.

  • Assist the PI to monitor progress, identify and resolve barriers to progress, and make any necessary adjustments to scope and timeline.
  • Coordinate data collection activities (e.g., help recruit and communicate with research participants, plan for interviews, coordinate survey logistics, create project timelines).
  • Maintain project compliance with regulations and policies (federal, state, university, sponsors) and assist in the creation/renewal of IRB protocols.

Provide faculty professional development (PD) opportunities.

  • Encourage faculty participation in both internal and external PD opportunities.
  • Introduce new faculty to COE resources to develop their academic portfolios.
  • Provide training opportunities and resources to support research (i.e., research design, quantitative and qualitative analyses).
  • Facilitate professionalization events (e.g., All Things Pre- and Post-Award, Brown Bag Series, COE’s Endowed Professorship Speaker Series).

Facilitate faculty award, tenure, and promotion processes.

  • Provide support for faculty applications to select internal and external awards (e.g., UF Distinguished Professor, Rosser Educator Excellence Award, Kubiak Term Professor).
  • Offer guidance and resources to faculty undergoing faculty processes (e.g., tenure, promotion, post-tenure review).