11 Jan, 2010 FPC Meeting Minutes
Faculty Policy Council
January 11, 2010
Present: Catherine Cavanaugh, David Therriault, Tina SmithBonahue,
Troy Sadler, Cynthia
Griffin, Harry Daniels, Alyson Adams, Mary Brownell, James Algina, Thomas Oakland, Cirecie
David Miller, Tom Dana, Anne Ogg
Not Present: Catherine Emihovich
Agenda and minutes
- Approval of the agenda
Motion to move the Dean’s report down,
Mary made the motion
Seconded by Cathy - Approval of December 14 minutes
Mary made the motion
Seconded by Jamie
- Faculty Salary Equity Program
a. Initiated by individual faculty, similar to T&P dossier
b. Reviewed by School Director
c. Reviewed by COE T&P Committee
d. Reviewed by Dean
e. Either goes across the street or not
f. Line of appeal, first Catherine, last Provost
Old Business
1. Status of FPC Resolution
Resolution was reviewed by Academic Policy Council, modifications made to the
language, got legalized, put to a vote by the council and supported unanimously; now it
will be reported out by APC, becomes an actionable item for the faculty senate, either
this month or February.
New Business
Discussion items
1. Differential Load Policy
After a lengthy discussion about the origin of the differential load policy and a
discussion about the committee best suited to examine the documents related to the
matter, the Long Range Planning Committee agreed to step in.
2. Rank and Productivity Task Force
3. Associate Dean for Research
The two committee reports were combined. A document of objectives are being
drafted to include benchmarks for success. Middle of February will be the last task
force meeting. BAC to be involved in ADR search. FPC will check with the Dean’s
office to determine which dean is the liaison to the BAC. Contingency plans will be
put into place for the ADR.
4. Committee Reports
a. Budgetary Affairs – Cyndy Griffin
BAC will communicate with the Dean’s office about meeting to ensure faculty
input in the process. RCM professional development in the works.
b. College Curriculum Committee – Tina SmithBonahue
No meeting since the last FPC meeting
c. Diversity Committee – David Miller
Discussions on identifying people for lectures/seminars but no formal plans, yet.
d. Faculty Affairs Committee – Alyson Adamsi. College Climate Consultant
List of six or seven individuals for college climate consultant and estimate
of cost will be forthcoming. This is a college investigation, including
administration, faculty, and staff, if they want to participate. Goal: have
Jan/Feb for finalizing candidate choice, Mar and April for work following
NCATE. Organizational in nature and emphasis on looking forward.
ii. Review thirdyear
review Procedures
Third year review guidelines were reviewed and determined clear. Issue
may be implementation and communication.Sabbatical applications due at the end of this week, meeting next week for review
and recommendations
Evaluating guidelines for clinical assistant professor line.
e. Lectures, Seminars, and Awards Committee – Tom Oakland
No meeting since last FPC meeting. Collecting data for review of nominees of
various awards
f. Long Range PlanningCirecie
Final two names have been contacted. Will have a meeting shortly and report.
g. Research Advisory Committee – Troy Sadler
No meeting since last FPC meeting. Working on semester calendar for meetings
h. Technology & Distance Education Committee – Cathy Cavanaugh
Working on guidelines for student computer use, social media use, working with
new assistance director of distance ed office for faculty outreach initiatives.
5. Other none
Dean’s Report
Spring enrollment – up 3% in total enrollment but down 8% in grad2, doctoral
level. NCATE Dept of Ed visit most important thing coming up in the college. Unitwide.
Feb 7 reception and showcase. Each coordinator of program area has been
asked to put together a small display. On Feb 8 and 9, everyone in the college is
asked to be available. Classes that are held on those days are subject to be visited.
Four DOE reviewers and 4 NCATE reviewers and multiple reviewers because we are
the first school to be streamlined. Off sight review report just came in – not great but
better than getting the questions the day NCATE arrives.
Market equity, sabbatical applications, third review reviews, post tenure review
all coming up. College T&P has left the college; questions may be coming from
across the street about that. CPED from Carnegie presentation will be coming up.
Doctoral fellowship allocation coming up, and the way in which they are distributed
is changing.
SUS Deans called together by State Senator Lynn –to reduce redundancy and
increase efficiency across the system. Board of governors will get together to
determine what might be combined. There is much reluctance from the Deans. Each
university is going through some kind of process to determine what we want to be
where we want to go. The Deans have been talking about the implications of the
Research position, and drafting responsibilities of that position.
Action items
1. Establishing date to conduct COE Deans’ Evaluations
a. Dean of the College
b. Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
c. Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
A motion was made to evaluate Catherine, Tom and Theresa using the same instruments
as the past, with an opportunity for faculty to respond will be 2/24 to 3/5. Survey will be
done online.
David M. made the motion
Seconded by David T.
All agreed
Comments from the floor
Tom O. made a motion to adjourn
Seconded by David T.
Next meeting: Monday, February 15, 2010 at 2pm