8 October, 2006 FPC Meeting Minutes
Faculty Policy Council Minutes
October 8, 2006
Members present: Cynthia Griffin, Diane Ryndak, Jamie Algina (for Rod Webb), John Kranzler, Mary Ann Clark, Sondra Smith, Linda Hagedorn (for Jim Doud), Bernie Oliver, Zhihui Fang, Elizabeth Yeager, Catherine Emihovich.
Members absent: Rod Webb, Jim Doud, Buffy Bondy
Meeting called to order at 2:04 PM.
Agenda and Minutes
1. Approval of the agenda; moved by Ryndak and seconded by Kranzler.
2. Approval of the September 11, 2006 minutes; moved by Ryndak and seconded by Griffin.
Action items
1. Discussion of need for FPC Parliamentarian to monitor adherence to Robert’s Rules of Order. During discussion no concerns were raised about the need for a Parliamentarian. Yeager moved that there is no present need to appoint a Parliamentarian and seconded by Kranzler. Unanimous approval of motion.
Informational items
1. The Dean’s Office withdrew its request for consideration of a new College policy on transfer of graduate credits. Clarification provided in memo from Thomasenia Adams to the faculty on the process and criteria to consider when submitting requests for transfer of credits.
2. Update on ad hoc committee to develop an evaluation of faculty governance in the College. Committee has been formed and is beginning work.
3. Chris Sessums to discuss distance education at November FPC meeting.
4. Update on junior faculty mentoring policy. Griffin discussed nature of changes in most recent draft based largely on feedback from junior faculty.
Committee Reports
Each committee reported briefly on their activities. Many of the committees are in the early stages of their work this academic year. The Graduate Recruitment and Petitions Committee has met and is gathering information on issues pertaining the committee’s workload and responsibilities to evaluate continuing need for this particular committee.
UF Faculty Senate Report
Griffin reported on the activity of the UF Faculty Senate. The main focus of attention pertains to issues of faculty governance in CLAS. Griffin noted that the meeting are available on-line for viewing.
Dean’s Report
1. Emihovich disseminated information on the College budget. Of note are increases in funding for graduate fellows to $20,000 per year. The College also holding back some funds for Summer A 2007. If further information is needed on Research Office funding, she suggested inviting Paul Sindelar. Emihovich also discussed different sources of funding and limitations on how these funds may be spent, such as Foundation funds.
2. Emihovich disseminated information on the allocation of new faculty lines across the College. Criteria used for making these decisions were primarily projected growth, degree production, and program visibility. She also emphasized assigning lines on the basis of potential for inter-departmental collaboration.
3. Emihovich provided an update on the consultant being brought in to work with the College on increasing collaborative efforts and optimizing the work of the College. The consultant’s name is Barbara Hill from the American Council of Education and she is an expert on institutional change.
Discussion Items
No discussion items were on the agenda and no additional items were identified. Griffin moved to adjourn and Smith seconded.
Next meeting: Monday, November 13, 2006 at 2:00 PM in 158 Norman.