
15 February, 2010 FPC Meeting Minutes

Faculty Policy Council
February 15, 2010

Present: David Therriault, Tina SmithBonahue,
Troy Sadler, Harry Daniels, Alyson Adams, Mary
Brownell, James Algina, Thomas Oakland, Cirecie WestOlatunji,
David Miller, Cyndy Griffin, Tom
Not Present: Cathy Cavanaugh, Catherine Emihovich, Anne Ogg
Agenda and minutes

  1. Approval of the agenda
    Tom O. made a motion to approve the agenda
    Seconded by Troy
    All in favor
  2. Approval of January 11 minutes
    Jamie made the motion
    Seconded by David T.
    All in favor


  1. COE Deans’ Evaluations – 2/24 – 3/5
  2. a. Dean of the College
    b. Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
    c. Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
    Election for the Deans, Catherine, Tom, and Theresa, will be posted on February 24, and opportunity for
    faculty to finish voting by 5:00 close of business on March 5. Email message will go out reminding
    them to evaluate and how to access the forum. On the 23rd, an email will go out with the links to the
    actual assessment instruments. Faculty will have 10 calendar days to respond.
    Tom D. will send a copy of the instruments used previously.

  3. Formation of Elections Committee

Harry sent out an email to the unit heads about the formation of an elections committee. Heard from
STL and HDOES, still waiting to hear from SUSPECS.

Talk with chair of committee that members of FPC serve as liaison; we will need an annual report of the
activity of the respective committees. Oral presentation at the faculty meeting, followed by something in
writing for a report to be archived.

Dean’s Report

Tom Dana: NCATE is finished. There are a few of areas for improvement which I will be reviewing
with program coordinators, but for the most part they are benign. We received comments from NCATE
about strengths. We are also an NCATE pilot institution for the stream lined process and will be working
with other institutions to make the process better. Thank you to everyone involved.
We have 5 open positions in the college. The STL and Ed Tech offer is out to those people. HDOES
director closing date has not arrived yet. Search for the Alliance Director yielded zero applicants so we
will regroup with that one. Summer compensation, new collective bargaining agreement indicates that
the policy be written at the college level regarding summer compensation. Committee met, Dean’s
prerogative, will kick in March 15, status quo, same as its been every summer. Profits turned in last
summer. $60,000 less than last year, we can cover summer A, but summer B is smaller.
Associate Dean for Research – we are ready to roll on that, sign off on position description. Hopefully
the whole college will be involved. We have a lot of good applicants for the position but it will take all
of us. We have August 1 as a start date, but it’s pretty late right now. People moving into this kind of
position have a variable time line, different from the rest of us. It doesn’t matter if it’s spring semester or
fall semester. Budget from the state perspective; we think it looks stable. We’ve heard rumors of a
decrease from traditional sources. State budget is usually the last day of the session. Best projections
will be the same, so we are happy to go with that. There is an early childhood; I need to review those
before you get to the point of extending invitations.
I will share with all of the program coordinators tomorrow the results of the DOE/NCATE review.
There is one concern that applies to all programs and that is the coordinated nature of the assessments
that are used in the units. What do we look at across the entire unit to make determinations to make
changes to unit operations or assess overall quality. We have done a good job of coordinating program
level assessments and they are tied to annual SACS, but how does the individual program examining
their own programs lead to global or unitwide
changes. DOE did not ask for it so we did not present it.
The other concern that cuts across programs is that we are expected to assess the impact of our graduates
in their first year of employment on learning or development of pupils. One idea we tried to sell, within
a school somebody is using some type of measurement to draw a conclusion of the effectiveness of the
teacher or counselor, a tool used by the principal to measure. But we really don’t know how we are
going to do that. FCAT’s are probably not a direct measure of teachers’ impact. We are working with
DOE and the Race to Top. The SUS deans have been meeting with (George?) to see the model he has
developed. A sophisticated tool used by the folks at DOE. So we are deciding on whether to invite him
in as a consultant to chat with. We probably should put a work group together.

Old Business

  1. Status of FPC Resolution
    Resolution will be voted on at the Feb 25 meeting of the faculty senate.

New Business
Discussion items

  1. Formation of ad hoc committee to consider collaboration with SFC-
    Aftermuch discussion, questions raised. The ad hoc committee should look at issues of capacity,
    capacity to be involved, and if we do have that capacity, what is the focus of our efforts, organizational
    structure to guide those efforts, be a prosperous revenue stream – what are the budget and revenue
    concerns about how that would be managed.
    Motion made by Jamie, seconded by Tom O. for purposes of discussion:
    To look at the fiscal possibilities of collaborating with SFC. The capacity, people to do it, is it
    profitable, energy well spent, what would be the organizational plan if it were in place to pull this off?
    Final Resolution: to establish a fact finding committee that will report back to the FPC. Report back at
    their earliest convenience. One person from each school. I will ask heads to suggest a volunteer.
    Committee of four. 

    All in favor say Aye? No ayes

    Motion that Jamie put on the table did not pass. No votes cast. No one abstained.

    Alyson made a friendly amendment to the motion suggesting a callout
    for those interested in forming an
    ad hoc committee to explore the collaboration with SFC.
    Seconded by Mary
    Final Resolution: Put a callout
    to people interested in serving on this committee, meet at a certain time,
    have feedback by the end of the year, the April meeting.
    Ayes have it
    Two abstentions.

  2. Review of policy/practices related to mentoring of Fellows – RAC
    David M. made a motion that the review of the policies and practices relating the mentoring of Fellows
    be assigned to RAC.
    Seconded by Tom O.
    Question whether or not collegewide
    or program level guidelines in place. Explore what is already out
    Ayes have it
  3. Formation of committee to propose policy for summer compensation – BAC
    Standing fallback position, Dean’s prerogative. Addressed in Dean’s report above.
  4. RCM, COE, and School budgets – FPC
    Transparency and openness continue.
  5. Update on Associate Dean for Research Search
    Combined with the Productivity Task Force
  6. Productivity Task Force
    Next step is getting the approval for the Associate Dean Research position
    Move to get a final description of the position. New description will be circulated and voted on at the
    special meeting. Questions include, funding source, tenured position, job responsibilities.
    The PTF is meeting on the 18th to draft a suggested plan for FPC and a report completed by March 15.
  7. Committee Reports

    a. Budgetary Affairs – Cyndy Griffin
    BAC met with Catherine and Marsha – presentation on the budget. Out of that grew a
    smaller group to deal with the summer compensation issue. Have not scheduled another
    b. College Curriculum Committee – Tina SmithBonahue
    Nothing new
    c. Diversity Committee – David Miller
    Working on a policy for retention and bringing people in but not completed yet
    d. Faculty Affairs Committee – Alyson Adams

    i. Review thirdyear
    review Procedures
    This has been done. The committee discussed the 3rd year review in place but not
    followed consistently
    ii. College Climate Consultant
    Finished interviews with 3 external consultants. Report will be drafted with details
    presented at the special meeting. Report to include pool of consultants and
    information about each consultant.

    e. Lectures, Seminars, and Awards Committee – Tom Oakland
    Rolling along, big work load in the next month
    f. Long Range Planning
    Committee met and voted Hazel Jones as chair. Discussion whether assignments were core
    or relevant to LRP. Counter recommendations made. Differential load is not central to LRP,
    sympathetic to FAC, but that differential load be ad hoc under FAC, and someone volunteered
    from LRP to chair that, but does not belong under LRP. Name will be passed onto to Alyson.
    Productivity Task Force should meet with LRP and that PTF under LPR rather than ad hoc to
    g. Research Advisory Committee – Troy Sadler
    Will be meeting in the next couple of weeks – next item applications for UFRF
    Harry: we assigned the practice of reviewing the mentoring of fellows to RAC.
    h. Technology & Distance Education Committee – Cathy Cavanaugh
    No report at this time.

  8. Other
  9. none

    Action items

    Comments from the floor

    FPC members
    Harry thanked everyone for what they do
    COE faculty and students
    No comments


    Next meeting: Monday, March 15, 2010 at 2pm