
7 September, 2001 FPC Faculty Meeting Minutes

Friday, September 7, 2001

Room 250 Norman Hall

The meeting was called to order by Dr. Stephen Smith, Faculty Policy Council (FPC) Chair at 3:15 p.m.  He welcomed the faculty to the Fall Faculty Meeting and thanked them for attending the meeting.

General Information on Committee Structure

Smith stated that the FPC consists of members of the four College departments and school.  The members are Dick Allington, Phil Clark, Vivian Correa (Secretary), Bridget Franks, Dave Honeyman, Hazel Jones, Stephen Smith (Chair), Tina Smith-Bonahue, Jane Townsend, and Joe Wittmer.  An election will be conducted to add a two-year member representing the Department of Counselor Education.  The selection of a Parliamentarian is also needed.  Alternates from each department have also been elected to serve on the Council.  Operating committees were identified as

  • Agenda Committee (Smith, Correa, Clark, Nelms)
  • College Curriculum Committee
  • Undergraduate Admissions and Petitions Committee
  • Graduate Admissions and Petitions Committee
  • Standing Committees include:
    • Faculty Affairs, Research Advisory, Student Recruitment/Admissions, & Long-Range Planning

There is also an Elections Committee and Dean’ Advisory Committee

Function of Agenda Committee

Smith stated that the Agenda Committee consists of the FPC Chair, Secretary, Dean or Dean’s representative and one other elected FPC member. The agenda committee develops the agenda for the FPC and will act as a collector of issues/concerns related to College policy and distributor of these issues/concerns to the appropriate operating or standing committees.  Smith also explained that a discussion took place at the Dean’s Advisory Committee about the power of the Agenda Committee to act or fail to act on issues/concerns that come to the committee. Smith explained that, in the Constitution, the Agenda Committee is responsible for reporting its actions to the FPC so there is an accountability measure for the Agenda Committee’s decision making.

Web site

Smith encouraged faculty to review the FPC web site for a copy of the Constitution, the minutes of FPC meetings, and a list of faculty appointed to serve on the various committees.  The Web site address is education.ufl.edu/committees/fpc/main.htm

Deans’ Report
  • Dean Nelms commended faculty on their improved work performance and reminded them of the administrative support that is available.  Nelms read the mission of the College and encouraged faculty to support the search for a new Dean.  He also reported that Provost Colburn would be announcing the members of the Dean’s search committee in the near future.
  • In his report to the faculty, Associate Dean Webb also encouraged faculty to support the upcoming Dean’s search efforts.  He reported on the College’s preparation for NCATE, and added that the efforts include a strong emphasis on data collection.  A College committee has been established to assist in the preparation for the NCATE and the Department of Education accreditation visits.

A Discussion on the Dean’s Search

Smith stated that the FPC sponsored a meeting for faculty to meet with Provost Colburn on July 25, 2001, to discuss the Dean’s Search.  He encouraged faculty to review the minutes that have been placed on the FPC website.

Smith then facilitated a discussion on the upcoming Dean’s search related to desired characteristics of a Dean, involving faculty in the search process, developing recruitment strategies, and promoting the College.  Faculty suggested that the Provost and the members of the Dean’s search committee be provided copies of this discussion as they begin deliberations on the search.

Discussion on Desired Characteristics of a Dean: The faculty discussed various characteristics they wanted to see in a Dean. Some faculty felt strongly that a non-negotiable characteristic of a Dean would be their support of and experience with faculty governance.  The following summarizes other desired characteristics and are presented in a non-ranked order.  The Dean should:

  • have prior experience as a dean at a comparable university to UF
  • advocate for teacher education and the Colleges of Education with upper administration
  • possess a successful career and strong scholarship record
  • maintain a balance between development work outside of the university and hands-on-administration of the internal aspects of the College (e.g., external versus internal Dean)
  • work closely with education constituencies at the national, state, and local levels
  • become involved in State legislative issues related to education
  • support the College’s research efforts
  • embrace diversity and interdisciplinary collaboration
  • listen to faculty and represent faculty at all levels (university, state, local)
  • have new ideas and solutions about issues facing the College
  • support faculty governance and shared decision making

Discussion on Search Procedures:  It is hoped that all faculty, the FPC, and the Staff Council will have access to the Dean candidates during their campus visit.  Faculty supported the idea of including the FPC as part of the candidates’ interview schedules.  Faculty made the following suggestions related to the search procedures.

  • The search committee and Provost should be given a copy of the discussion generated by the faculty in today’s meeting
  • Dean candidates invited to campus should be given an opportunity to answer questions from the faculty in an open forum
  • Faculty should be provided background summaries on the visiting Dean candidates
  • While on campus, Dean candidates should be provided an opportunity to talk about their vision for the College
  • Dean candidates should also discuss what contributions they offer to the College
  • Faculty should be given multiple opportunities to meet with the candidates including informal and social venues
  • Faculty should provide the search committee with written feedback on each visiting candidate
  • It was suggested that the search committee extend the 2-day schedule so that faculty have more access to the candidates
  • Search committee members should consider composing a weighted system of measuring each candidates’ qualifications
  • The FPC should be given an opportunity to meet with the search committee during the final stages of selection
  • Dean candidates should address their short and long term goals and the longevity of their commitment to the position

Discussion on Strategies for Recruitment:  Faculty discussed various methods for recruiting Dean candidates including:

  • assisting in the identification of applicants for the position.
  • forwarding formal nominations of Dean candidates to the search committee.
  • generating a list of questions to be used for calling references.

Discussion on Promoting the College: Faculty discussed strategies for promoting the College during the Dean’s search.  Recommendations included:

  • A list of faculty publications from the last 5 years be compiled for Dean candidates.
  • A 1-2 page handout or brochure be designed to highlight the accomplishments of the College.
  • A compilation of college materials be mailed to the Dean candidates selected for interviews
  • College ambassadors serve as hosts during the candidates’ visits
  • Members of the Staff Council meet with and assist with the candidates visit on campus
  • The College’s web page be updated and ready for Dean candidate access
  • Candidates should be provided special “welcoming” touches to their stay in Gainesville (e.g., flowers or fruit baskets).


The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

Vivian I. Correa, Ph.D.

Secretary, Faculty Policy Council