
11 October, 2010 FPC Meeting Minutes

Faculty Policy Council
Minutes of the October 11, 2010 Regular Meeting
Location: Norman 158
(Approved November 15, 2010)

Members Present: Tina Smith-Bonahue (FPC Chair, SESPECS), Paul Sindelar (Secretary), Bernie Oliver (SHDOSE), Jeff Hurt (STL), Nancy Corbett (SESPECS), Stephen Smith (SESPECS), Stephen Pape (STL), Cyndy Griffin (SESPECS), Alyson Adams (STL), James Algina (SHDOSE), Cirecie West-Olatunji (SHDOSE), Catherine Emihovich (Dean), Tom Dana (Associate Dean of Academic Affairs), Ana Puig (OER), Matt Hodges (D&AA Senior Director), Kara Dawson (STL), Cathy Cavanaugh (STL), and Twyla L. Mancil (Graduate Assistant),

Time called to order: 2:00 p.m.

Approval of Agenda and Minutes
Approval of Agenda: Paul Sindelar moved to approve, Stephen Pape seconded, unanimous approval
Approval of September 13, 2010 Minutes: Stephen Pape moved to approve, Alyson Adams seconded, unanimous approval.

Related Action: On Agenda, “in lieu of” changed to “in relation to” under Distance Education discussion item; Twyla L. Mancil will submit minutes to John Donaldson for uploading to the FPC website.


Dean and Associate/Assistant Dean participation on FPC committees.
Discussed updated list of faculty and Dean’s representatives on FPC committees, as well as the need to inform committee chairs of the Dean’s representative on their corresponding committees to ensure their representative is included on any correspondence and invited to meetings.

Dean’s Report
Annual Report
Annual report is expected to be sent out at the end of the week; report describes the research funding, private funding, and all activities in which faculty and students are involved. The report is shared with COE deans across the country, policy makers, state officials/legislators, those at the university level at UF, faculty, and key alumni.

Budget Update
The COE budget for 2010 – 2011 has been finalized. Deans will begin thinking about how to construct next year’s budget. Pressing tasks include developing a summer compensation model and developing allocation strategies for allocating the 2011-2012 budget.

Search Update
The COE will continue with a few searches: 1) senior faculty position in the STEM area, funded by money from the Provost Office through the Jump Start Initiative (Troy Sander is chairing that committee); 2) Assistant/Associate professor search in Counselor Education; and 3) en external search for Associate Dean of Research (ADR). Issues related to how the ADR search is possible given current budget concerns were discussed, including the critical importance of the search and flexibility of the budget. Dean Emihovich also addressed qualities desired in the candidate, including a strong quantitative background, ability to manage increasing research contracts, ability to manage increasingly complex work ( for example, including Lastinger Center initiatives), and the ability to coordinate for other funding sources.

Discussions ensued regarding the possibility of hiring from within REM and the foreseen role of the Associate Dean of Research, including this individual’s role in working with the Lastinger Center and exploring funding opportunities through existing relationships/activities. The Dean also discussed how specific faculty needs (e.g., helping faculty start grants) would be addressed, not necessarily by this person, but by OER. The Dean anticipates getting the committee formed this week; Tom Dana will be chairing the committee.

The Dean also related that there will not be a search for a Dean of HDOSE this year (Dale Campbell is willing to continue as Interim Director). The search for PKY director, which is at the point of reference checks, is still in process and may be re-opened. The search for an Alliance Director is on hold for now.

Report from OER and the Development Office
Name of Reporters: Matt Hodges, D&AA Senior Director and Ana Puig, OER Director

Ana and Matt have met several times to discuss initiatives that are in place and things that can be done to gain traction for the office. Matt and Ana discussed their intention to increase involvement with faculty, as well as address faculty needs conveyed in the recent survey. They also discussed planning and organizing open forums and faculty input for these forums. They identified the first step as coming up with a plan for communicating OER and the Development Office goals to faculty. Efforts are being made to create opportunities for faculty to discuss funding sources more readily with Matt and Ana. Brief discussion ensued regarding securing federal and private funding, as well as ways to initiate conversations between Ana and Matt and faculty. NSF outreach and funding for program officers was also briefly discussed and a desire for additional outreach ideas was expressed.

Old Business

Budgetary Affairs Committee

Name of Reporter: Cyndy Griffin, BAC Co-Chair, SESPECS

Cyndy discussed previous BAC goals, including work on the summer compensation issue and to come up with long-term plans/principles for budget allocation. However, the BAC articulated broader goals, including a) understand current budget scenario and rationale, b) be able to share what they learned with other faculty, and c) be able to analyze allocation process.

At the next meeting on 10/18/10, the BAC will fully discuss all the information Tom Dana will be sharing. On 10/25 at the Fall Faculty Meeting, the BAC is on the meeting agenda and would like some feedback from FPC on what might be helpful for the BAC to share with faculty.

Discussion ensued regarding the BAC’s possible overlap with the FAC given that the BAC is looking across Schools at assignments, as well as a reminder for the need of transparency. Also briefly discussed University evaluation plan for RCM, which is up to each College to ensure it supports the vision/mission of the University. Decisions regarding how RCM will be pushed down and how far it will be pushed down have not been made. Discussion ensued regarding a plan for evaluation being built in upfront to ensure units are implementing RCM in ways that align with their strategic plans and goals.

Discussion also ensued regarding the BAC’s work on developing guidelines for governing the allocation process. The BAC is still in the data gathering and reviewing phase. Dean reiterated that the decision was made this year to hold individual units harmless and fund schools without considering their relationship with revenue streams. The challenge for the BAC is to decide whether to maintain the same allocation structure (i.e., the four-box model: state and tuition revenue; contracts and grants revenue; salary savings and ITC; and private money and entrepreneurial activities) or adopt a new structure. Units will have to assess both revenue and overhead assessment together. Comments arose regarding the possible lack of understanding of RCM among faculty and the need to address this at the Fall Faculty Meeting. It was suggested that providing an update or “cheat sheet” for faculty regarding RCM, as well as an providing an open door policy and posting information on the website would be helpful to faculty. The Dean encouraged FPC members to go to their individual units and discuss possibly inviting Naomi to their unit to discuss RCM. Tom Dana discussed creating an RCM information document in conjunction with the BAC for faculty.

The committee wants to get data from within Schools in order to develop rules/principles for coming up with a model for summer compensation—looking minutely at what is happening in individual units (e.g., teacher assignments and service assignments), not individual faculty per se but averages.

Long Range Planning Committee
Name of Reporter: Cirecie West-Olatunji, SHDOSE

The Long Range Planning Committee (LRC) met after the Provost meeting with faculty to discuss a structure for beginning strategic planning. A Strategic Planning Steering Committee was discussed as means of helping the COE move forward with this work. Dorene Ross and Paul Sindelar were recommended as co-chairs as they both have strong backgrounds in budgetary affairs and long and respected history with the College. Other recommended members include each of the School directors, as well as professors with strong budget backgrounds and a representative from each of the schools and the Productivity Task Force: Tracy Linderholm (Productivity Task Force), Hazel Jones (SSESPECS), Ruth Lowery (STL), and Cirecie West-Olatunji (SHDOSE). Kathy Long (Dean of Nursing and Associate Provost) and Tina Smith-Bonahue will also serve as ex officio members to the steering committee.

Questions were raised about the mission, vision, and strategic planning of the subcommittee. It was determined that vision and strategic planning would be the focus as a mission statement already exists. The Provost’s Office recommended Jodi Gentry (Human Resource Services Director) to help the subcommittee in identifying an external consultant and defining the external consultant’s role. A brief discussion ensued regarding the responsibilities of the LRPC given this new subcommittee.

Motion: (Cirecie West-Olatunji) To form a Task Force to work with the LRPC and charged with defining the goals of the College; motion was unanimously approved.

Fall Faculty Meeting
The following items will be discussed at the Fall Faculty Meeting: state of the College, including faculty searches; budget discussion; the OER and Development Office efforts; and strategic planning.

Review of the Constitution
Nobody volunteered to take on this work. Issue that recently came up is the notion of expanding the nature and roles of the Lecture and Awards Committee—suggestion was made that this committee could take on another role of helping Schools identify opportunities to host lectures and help publicize lectures/awards across the College and University. This could be another constitution committee task. A brief discussion of internal and external award nominations also ensued. Making the work related to the constitution part of the LRPC tasks was also discussed.


Distance Education
Name of Reporters: Tina Smith Bonahue (FPC Chair, SSESPECS)
Kara Dawson and Cathy Cavanaugh

Faculty concerns brought to the Agenda Committee raised a number of issues related to Distance Education (DE), which have policy implications. As such, it makes sense for FPC to participate and lead in these conversations. Among these issues are: a) the need for a clearly articulated mission for DE; b) the development of a number of policy and procedure issues, (e.g., author fees); and c) the need for a well-informed group to have serious conversations about these and other long-term issues. While these tasks are related to the mission of FPC’s Technology and DE Committee (TDEC), the tasks exceed the normal work of the TDEC.

It was recommended that task force be formed that includes faculty representing all major online programs in the College, those who are thinking of having online programs, and department representations. Items like course caps and qualifications of instructors need to be discussed. The Dean also indicated that items such as these also have clear budget implications and recommended this group thinking of this conceptually then make recommendations to another group to consider budgetary issues and make decisions. Input from faculty and DE administrators was recommended. Discussions ensued regarding faculty needs related to DE and links between budget and DE curricular decisions.

Discussions also included the mission and constitution of the TDEC, as well as the lack of understanding of the tasks of this committee. The traditional view of the TDEC’s mission was to look at ways of disseminating technology, which was appropriate when the committee was first formed but may have changed given the present DE concerns. A point of order was called in relation to identifying the current roles and procedures of TDEC. Current tasks identified for the TDEC: a) to interface with Trace Choulat, Tom Dana, Dan McCoy, and John Donaldson and b) to conduct a needs assessment among faculty with the assistance of Kara and Cathy.

Further conversations related to DE issues included a) curricular guidelines (e.g., integrity of the curricula we offer), b) policies and procedures (i.e., identifying the issues and then checking with administration and sorting those administrative issues from policy issues); c) faculty implications; and d) budgetary implications. Concerns and discussion related to forming another separate task force from an existing committee ensued. Suggestions were made for the task force to follow along the lines of the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) operating under the LRPC. Faculty involvement in making DE decisions was stressed given that otherwise administrators will then make these decisions, as well as the importance of announcing at the Fall Faculty Meeting the FPC’s involvement in these matters.

Motion: (Alyson Adams) To charge Cathy and Kara with forming a task force that will answer to the TDEC, identifying individuals who will participate on the task force and identifying individuals who will work in consultation with the task force; the task force will be charged with addressing the four issues outlined above (i.e., curricular guidelines, policies and procedures, faculty implications, and budgetary implications); motion seconded by James Algina, motion was unanimously approved.

Related Action:
TDEC will meet with Kara and Cathy regarding next steps.

Committee Reports

Curriculum Committee
Name of Reporter: Paul Sindelar, FPC Secretary, SESPECS

Met on 9/27 and dealt with some old business, including approval of a course title change and our ongoing effort to have our special topic and individual work courses approved at the University level. The University is asking for syllabi and we are trying to find someone to help coordinate these efforts at the University level. Approved the Educational Psychology concentration in the Ph. D. degree in Research Methodology and terminated several programs—Middle Level Education (Bachelors degree) and two Counselor Education Ph. D. degrees (Marriage and Family Counseling and Mental Health Counseling—they had requested these be terminated because they are moving the three programs into one). CC will meet next on October 18, 2010.

Diversity Committee:
Name of Reporter: Bernie Oliver, SHDOSE

Maria Cody was elected chair. Two new business items centered around having conversations about a College response to the burning of the Koran and recent violence against gay students. At the next meeting, the Diversity Committee will try to put together a survey to assess diversity in the COE among staff, faculty, and students.

Lectures, Seminars, and Awards Committee

Name of Reporter: James Algina, SHDOSE

Communicated electronically. Maryanne Nelson is the Chair. There were no applications for the International Educator awards because we haven’t received any applications for review. The next applications will be Doctoral Mentor awards.

Faculty Affairs Committee
Name of Reporter: Alyson Adams, STL

Met today (10/11/2010) and ranked FEO applications and reported to John. Also began talking about the third year review policy. A few questions for the FPC arose, including how to reconstitute the committee and who to talk to regarding related questions. Tom Dana referred the committee to the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs in the Provost’s Office for further guidance.

FAC also wants further information regarding the noted problems with the third-year review process. It was indicated that such a review was at the request of STL and Buffy Bondy.

Kara Dawson was selected as the Chair and Linda Lombardino as the Secretary.

Related Action:
Tina Smith-Bonahue (FPC Chair, SESPECS) will share correspondence with Buffy Bondy with FAC regarding third-year review issues.

Long Range Planning Committee

See above

Research Advisory Committee
Name of Reporter: Stephen Smith, SESPECS

Will be meeting on October 19, 2010.

Technology and Distance Education Committee

See above.

The meeting adjourned at: 4:00
Minutes submitted by Twyla L. Mancil