
25 April, 2005 FPC Meeting Minutes

Faculty Policy Council Minutes
April 25, 2005
Room 158, Norman Hall

Members Present: Ellen Amatea, Elizabeth Bondy, Mary Ann Clark, Maureen Conroy, Ester deJong, Cynthia Griffin, Hazel Jones, Tracy Linderholm, Larry Tyree, Rod Webb

Members Absent: Terry Scott

Others Present: Dean Catherine Emihovich

Jones called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m.

Agenda and Minutes

1. Approval of the agenda for April 25, 2005

Griffin moved to approve the agenda. Bondy seconded the motion. Jones noted a typographical error in the agenda the second Agenda and Minutes line should read “Approval of the April 4, 2005 minutes”. The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.

2. Approval of the minutes of the April 4, 2005 meeting

Linderholm made a motion to approve the April 4, 2005 minutes as submitted. deJong seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the minutes.


1. Appreciation to Maureen Conroy
Jones presented a gift to Conroy in appreciation for her three years of service to the FPC.

2. Welcome to New Members
Jones welcomed new members.

Action Items

1. Election of Secretary

A list of members eligible for the position of secretary was distributed. Jones encouraged FPC members to elect a secretary from a department other than special education because the presidents for the last four years have been from special education. After a discussion about the commitments of members eligible for the positon, Bondy agreed to consider the position after discussing possible load adjustments with her department chair.
Jones clarified the requirements of the secretary position.
Webb suggested that the group table the election and correspond by email to determine whether Bondy can be available for the position.

Informational Items

1. Roles and responsibilities of FPC members

Members discussed committee assignments and volunteered for the following:

Faculty and Budgetary Affairs: deJong
Lectures, Seminars, and Awards: Amatea
Research Advisory: Clark
Curriculum Committee: Bondy (if elected secretary)
Long Range Planning Committee: Griffin
Technology Committee: Webb
Student Recruitment, Admissions, & Petitions: Linderholm

Jones clarified that the focus of the Long Range Planning Committee should be to work closely with the committees developing strategic planning initiatives and to coordinate the Dean’s evaluation. The technology committee will focus on working with the new Technology Director

2. Next FPC Meeting

Last year’s schedule was the first and the third Mondays of every month. Jones emphasized that there will not be an FPC meeting unless there are items on the agenda. There will also not be a meeting in August. The next FPC meeting will be September 12, 2005 from 2-4pm.
Jones asked for a motion to adjourn. Amatea motioned to adjourn. Linderholm seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the motion to adjourn at 3:43 pm.

New FPC membership roster

Hazel Jones
Secretary Elizabeth Bondy
Counselor Education
Ellen Amatea (1 year)
Mary Ann Clark (2 years)
Educational Psychology
Tracy Linderholm (1 year)
Rod Webb (2 years)
Educational Leadership
David Honeyman (1 year)
Jim Doud (2 years)
Special Education
Mary Brownell (1 year)
Cyndy Griffin (2 years)
Holly Lane (alternate)
School of Teaching and Learning
Ester deJong (1 year)
Elizabeth Bondy (2 years)
Dorene Ross (alternate)


18 April, 2005 FPC Faculty Meeting Minutes


Fall Faculty Meeting Minutes
College of Education
April 18, 2005
Room 2337, Norman Hall

Presenters: Maureen Conroy, Chair of the Faculty Policy Council
Hazel Jones, Secretary of the Faculty Policy Council
Stephen Smith, Faculty Senator
Paul Sindelar, Associate Dean for Research
Nancy Waldron, Chair of the Faculty and Budgetary Affairs Committee
Catherine Emihovich, Dean of the College of Education

Number of faculty present: 46
Conroy called the meeting to order at 2:12.
Conroy welcomed faculty members and introduced the agenda.

Faculty Policy Council Update (Conroy)

2004-2005 Accomplishments

Conroy presented a list of accomplishments from this year’s faculty policy council. The group recognized the work of FPC members and college committee chairs with applause.

FPC Election

Hazel Jones will take the position of FPC chair next week. Conroy reminded faculty that they still have time to vote in FPC elections. Elections have been extended until this Thursday.

College of Education Update (Emihovich)
Strategic Planning for the College

The College initiated four task forces for strategic planning that will remain in place year to year:
• Outreach scholarship;
• Curriculum and program development;
• Research; and
• Faculty and student recruitment, retention and multicultural affairs.

The task forces had several productive meetings during the semester. In their last meeting on March 30, the task forces ranked action items and came to a consensus on three action items to focus on for the next year:

1. The college will be organizing some kind of event (possibly a conference or convocation) oriented around children, family, school, and diversity. This event is included in the budget request submitted to the provost. It may or may not happen in conjunction with centennial events next year.

2. The college will be focusing on making our work more visible on a national scene.

3. The college will actively seek ways to use technology better to support the work of faculty, students and staff.
Dean Emihovich also discussed the large number of new hires that have been made this year, including nine new faculty members who will be introduced in the fall. The college of education had the most diverse of applicant pool for faculty positions in the entire university.

In addition, Dean Emihovich listed several other objectives for upcoming year including:

• Raising fellowship stipends for graduate students.
• Searching for a director to set up an early literacy outreach clinic in conjunction with PKYonge. State Representative Ed Jennings is very interested in this project.
• Continuing to get support for programs like America Reads and the Alliance.
• Developing alternative educator preparation programs for postbaccalaurate students. This is a state mandate.
• Continuing to expand online teaching.
• Searching for up to nine new faculty members.

Dean Emihovich also mentioned that UF president Bernie Machen spoke very highly of the work in the College of Education at the Scholarship of Engagement Awards Banquet.

UF Faculty Senate Report (Smith)

Tenure and Promotion Changes

Smith reported that at the November 18 meeting of faculty senate, the senate voted on a nine-part policy change regarding tenure and promotion. Eight of the nine changes were approved on November 18 and the last item was approved with some language changes at the December 16 meeting. Details are available at www.senate.ufl.edu .

Announcement of B. O. Smith Professorship Awards (Sindelar)

Sindelar thanked the Research Advisory Committee for the time they spent reviewing applications for the B.O. Smith professorships. There were seven applications and two awards for this year. He announced that Kristin Kemple from the School of Teaching and Learning and Maureen Conroy from Special Education were selected for the awards.

FPC Constitutional Change: Discussion and Vote (Waldron)

Waldron discussed the issue of participation of non-tenure accruing faculty in college governance. She presented a short history of this issue as it has evolved over the past two years.

In the spring of 2003, a group of faculty within the College of Education began talking about their concern that certain faculty members were unable to participate in college governance as set forth by the constitution. The issue was discussed and tabled.
In April 2004 the UF faculty senate adopted a new definition of faculty that included persons holding full-time appointment during the regular academic year. Based on the senate’s changes, the Faculty and Budgetary Affairs Committee of the College of Education (FBAC) reconsidered the issue and decided to recommend a constitutional change to allow non-tenure accruing faculty to participate in faculty governance.

The definition of faculty they recommend mirrors the definition of the UF faculty senate. They also recommend a constitutional change to include a new clause in Section B of the constitution to state:

“Eligible faculty, those persons who participate in faculty governance and vote on matters of college policy, shall consist of those in tenure accruing ranks and non-tenure accruing ranks who contribute to the academic mission of a college department and have a full time appointment during the academic year.”

Note that this does not include faculty from PK Yonge.

The FBAC also recommend that throughout the constitution the term “faculty with tenure accruing ranks” be replaced with the term “eligible faculty”.

If the change had been in effect this year, it would have affected only 16 people. Although there are more than 16 non-tenure accruing faculty in the college, some are part-time and others are not working in a department. There are currently 83 faculty in tenure accruing ranks.

The motion to vote on the issue was made by the faculty senate. Larry Tyree seconded the motion, and the floor was opened to questions from faculty members.

Stephen Smith asked whether the secretary of the faculty policy council must still be a tenure-accruing member. If so, the number of available people to become secretary, and subsequently chair of the FPC, may be reduced because there are currently only 5 FPC members who can become secretary according to FPC rules. Conroy responded that there are logistical issues that may come up, but they don’t appear to be things that can’t be handled as they arise.

Tina Smith-Bonahue asked about the procedure for making a final decision on who is considered faculty. Conroy responded that department chairs will have the final say about whether a person is a faculty member since they make the appointments.
Conroy called for a vote and both she and Jones counted the results. The constitutional amendment was accepted unanimously by all 34 tenure-accruing faculty members in attendance.

Conroy adjourned the meeting at approximately 3:03PM.


4 April, 2005 FPC Meeting Minutes

DRAFT 4/13/05
Faculty Policy Council Minutes
April 4, 2005
Room 158, Norman Hall

Members Present: Ellen Amatea, Dale Campbell, Maureen Conroy, Ester deJong, Linda Lamme, Tracy Linderholm, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Larry Tyree

Members Absent: Hazel Jones, Terry Scott

Others Present: Dean Catherine Emihovich

Conroy called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.

Agenda and Minutes

1. Approval of the agenda for April 4, 2005

Conroy asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Campbell asked to add an item to the agenda regarding summer school. The addition was made. Amatea made a motion to approve the agenda. Lamme seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.

2. Approval of the minutes of the March 7, 2005 meeting

Tyree made a motion to approve the March 7, 2005 minutes as submitted. Linderholm seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the minutes.


1. Change in date of last FPC meeting – April 25, 2005

The last FPC meeting of the 2004-2005 academic year was scheduled for May 4, 2005. The proposal is to change the date to April 25, 2005 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. The newly elected FPC members and continuing FPC members will attend this meeting.

2. Faculty meeting – April 18, 2005

The agenda committee met to discuss the agenda for the Spring Faculty Meeting. The COE strategic plan and vote on COE constitutional changes are the main agenda items. The Faculty Meeting is scheduled during a time that the FPC would typically meet; therefore, the faculty meeting will replace the FPC meeting.

3. Committee reports – Due April 25, 2005

Conroy will ask FPC committee chairs to develop a summary report. The purpose of the reports is to communicate the committee’s accomplishments did last year. This will provide information needed for new committee members in the subsequent year.

4. FPC elections – nominations due March 31, 2005

Conroy asked if each department/school had submitted names for consideration on the FPC ballot. Several departments expressed that this task has not been accomplished. FPC representatives will check with the chair of their departments regarding this matter.

Report from the Dean

1. Strategic planning outcome
Dean Emihovich reported that she had a productive strategic planning meeting with the four strategic planning groups:
1. Outreach scholarship;
2. Curriculum and program development;
3. Research initiatives; and
4. Student and faculty recruitment and development.

She asked them to come up with a list of two important actions that they would like to see enacted next year. Out of those lists she and Jeri Benson will choose one or two to put emphasis on next year. There are two proposed actions that had support from multiple groups, so those will probably be the ones chosen.

Dean Emihovich also reported that she will put together a planning group to go forward with the actions in May or early summer. Her meeting with the Provost is April 20th, where her team will present the budget for the College of Education.

Rankings came out recently. The college is still in the top 25, but some departments have fallen out of the rankings. Other departments have remained the same.

The college has recently made four new hires: Quinnen, Crockett, Cavanaugh, and Sandler. It was pointed out to the dean that the COE has one of the best records on campus for attracting and recruiting diverse applicants.

The dean reported that there are a few items coming down from the state: (1) the college will need to develop alternative preparation paths for certification – i.e., educator preparation institutes; (2) there will also be a heavy focus on outcomes, so we will need to demonstrate the effectiveness of our results.

Committee Reports

1. College Curriculum Committee: No report.
2. Faculty and Budgetary Affairs Committee: deJong reported that the committee will meet next week. Merit pay and promotion recommendations are currently being considered.
3. Lectures, Seminars, & Awards Committee: Amatea reported that the committee would like to have a graduate level teaching award, open to all tenured or tenure-track faculty (see below).
4. Long Range Planning Committee: Lamme reported that members of the long-range planning committee were trying to get onto each strategic planning group. This process is not working well because not all committee members have strategic planning groups that interest them.
5. Research Advisory Committee: Koro-Ljungberg reported that the committee reviewed nominations for the B.O. Smith Research Professor award.
6. Student Recruitment, Admissions, & Petitions Committee: Linderholm reported that there was a discrepancy between the rank list of fellowship nominees recommended by this committee and the students who were offered fellowships. The committee met with John Kranzler, discussed the issues and determined that the committee would not be responsible for this task in the following year.
7. Technology Committee: No report.

Report from the Faculty Senate

Amatea reported that the senate discussed a proposed assembly for administrative staff. This report was tabled. Another item was the discussion of the rank order of positions for scholar, lecturer, and so forth.

Discussion Items

1. Feedback on FPC Recommendation for constitutional change of the membership of FPC to include non-tenure accruing faculty

A vote on proposed changes to the COE constitution regarding the inclusion of non-tenure accruing faculty in the FPC will occur at the April 18th faculty meeting. Conroy has heard informally that there are several concerns. She asked each FPC member to go back to his or her department and discuss whatever concerns there are with members of the faculty. She also plans to send another email out to ask about concerns with the proposed changes. Lamme reported that her department discussed and expressed some continuing concerns. The School of Teaching and Learning has so much less representation than the other departments, adding non-tenure accruing faculty to the FPC makes STL even less represented. She suggested that the issue is not about whether non-tenure accruing faculty should be included in the FPC, but more a concern about the model of governance used in the FPC (i.e., the Senate vs. House representational model of FPC).

Linderholm reported that the Educational Psychology department questioned whether non-tenure accruing faculty would be able to vote on issues that only affect tenure-accruing faculty members. Campbell reported that his department had similar concerns. Counselor Ed was supportive of the constitutional change. deJong commented that the changes would affect college-wide votes, adding a few additional votes (15 people currently). Conroy clarified that if the constitutional changes passes, non-tenure accruing faculty would be eligible to participate in FPC. Lamme expressed concern that the tendency might be to encourage non-tenure accruing faculty to participate in FPC because faculty members may feel they do not have time to participate themselves. Tyree suggested that one way to get around this potential problem is to create two seats on FPC specifically for non-tenure-accruing faculty.

Action Items

1. Graduate Teaching Award Recommendation

Amatea reported that the committee would like to have a graduate level teaching award, open to all tenured or tenure-track faculty. She provided a list of the requirements for the application. This is an award that people would only be able to earn once in their career. Dean Emihovich suggested that the award would most likely be a recognition of distinction, with no monetary award associated. Others indicated that even a small monetary award would make the award seem more valuable. The difficulty is that other similar awards do not provide a stipend and doing so for one might send the wrong message.

Emihovich wondered if there should be criteria or indicators related to student outcomes. Ross expressed concern that there may be an advantage for faculty who teach doctoral level students or smaller classes. The ability to self-reflect should not be the only indicator of quality. deJong questioned one of the criteria requesting research and publications related to graduate teaching. If graduate teaching is not on someone’s research agenda, they would be at a disadvantage. Ross commented that the criteria should to be broad enough to accommodate a wide variety of teachers – not just those who research teaching. Koro-Ljungberg also questioned the need to include student comments in the application. Lamme suggested that the number of students in their classes, the level of the students, and whether the class was required or not should be considerations in the award. deJong also requested a change to four years of data rather than five. This issue was tabled and Amatea will take the feedback to her committee.

2. Summer School Issue

Campbell presented information regarding a discrepancy in summary school pay over the past several years. He obtained information on how summer school pay was
calculated for the last few years and received several different responses. He provided a list of previous methods for calculations. There has been some changes and he asks: “Why is there variance in the calculation?” Dean Emihovich suggested that it may be a conversion issue. Campbell would like to get clarification on what that means. Emihovich stated that she would check into the potential problem.

Conroy asked for a motion to adjourn. Tyree motioned to adjourn. Amatea seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the motion to adjourn at 3:40 pm.