21 February, 2005 FPC Meeting Minutes
DRAFT 2/21/05
Faculty Policy Council Minutes
February 21, 2005
Room 158, Norman Hall
Members Present: Ellen Amatea, Dale Campbell, Maureen Conroy, Hazel Jones, Ester deJong, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Terry Scott, Larry Tyree
Members Absent: Linda Lamme, Tracy Linderholm
Others Present: Dean Catherine Emihovich
Conroy called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.
Agenda and Minutes
1. Approval of the agenda for February 21, 2005
Amatea motioned to approve the agenda. Scott seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.
2. Approval of the minutes of the February 7, 2005 meeting
Tyree motioned to approve the February 7, 2005 minutes as submitted. Amatea seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the minutes.
1. FPC Agenda Committee Meeting – March 14, 2005
Conroy reminded those present that the next agenda committee meeting will be on March 14. Members can send agenda suggestions to her, Tyree, or Jones.
2. Faculty Meeting – April 18, 2005
This is an FPC meeting date, so the faculty meeting will replace the FPC meeting. If any constitutional changes need to be made, items need to be posted in March.
3. Scholarship of Engagement Awards – Nominations due March 7, 2005
The Scholarship of Engagement award nominations are due March 7 and the award event is April 7. CRIF awards are also coming up. In addition, the B.O. Smith award application due date is coming up after spring break.
Report from the Dean
Dean Emihovich reported that several new hires have been made including a new chair of Educational Leadership and several other associate professor hires. It is interesting to note that three new hires are Latino and male. Several other searches are also ongoing. Two searches, one in School Psychology one in Counselor Education have failed. Overall the college has been doing well in hiring.
Dean Emihovich also reported that she is working on naming strategic planning work group co-chairs. The co-chairs will be named and made public soon. She plans to set up an intranet site for each of the working groups. People will use them to access information about the committee work and each committee will need to work on specific objectives to identify the necessary resources, action items, who will lead the charge, a projected timeline, and expectations for outcomes. If each group only worked on one objective, that would be more than sufficient. The four groups are:
1. Outreach scholarship;
2. Curriculum and program development;
3. Research initiatives; and
4. Student and faculty recruitment and development.
Dean Emihovich commented that ideas and initiatives for the strategic plan come from the faculty and students. She sees her job as providing the resources and helping to facilitate. Her meeting with the Provost is April 20th, where her team will present the budget for the College of Education.
In addition, she has also been working on the vision and fund-raising for facility and capital improvements.
Koro-Ljungberg commented that she appreciates how Dean Emihovich has made information about hiring, scholarships, and task force work public.
Tyree asked about the Provost search. Dean Emihovich believes the president is not in a rush, but is waiting for the right person.
Dean Emihovich commended the search committee members who have brought in quality candidates.
Committee Reports
1. College Curriculum Committee: Jones reported that the committee did not meet, and will not meet until March.
2. Faculty and Budgetary Affairs Committee: deJong reported that the committee did not meet. Merit pay and promotion recommendations are currently being considered.
3. Lectures, Seminars, & Awards Committee: Amatea reported that the committee has met to decide on travel award applicants and they have continued to discuss the speaker series that is a part of the centennial event next year .
4. Long Range Planning Committee: No report due to Lamme’s absence.
5. Research Advisory Committee: Koro-Ljungberg reported that the committee is going to meet regarding the B.O. Smith award.
6. Student Recruitment, Admissions, & Petitions Committee: No report due to Linderholm’s absence
7. Technology Committee: Scott reported that the committee met with the technology director and discussed the need for faculty administrative access to computers. The director noted that the College of Education policy of no administrative access to computers reduces the number of major problems we experience. The committee recommends administrative access on a case-by-case basis.
Report from the Faculty Senate
Amatea was unable to attend the last meeting so she did not report.
Discussion Items
1. FPC Committee Structure – Follow-up Recommendation
The agenda committee recommends that the Long-Range Planning committee be eliminated and all the other committees stay in place. The LRP committee seems to be the only committee that doesn’t have a charge.
deJong wonders whether eliminating the committee will eliminate the formal mechanism to include faculty in strategic planning. Conroy responded that strategic planning could be done within any of the committees. There is nothing to say that faculty input won’t be included in the strategic plan. It is simply that the long-range planning committee isn’t used for strategic planning, and has never had a clear charge. Conroy asked for a motion to make the recommendation an action item. Tyree motioned, and Amatea seconded to make it an action item.
2. Annual Evaluation of the Dean
Conroy reported that the agenda committee and anyone else from the FPC are welcome to participate. It is time to start the process again. Conroy asked for volunteers. Review committee members should review the procedures, decide if changes should be made, and set it up. The hardest part is getting the data and synthesizing it. It may help to have representation from each department. Campbell agreed that if the review is perceived as being led by one department, then any negative message may reflect disproportionately on the department. The committee needs to be chaired by full-tenured professors. Amatea asked to see the questionnaire.
Campbell suggested we continue using the same framework to make comparisons from last year. Koro-Ljungberg recommended the committee also add new questions.
3. FPC & Faculty Senate Elections
Elections should start happening in the beginning of April. There will be a need for a new secretary, and replacements for several members who will be transitioning out.
deJong asked about the decision regarding 6 or 7 year tenure track. Conroy is waiting for a recommendation from Nancy Waldron.
Action Items
1. FPC Committee Structure – Follow-up Recommendation (added to the agenda by motion under Discussion Items)
Koro-Ljungberg commented that dropping the committee may send the message that the FPC is not interested in long range planning. Conroy responded that the FPC can make it clear that long-range planning should happen within each relevant committee. Jones commented that we might lose our mechanism to ensure that strategic planning issues go to the FPC. Campbell suggested that the FPC endorse the strategic plan. Conroy stated that if we have a formal vote, it would have to be on something that comes from one of our committees. The strategic plan doesn’t come from us at this time—it is managed by the Dean. Conroy will talk to the Dean to get it to the agenda committee. Amatea commented that the LRP committee has been blocked from strategic planning because there is a parallel structure in place. Historically, the faculty has never done anything with strategic planning. Now that the Dean is involving the faculty with strategic planning, how to we hook into that? Campbell called for a formal linkage between FPC and strategic planning. Amatea suggested that someone from FPC be formally involved in the strategic planning process. Conroy called for a vote. The FPC unanimously rejected the proposal to eliminate the Long-Range Planning committee.
2. Non-tenure accruing faculty in FPC – Waldron
Conroy provided faculty feedback on the faculty and budgetary affairs committee recommendation that non-tenure-accruing faculty should be eligible to participate in the FPC. Faculty members appear to support the idea. The recommendation stipulates that the person who is non-tenure accruing could not be chair or secretary of the FPC.
Campbell moved to vote for approval of the recommendation, Tyree seconded.
Koro-Ljungberg asked if we have really considered what this change means. deJong responded that faculty feel strongly that we need to not exclude these people. At this time this impacts only the eligibility of 16 people. These people are contributing to the academic mission of the college, and therefore that they should have voting rights.
Tyree called for a vote. Seven members approved the recommendation. Koro-Ljungberg abstained. After this vote it will go to the faculty for an amendment of the constitution.
Conroy asked for a motion to adjourn. deJong motioned to adjourn. Jones seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the motion to adjourn at 3:25 pm.