
Dr. Zhuo Li, China

Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Curriculum and Instruction with ESOL specialization

“I always appreciate the life-changing experience of studying for my PhD at UF’s ESOL program, which offered me great opportunities to learn, research, teach and grow. I was lucky to have so many marvelous professors who helped me academically and personally along the incredible journey. Those years spent in Norman Hall are one of my most precious memories. Go EduGators!”

(In Chinese) 在UF的ESOL Program攻读博士期间,我获得了很好的机会去学习、研究、教学及成长,改变了我的人生。对此,一直心怀感恩。一路走来,有幸有许多优秀的教授对我无论在学业上还是个人成长上都给予了很大帮助。在Norman Hall的那些时光是我最珍贵的记忆之一。EduGators,加油!

Dr. Alice Ahyea Jo, Korea

Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Curriculum and Instruction with ESOL specialization

“Before coming to ESOL/Bilingual Education Doctoral program at UF, I worked as a secondary English as a foreign language teacher in Seoul, South Korea. Primarily, I was interested in how to teach English with a solid theoretical background based on second language acquisition theory. I also wanted to learn more about, from a social cultural perspective, what it means to learn English as a second/foreign language in global settings and in the U.S. setting.

This program helped me to do both with the guidance of amazing faculties who lead the field national wide, model rigorous research, and best practices in mentorship. My foundational perspectives on teaching, learning and research has been established from UF ESOL/Bilingual Education program. Ultimately, the program prepared me to become an Assistant Professor at Jacksonville University in the field of ESOL/TESOL education. This is the place where you can critically question, implement and practice your knowledge by collaborating with the most passionate faculties, who can guide you to become a compassionate, justice and innovative emergent scholar.”

(In Korean) UF ESOL/Bilingual Education 박사 과정 입학 전, 저는 서울시 교육청 소속 고등학교 영어 교사로 근무하였습니다. 한국에서 영어 교사로 아이들을 가르치며, 좀 더 나은 영어 교수법을 고민하면서, 제 2언어 교육에 대해 깊이 있게 들어가고자 미국 유학을 선택하였습니다. 석사를 거쳐 박사 과정을 UF로 오면서, 영어교육 교수법을 넘어, 제 2언어교육, 또는 이중언어교육에 대해 깊이 있게 들어가 보게 되었습니다. 글로벌 세팅에서의 영어, 또 이민자로 구성된 미국에서의 제 2 언어로서의 영어교육, 그리고 가장 근본적인 교육 정책, 철학 등에 대해서도 심도있는 연구를 할 수 있었습니다. 물론, 이 모든 것은, 전미에서 제 2 영어교육 분야를 이끄는 교수님들의 지도가 있었기에 가능했던 일들입니다. 지금 현재는 UF 박사 과정을 졸업을 하여, 같은 분야의 플로리다 잭슨빌 대학에 조교수로 일하고 있습니다. UF 박사 과정에서 받았던 교육과 리서치 훈련이 지금의 토대가 되었습니다.

Dr. Buyiswa Mini, South Africa

Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Curriculum and Instruction with ESOL specialization

“In the ESOL program, I received theory-based but practically applicative knowledge regarding language and education issues. I also got very good grounding in research. Most helpful was the clearly set out step-by-step guidance my advisor gave me for my doctoral program from the start to the end.”

(In isiXhosa) Kwa-ESOL ndafumana ulwazi olusekwe kwiithiyori kodwa olusebenzisekayo malunga nemicimbi yolwimi nemfundo. Ndafumana nokuhlohlwa kakuhle kakhulu kwezophando. Into eyaba luncedo kakhulu yaba kukucaciselwa kakuhle ngumcebisikazi wam ngezinto endiya kuzenza ukususela kwinyathelo lokuqala ukuya kwelokugqibela lezifundo zam zobugqirha.

Dr. Katherine Barko-Alva, Peru

Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Curriculum and Instruction with ESOL specialization

“As a former Ph.D. student in the Department of ESOL/Bilingual Education at UF, I had ample opportunities to learn from and work with an unparalleled group of faculty members who supported my academic and professional growth at every level throughout my doctoral journey. Their mentorship style is deeply rooted in principles of social justice and equity, which shaped my identity as a budding scholar. Their commitment to advocate for culturally and linguistically diverse populations is evident in how they conceptualize the intersectionality of research, teaching and service.”

(In Spanish) Mi experiencia en el departamento de ESOL/Educación Bilingüe en la Universidad de la Florida, me brindó la oportunidad de poder aprender y colaborar con un grupo distinguido de investigadoras y profesoras quienes me apoyaron incondicionalmente, a nivel académico y profesional, en cada paso durante mi programa de estudios. Gracias a la orientación recibida, el desarrollo de mi identidad académica se arraigó en principios de justicia social. El compromiso y dedicación de nuestro departamento con aquellas comunidades que gozan de una gran diversidad cultural y lingüística se hizo evidente en la fusión de sus proyectos de investigación, pedagogía y servicio.