12 September, 2005 FPC Meeting Minutes
Faculty Policy Council Minutes
September 12, 2005
Members Present: Ellen Amatea, Elizabeth Bondy, Mary Brownell,
Mary Ann Clark, Ester de Jong, Kathy, Gratto, Cyndy Griffin,
Dave Honeyman, Hazel Jones, Tracy Linderholm
Members Absent: Rod Webb
Others Present: Dean Catherine Emihovich, Associate Dean Jeri Benson, AssociateDean Paul Sindelar
Jones called the meeting to order at 2:02 pm.
Agenda and Minutes
1. Approval of the agenda for September 12, 2005
Griffin moved to approve the agenda. Honeyman seconded the motion. The FPC
unanimously approved the agenda.2. Approval of the minutes from the April 25, 2005 meeting
A correction was made to the members absent list: remove T. Scott, add M.
Brownell. Brownell made a motion to approve the April 25, 2005 minutes.
deJong seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the minutes.Folders
1. Jones distributed folders to the FPC.
Folders contained updated COE constitution (which is also on the website), a
statement from the Faculty Senate Presidential Task Force on Implementation of
Shared Government Structure, April 25 FPC minutes, and today’s agenda.
1. Upcoming Meetings
Agenda Committee meetings scheduled for Sept. 19, 2005, Oct. 17, 2005, and
Nov. 21, 2005 at 11:00 AM in deans’ suite
There is no FPC meeting on September 26, 2005 because the College Curriculum
Committee will meet on that date.2. Election of Agenda Committee Member
FPC unanimously approved M. Brownell for the Agenda Committee3. Review of Committee Duties
A connection is needed between FPC committees and strategic planning initiative.
Reviewed the role of each FPC committee; reminded committees to announce
meetings publically; need chairs’ notebooks from 2004-2005 year. Discussed
whether or not all policy proposals coming out of strategic planning should go to
the agenda committee. It was decided to see how the first retreat evolves; then it
will be clear how the strategic planning initiative links to the FPC committees.
Discussion Items
1. Paul Sindelar reviewed plans for the September 30th faculty retreat on building
a research culture
Draft of agenda was distributed; the overarching goal for the year is improving
the COE research culture; by December, task forces/committees will develop
action proposals
Example of a critical action – a research conference for Fall 2006 to
showcase what we do; anyone who would like to start planning is
welcome to
Research strategic task force will flesh out the details for Sept. 302. Dean’s role in shared governance
Discussed statement that came out of the UF Deans’ conversation with the
president about shared governance. A new challenge is the interface between
shared governance and the faculty union.
Report From the Dean
Three main points for State of the COE
1. Goals for COE
To be presented Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2005 at the Faculty Reception at the Hilton; the event on Sept. 30, 2005 will focus on the first goal(1) to build a research culture
(2) to build curriculum and programs – shift away from initial teacher preparation
toward graduate programs in areas such as ongoing professional development
and using distance education technologies; recruit faculty and doctoral
students(3) to create and disseminate a nationally recognized outreach scholarship model
– theme “Children, Families, Diversity and Schooling”2. Fien Lecture Series
Speakers are being identified and secured for this year.3. Centennial Events
Plans are still being developed; need a culminating event4. Other Business
COE budget looks good; Dean will share with FPC soon
Amatea made motion to adjourn. Brownell seconded the motion. Meeting
adjourned at 3:53 pm.