
25 April, 2005 FPC Meeting Minutes

Faculty Policy Council Minutes
April 25, 2005
Room 158, Norman Hall

Members Present: Ellen Amatea, Elizabeth Bondy, Mary Ann Clark, Maureen Conroy, Ester deJong, Cynthia Griffin, Hazel Jones, Tracy Linderholm, Larry Tyree, Rod Webb

Members Absent: Terry Scott

Others Present: Dean Catherine Emihovich

Jones called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m.

Agenda and Minutes

1. Approval of the agenda for April 25, 2005

Griffin moved to approve the agenda. Bondy seconded the motion. Jones noted a typographical error in the agenda the second Agenda and Minutes line should read “Approval of the April 4, 2005 minutes”. The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.

2. Approval of the minutes of the April 4, 2005 meeting

Linderholm made a motion to approve the April 4, 2005 minutes as submitted. deJong seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the minutes.


1. Appreciation to Maureen Conroy
Jones presented a gift to Conroy in appreciation for her three years of service to the FPC.

2. Welcome to New Members
Jones welcomed new members.

Action Items

1. Election of Secretary

A list of members eligible for the position of secretary was distributed. Jones encouraged FPC members to elect a secretary from a department other than special education because the presidents for the last four years have been from special education. After a discussion about the commitments of members eligible for the positon, Bondy agreed to consider the position after discussing possible load adjustments with her department chair.
Jones clarified the requirements of the secretary position.
Webb suggested that the group table the election and correspond by email to determine whether Bondy can be available for the position.

Informational Items

1. Roles and responsibilities of FPC members

Members discussed committee assignments and volunteered for the following:

Faculty and Budgetary Affairs: deJong
Lectures, Seminars, and Awards: Amatea
Research Advisory: Clark
Curriculum Committee: Bondy (if elected secretary)
Long Range Planning Committee: Griffin
Technology Committee: Webb
Student Recruitment, Admissions, & Petitions: Linderholm

Jones clarified that the focus of the Long Range Planning Committee should be to work closely with the committees developing strategic planning initiatives and to coordinate the Dean’s evaluation. The technology committee will focus on working with the new Technology Director

2. Next FPC Meeting

Last year’s schedule was the first and the third Mondays of every month. Jones emphasized that there will not be an FPC meeting unless there are items on the agenda. There will also not be a meeting in August. The next FPC meeting will be September 12, 2005 from 2-4pm.
Jones asked for a motion to adjourn. Amatea motioned to adjourn. Linderholm seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the motion to adjourn at 3:43 pm.

New FPC membership roster

Hazel Jones
Secretary Elizabeth Bondy
Counselor Education
Ellen Amatea (1 year)
Mary Ann Clark (2 years)
Educational Psychology
Tracy Linderholm (1 year)
Rod Webb (2 years)
Educational Leadership
David Honeyman (1 year)
Jim Doud (2 years)
Special Education
Mary Brownell (1 year)
Cyndy Griffin (2 years)
Holly Lane (alternate)
School of Teaching and Learning
Ester deJong (1 year)
Elizabeth Bondy (2 years)
Dorene Ross (alternate)