10 Septembe, 2001 FPC Meeting Minutes
September 10, 2001
Room 158 Norman Hall
Members Present: Dick Allington, Anne McGill-Franzen (alternate), Vivian Correa, Joe Wittmer, Hazel Jones, Bridget Franks, Phil Clark, Stephen Smith (Chair), and Tina Smith-Bonahue
Members Absent: Jane Townsend; David Honeyman
Rod Webb was in attendance from the Dean’s Office. (Rod is not a member)
The meeting was called to order by the chair at 9:10 a.m.
Clark moved and Allington seconded to accept the agenda. The agenda was accepted by unanimous vote.
Smith-Bonahue moved and Clark seconded to approve the Faculty Policy Council May 9, 2001. The minutes were approved by unanimous vote.
Agenda was composed by the Agenda Committee (Smith, Correa, Clark, & Nelms).
Election of Faculty to the Undergraduate & Graduate Admission and Petitions Committees
FPC discussed which procedures to follow for the Election of Faculty to Undergraduate and Graduate Admissions and Petitions Committees and how many faculty should serve on the standing committees. Allington moved and Clark seconded that FPC should submit a ballot to include elections to the Undergraduate and Graduate Admissions and Petitions Committees, including a vote for the Counselor Education Representative to serve on FPC and the standing committees . and The motion carried by unanimous vote. Smith agreed to compose ballot and it was agreed to have the Dean’s Office distribute ballots to the various offices and faculty would return their ballots to their department secretary by 5:00 p.m. Thursday, September 13th. Smith will collect the ballots.
FPC decided to allow the Dean’s Office to handle the Senate Committee process, since it is a university-wide committee.
Fall FPC Meetings
FPC agreed to hold the FPC meetings for the fall semesters on: September 17, October 1, October 15,, October 29, November 12, November 26, and December 10. Clark moved and Correa seconded to accept the scheduled FPC meetings dates for the fall semester. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
Dean’s Representative on the College Curriculum Committee
FPC discussed a proposal from Webb to put a moratorium on Article II, Section 4(F) College Curriculum Committee (a) temporarily substituting “Associate Dean for Academic Affairs ” for Associate Dean for Graduate Studies …and non-voting members consisting of the Director of Student Services and the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies for the academic year 2001-2002. There was discussion to invite Interim Dean Kranzler when graduate studies or graduate related issues are proposed. Allington moved and Clark seconded to put a moratorium on Article II, Section 4(F) College Curriculum Committee to temporarily substitute the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies. The motion carried with a 7 to 1 vote.
New Agenda Item: Involving FPC Alternates at Meetings
Clark moved and Allington seconded that we add an action item to the agenda related to welcoming alternate FPC members to all scheduled FPC meetings. The motion carried by unanimous vote. Clark moved and Allington seconded that FPC will welcome FPC alternates to attend all FPC meetings. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
Election of Members to Standing Committees
FPC discussed whether to the addition ofadditional faculty to serve on standing committees. It was suggested to appoint Deans serving on these committees to be ex-officio members (non-voting member). Allington moved and Clark seconded that the Elections Committee conduct a general college election to select at least 4 members (staggered terms) for each of the standing committees. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
Procedures Manual for College Committees
Clark discussed the need for a procedures’ manual for all college committees. Each committee would follow a set of directions/procedures; that could be updated each year. A suggestion was made to have committees submit a written report to the FPC. Clark agreed to collect procedures from the standing all committees.
Constitutional Amendment Committee
FPC agreed to retain a list of revisions for possible amendment of the College Constitution and amend as needed at the end of each academic year. There was some discussion for the need of a Constitutional Amendment Committee. Correa and Smith will follow-up on this matter.
Agenda and Dean’s Advisory Committee Reports
Smith reported on the meeting with the Agenda and Dean’s Advisory Committees. He stated the Agenda Committee will collect and distribute issues and concerns; and that any faculty members can submit in written form an item to the committee to consider. He also stated that in their discussion, the Dean’s Advisory Committee hasagreed to refer appropriate all matters to the FPC or Agenda Committee.
College Curriculum Committee Report
Correa reported that College Curriculum Committee meetings will take place on the first Monday of each month, from 3:00-5:00 p.m., beginning October 1. The committee will discuss the Constitution, policies, assign the committee’s charge and answer questions. Last year the CCC created and approved guidelines for submitting courses to the committee. It was suggested that those guidelines be distributed to CCC and faculty as soon as possible.
Fall Faculty Meeting
Correa reported on the Fall Faculty Meeting held on Friday, September 7, 2001. Approximately 35-40 people were in attendance. The discussion focused on the Dean’s Search. Faculty discussed:: 1) characteristic of the a Ddean; 2) search procedures; 3) recruitment strategies; and 4) promotion of the college. The faculty feel the candidate should have experience and a positive outlook on faculty governance.
It was also recommended that the FPC Committee be schedule to interview the candidates, and meet with the Dean’s Search committee. It was recommended by the faculty that a written summary of the concerns the faculty expressed in the meeting be forwarded to the Dean’s Search committee and to the Provost.
Suggested Agenda items for September 17th meeting
· Request printed budget from the Dean
· Appoint student representative(s) to assist Student Recruitment/Admissions Ccommitteesfor the College Curriculum Committees, Undergraduate and Graduate Admissions and Petitions committees.
· Discuss how TAs & RAs will voice concerns under the new governance structure
· Balancing the number of research and teaching assistants in the College
· Need to inventory what policies exist in the college
· Discuss how to make linkages with the Staff Council
Jones moved and Allington seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m.