COE/OER Capital Needs Form

This form must be completed before scheduling a proposal upload or contract submission.

The purpose of this form is to acquire information regarding expected supports needed for grants and contracts.

**Please note that the form functionality works best on Chrome or Firefox. 

PI Name:

Submitting Department:

Submission Deadline (For calendar view, click icon on the right side of the box below):

Is this a published/hard deadline or a target deadline?

Proposal Title:

Sponsor Name:

Is UF a subcontractor?

Project Start Date:

Project End Date:

Type of Application:

Are there any sub-recipients?

Competition Title:

Link to RFP:

Published IDC rate:

Add Co-PIs and Co-PI Affiliation (i.e. include the Co-PI's college, department, school, or company):

Indicate the type of proposal:

Will your research involve human subjects?

Does your grant/contract have matching requirements?

Do you expect to have assigned office/work space (beyond your already existing office or lab space) for the project in the COE?

Do you have any foreign activities or interests to report?

What additional proposal development services will you require for this proposal? Note: you must allow for a minimum of 10 business days ahead of the OER submission deadline for these services. Additional support is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. OER staff will be assigned to you as available, and they will contact you to coordinate support.

Do you anticipate needing research/project coordination services if this project is funded?
 Yes No


Phone Number (enter best number to reach the PI):

 I agree to comply with the Office of Educational Research (OER) and Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP) proposal submission policies and deadlines.

Proposal Deadline Policy

UF Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP):

Submit-ready proposals must be submitted to DSP by 9 a.m. one business day prior to the sponsor's published submission deadline to be considered on-time by DSP. See "submit-ready" FAQ #7 for more information.

COE Office of Educational Research (OER):

OER Service Request Deadline Policy

The Capital Needs Form must be submitted at least 10 business days prior to OER's deadline to best serve all COE faculty.

Additional proposal development services must be requested at least 10 business days prior to OER's deadline. Additional proposal development services include securing boilerplate materials, reference list formatting, guided biosketch document development, and guided current & pending document development.

OER Proposal Deadline Policy

Submit-ready proposals and all supporting components of a completed proposal (e.g., subcontract proposals, cost share commitments, approved budget, budget justification) must be submitted to OER by 9 a.m. three business days* prior to DSP's deadline. PIs are served on a first come, first served basis and OER prioritizes the most urgent deadlines to best serve our PIs.

*For efforts such as IES and NSF when the college typically has multiple proposals, OER will offer PIs a schedule for submission that may be earlier than two business days prior to DSP's deadline.

 By checking this box, I confirm that I have discussed the proposed activity (including, where relevant, FTE, request for cost share, curriculum development, coursework requirements, and any other matter or matters that might impact the school/center) with and received approval from my school/center director. If a school/center director myself, I have considered the impact of these matters for my unit.
