25 October, 2010, FPC Faculty Meeting Minutes
Fall Faculty Meeting of the College of Education
Monday October 25, 2010, 3:00-5:00
(Approved by the Faculty Policy Council and its regular meeting on 11/15/10)
Welcome Tina Smith-Bonahue, Chair, 2010-2011 FPC Chair
Introductions and Announcements
- Dale Campbell
- Welcome to Patricia Hurff and Jann MacInness
- Cindy Garvan and Ana Puig were promoted to Clinical Associate Professor.
- Buffy Bondy
- STL welcomes two new assistant professors this year, Brianna Kennedy and Albert Ritzhaupt, and a new clinical assistant professor, Darby Delane. In addition, 3 new Professors-in-Residence became part of STL, Tanetha Grosland and Vicki Vescio in Pinellas County, and Crystal Timmons in Duval.
- Maria Cody was tenured and promoted to associate professor
- Jean Crockett
- Maureen Conroy returned to UF as professor in Early Childhood Studies and Special Education.
- Cynthia Griffin and Jean Crockett were promoted to professor.
The State of the College by Dean Catherine Emihovich
Dean Emihovich shared a Powerpoint presentation on the State of the College based on the COE Annual Report. She emphasized the breadth and depth of the College’s initiatives, and pointed out the COE’s focus on early childhood through postsecondary education as well as whole school improvement.
A series of development events will take place on November 3-4. These meetings are open to faculty and are designed to foster relationships between the COE and a group of “Critical Friends,” potential donors and stakeholders for the COE’s work.
An update on the budget was shared, reviewing how Responsibility Center Management (RCM) directs allocations. The dean is consulting with the FPC’s Budgetary Affairs Committee to address several questions regarding future allocations: 1) A plan for compensating faculty for summer instruction that accounts for reduced availability of resources for funding summer costs; 2) principles for allocating funds to the schools; and 3) strategies for paying the overhead assessments charged by the university.
The following searches will be conducted this year in the COE: 1) Associate Dean for Research; 2) senior faculty member for STEM, a position funded by Jump Start funds; 3) director for PK Yonge; and 4) an associate or assistant faculty position in Counselor
Education. There will not be a search this year for a director for HDOSE as Dale Campbell has agreed to continue in the role.
(Please see Powerpoint presentation.)
COE Development and Alumni Affairs Annual Plan by Matt Hodges, Director, Development and Alumni Affairs
Matt used a Powerpoint presentation to describe the three roles of the COE’s Development Office: 1) to increase private support, 2) to actively steward our donors in a meaningful way, and 3) to communicate and engage with all distinctive stakeholders. He also provided information about the COE’s progress toward the capital campaign, potential donors, and development initiatives that are ongoing.
(Please see Powerpoint presentation.)
Overview of Faculty Policy Council Initiatives for 2010-2011 by Tina Smith-Bonahue
FPC has an ambitious agenda this year, following up on last year’s FPC’s Productivity Task Force report and taking up the Provost’s charge to develop a vision and strategic plan. A number of FPC committees have been meeting already; Tina thanked the members of the committees for their efforts. Reports were shared by committee chairs for three of FPC’s committees.
Budget Advisory Committee by Nancy Waldron, Chair
Nancy described the committee’s work around Responsibility Center Management and its implications for the COE, particularly the ways in which funds that come into the COE will be allocated to different units. The BAC’s goals for this semester include continuing to develop principles and a plan for allocating funds and elicit faculty input on it.
Strategic Planning Steering Committee, by Dorene Ross, Co-Chair
The strategic planning steering committee is co-chaired by Dorene Ross and Paul Sindelar. Other members include each of the three school directors, one of each school’s representatives to the Long Range Planning Committee (Cirecie West-Olatunji – HDOSE, Hazel Jones – SESPECS, and Ruth Lowery – STL), and a representative from the Productivity Task Force (Tracy Linderholm). Kathy Long, Dean of the College of Nursing and Associate Provost and Tina Smith-Bonahue are ex officio members of the Steering Committee, and Dean Tom Dana will serve as a resource on an ad hoc basis.
The committee has two primary purposes: 1) to structure a process for engaging faculty in conversations about goals and priorities, then 2) to take use that information to develop a strategic planning document by April 1st. The committee will consult with Jodi Gentry from Human Resources and hopes to host a faculty retreat sometime before the end of the fall semester.
Other FPC Initiatives, by Tina Smith-Bonahue
Constitution review: This effort will be led by Stephen Pape and is intended to review the COE Constitution to ensure that procedures described in it remain up-to-date.
Distance Education Task Force: At the October FPC meeting, the council voted to charge a task force with reviewing the mission, policies, and procedures of the Distance Education Office. This task force will be led by Kara Dawson and Cathy Cavanaugh and will include faculty with expertise and experience in offering distance programs as well as administrators from the COE with specialized skills and expertise.
Committee Reports
- Budgetary affairs—Nancy Waldron, Chair
- See previous report.
- College Curriculum Committee—Paul Sindelar, Chair
- Specific duties include consideration of new courses, program changes, and providing oversight of the quality of undergraduate and graduate course and program offerings.
- The CCC meets monthly during Fall and Spring semesters and as needed during Summer terms.
- Diversity Committee—Maria Coady, Chair
- The committee’s first meeting is on October 26th at 9:00 a.m.
- Via email, the committee has discussed highlighting several issues including bullying, religious diversity, etc.
- The committee’s goal for this year is to have a short survey for faculty to take a pulse on issues of diversity
- Faculty Affairs Committee—Alyson Adams, FPC representative
- The FAC has been charged with ranking applications for faculty enhancement and sabbaticals.
- A major issue to be tackled by the FAC this year is the third-year review, and consideration of whether there should be input from the college level, not just at each school level
- In addition, FAC will attempt to define evaluation procedures for non-tenure track roles due to expansion of the tracks
- Lectures, Seminars and Awards Committee—Tina Smith-Bonahue
- This committee is charged with reviewing applications for awards
- Long Range Planning Committee—Hazel Jones, Chair
- The LRP presented a motion to the FPC identifying steering committee members. The motion was approved and the steering committee convened.
- The primary task for the LRP for this year will be to work in conjunction with the steering committee strategic planning.
- Research Advisory Committee—Thomasenia Adams, Chair
- The RAC will consider applications for the following awards:
- Research Professor Award
- College Research Incentive
- No B.L. Smith this year
- Research opportunity incentive, due by November 29th
- Technology and Distance Education Committee—Jeff Hurt, FPC representative
- Responsibilities for this committee include serving as liaison between FPC and emerging DE task force, and considering faculty needs related to the expansion of distance education.
- Inaugural meeting will be on October 27th .
The meeting adjourned at 4:30.