Tools for Getting Along enables students to become more self-reliant, effective, proactive problem solvers as they encounter the social challenges that are part of their developing years. Its instructional focus is on understanding and dealing with frustration and anger, since anger is a frequent correlate of disruptive and aggressive behavior and is often preceded by frustration.
The lessons help students learn how to recognize and manage anger, how it may lead to or exacerbate social problems, and how to use problem-solving steps to generate, implement, and evaluate solutions to problems students face every day.
Teacher friendly and self-contained, Tools for Getting Along lessons include concepts and skills related to anger management and problem solving and incorporate direct instruction, modeling, guided practice, independent practice, and skill generalization. Five lessons are devoted to practicing learned skills through role-plays, and there are six booster lessons to assist in the generalization of learned skills.
What Teachers Are Saying
“I thought [Tools for Getting Along] was an excellent curriculum for the students at Lake Forest. The students really responded well to the lessons and overhead visuals. Many students learned how to handle situations with other students in a positive and constructive way. The mini-plays gave students an interactive way to experience how decisions are a choice and only they have the power to make the right choices in their lives.”
– Kim K
Lake Forest Elementary
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