Meeting Minutes


10 September, 2007 FPC Meeting Minutes

College of Education (COE)
Draft Faculty Policy Council Minutes
September 10, 2007

Members Present: Jean Crockett, Rick Ferdig, John Kranzler, David Miller, Bernie Oliver, Diane Ryndak, Edil Torres, Elizabeth Yeager, Harry Daniels (alt. for Sondra Smith), Ruth Lowery
Members absent:, Sondra Smith, David Quinn
Non-Members Present: Dean Jeri Benson, Marylynn Hall, Ester de Jong, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Paul Sindelar, Linda Hagedorn

Meeting began at 2:03.

Yeager asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Oliver moved to approve agenda and Ryndak seconded the motion. The agenda was unanimously approved.

Yeager asked for a motion to approve the April 30 FPC meeting minutes. Miller moved to approve the minutes and Torres seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved.

Dean’s report

  • Dean Emihovich is currently in China. Dean Benson reported that she was asked to speak about the budget cuts. The college was asked to return 4.2% of its budget. This is effectively a 33% cut to the operating budget because salaries can’t be touched. The amount is around $678,000, which has already been given back. This is a permanent cut. Because the legislature is not meeting until October, we don’t know if this is the end of it. We could be asked to make more cuts. An anticipated 4% additional cut next year. We were fortunate that no one had to lose a position. Searches for the next few years are off, unless there are retirements.
  • Dean Benson has announced her retirement as of July 1, 2008. There will be an internal search for her replacement. When Emihovich returns next month a job description will be finalized. Webb will chair the search committee. We hope to have someone named by the end of December. This timing will allow transition.
  • Dean Benson discussed her new office website. The site includes forms, policies, and processes for academic affairs.

Information item

  • COE Fall Faculty Meeting, October 8
    Yeager reported that the fall faculty meeting is on October 8. This is rescheduled since Catherine was unable to attend the other date. She wanted to be able to talk about the budget situation. Rick Yost from the Faculty Senate and Dick Gorsky from the UF Disability Center will be there.

Discussion items

  • Update on tenure and promotion (T&P) criteria
    Koro-Ljungberg reported that she is chairing the T&P adhoc committee and de Jong is co-chair. The committee has met several times since January to discuss the criteria. Koro-Ljungberg emphasizes that the focus is not on the process, just the criteria.
    de Jong provided a handout with some history of the committee. The committee started last year at the request of the Faculty and Budgetary Affairs Committee (FBAC). to revise the criteria. The procedures have already been revised in 2002. They sent an open invitation to all faculty to participate in the committee. They tried to get different ranks and representations from all departments. They started by looking at what other people had done. They took tenure and promotion guidelines from comparable institutions such as California, Michigan, Maryland. What do these other institutions do? Then they decided to tackle it by dividing it up by service, teaching, and scholarship – different groups looked at each piece. Then the language was brought back to the entire group for revision. Each document has gone through three revisions by the entire committee. They have three big parts to them. What do we consider scholarship, teaching, service defined as? What are some areas of distinction? How can distinction be demonstrated? The purpose of the list is not to be exhaustive. There will never be a full-fledged list. The piece that is not included yet is the introduction to the document. The committee has worked very hard, and worked well together.

Koro-Ljungberg invites faculty to give conceptual feedback. Assistant professors will have an open forum on October 12. Forum for all faculty will be on October 19. This will be in three one hour sessions (service, scholarship, research). Forum for faculty to participate in integrating the different parts of the document on October 26. Hopefully FPC members can encourage department members to participate in this process. FPC members can also pass along department feedback to the committee.

Ferdig questions … What are sources versus indicators of quality – Just being on committee is not a quality indicator. Chairing or strong participation on the committee is more an indicator of quality. More specific criteria is being added. They have tried to put the quality indicators in context. The list is still there, but more detailed reasoning is provided in the new version. Ferdig suggested sending the old document out for comparison purposes too. Benson suggested early notification of the meeting (save the date) so that people can get this on their calendar.

  • COE Day Away summary and next steps
    Sindelar led the Day Away activities. The day was focused on budget issues. Handout represents the summary reports from four groups. Talked about how the college can expand and diversify funding sources. Groups talking about grants, efficiency, centers (how faculty members could engage in the work of centers to bring in additional funds), distance education group. The handouts are the final reports these groups made. Each group was charged to identify ways to increase and diversify revenue sources in their area. They committed to identify activities that could be instrumental for preparing for future budget cuts. They would like this to become an action plan.
    They will be talking about this at the October 8 faculty meeting. They would like to send out a narrative version of this to the entire faculty. These are the opportunities that are available to people in these three areas. A lot of these are departmental issues. This was a very fruitful session. People did not focus on the negative. The tone was positive. Ryndak really hopes that there is follow-through because people are ready to get started. There are some obvious next steps. FPC can organize information sessions for people around these topics. There are policy issues that might eventually have to be dealt with from these budget decisions. Yeager asked for suggestions for next steps. Sindelar suggested sending out information to all faculty. Ferdig wants to know who is responsible for each items. Open it up to everyone, but let people know who is responsible for what. Daniels noticed that the centers agenda and the grants agenda has a lot of overlap. It also seems that there is too much to do. What about prioritizing certain areas? Sindelar agreed that ranking activities is an important task. Ryndak discussed how the group members found that their interest areas could support each other. She thought immediately about grant proposals. Crockett discussed how her group thought about becoming self-sufficient – this is an entrepreneurial mission – a whole new way of thinking. Does that type of thinking help to redirect us? Are we moving towards self-sufficiency? Kranzler suggested that grant funding is great, but that is a long-term solution. Daniels brought up low IDC generating projects and how redirecting efforts might be advisable. There is already a structure for addressing distance education issues. Quinn has agreed to be liaison to this committee. Next steps will be getting these ideas out to the faculty and assigning responsibilities to different groups.
  • Office of Educational Research resources and budget
    Yeager lined up center directors to talk at FPC meetings to get specifics about available resources. FPC members should take this information back to their departments. Sindelar reported on the resources available in the Grant Office, the budget, where the money comes and how it is spent. The office lost its fiscal person during the hiring freeze and haven’t been able to hire a replacement. They were able to hire a statistics person (Cyndi Garvin), in conjunction with ed psych, for consultation regarding research design and data analysis. They can help in finding potential funding sources. They have a research profile on everyone, which will soon be completely up to date. This is a searchable database. You can pick descriptors and get a list of people who have used those descriptors to describe their own work. They can help with all the aspects of getting grant funding. They can also draft IRBs from exisiting proposals (@80% of the work). Ana has been working with the fiscal people in each department to standardize budgetary reporting. Some of the IDC money has been used for seed money for project development. The office has been self-sufficient for the two years it has operated. A serious issue for the office is the nest egg. They are sitting on some IDC money. He is doing what he can to preserve it. This year they will probably tap into the nest egg. They have hired Angie Williams on an overtime basis and a second research assistant to cover what Devona Ferguson used to do. The expense budget is gone. Everything except staff salaries is covered by IDC. The research office share of Cyndi Garvin’s salary (50%) is being paid from IDC. If we are trying to diversify revenue streams, this IDC money is going to be instrumental,
    so spending it on salaries is not ideal. Brian can help with and FastLane submissions. Sindelar feels well supported by faculty.
  • Linda Hagedorn – Carnegie Professional Practice Doctorate update

Hagedorn has been accepted into the Carnegie program on the professional doctorate. In response to criticisms of colleges of education. In ed leadership, many graduates go into professional practice. Need to provide the appropriate training for people who are interested in professional work. There is no money attached to this work. This is about creating programs that will create more interest. The idea of the professional practice doctorate works well for their department. Practicums, for example,, are more important. They have put together a working group to guide this initiative. Hagedorn sees herself as the cheerleader for this initiative. They are trying to figure out how to make this happen. It is a three year initiative (first year complete) to create a college-wide program that is applicable to all departments. They have created a pilot program in the department of ed leadership. They have also hired a distance faculty member. It is more about being an effective administrator. Ryndak asked how this was different from the previous program of the EdD in Ed Admin. EdD is going to be off-campus on a part-time basis and the PhD is going to be on campus so students can work with faculty. She is looking to make the research piece for the Ed.D. students more applied rather than esoteric. Crockett looks at this as a way of addressing the research to practice gap. How can we cultivate a greater sense of research understanding. As a practitioner, you are an implementer. This would change what the dissertation experience would be like. Promoting critical thinking and academic curiosity is not necessarily the domain of traditional research. There is considerable competition in graduate and professional education. Distance education universities are getting stronger. If people go into practice, it doesn’t matter much where they get their degree. Convenience, time, and all those factors go into it. Phoenix isn’t cheap. We are not competing with Nova, because we will always be the university of florida. Does every department have an EdD? I think every department can have an EdD.

  • GRE/Graduate Council policy update
    Thomasina cannot be here today. She forwarded information on the GRE changes. The University decided that the criteria for 1000 verbal+quantitative minimum score will be removed. The grad school is giving colleges leeway. Our college currently exempts below 1000 GRE with a masters from an appropriate institution. She is requesting feedback – do we want to keep the current 1000 minimum in our college? Kranzler reported that at one point, the admissions and petitions committee was allowing everyone who petitioned to get through. To address this, the deal was that nobody below 900 was accepted period. Some colleges are saying that they only accept 1200. The school psych program decided not to change its criteria. What should our next step be? The GRE discriminates against older students, minorities, and low-SES students. It is program-department-college-university. Rankings are of concern and quality of dissertations. The Dean’s office used to review dissertations because the graduate school was complaining about the quality of dissertations. There
    are superintendents who have trouble getting into UF because of the GRE score. Holistic admissions take into account other experiences that allow them to flourish in this environment. Difficulty getting through a dissertation is a problem with us. We haven’t prepared them well. Oliver argues against uses the GRE.

Action Item – FPC liaisons to FPC committees

Curriculum Rick Ferdig
Faculty Affairs John Kranzler
Budgetary Affairs Sondra Smith
Lectures, Seminars, and Awards Ruth Lowery
Distance Education Task Force David Quinn
Shared Governance Task Force David Miller
Research Advisory Diane Ryndak
Technology Edil Torres

FPC rep to Agenda Committee Jean Crockett

Meeting adjourned at 4:20 – did not catch the motion/second

Next meeting: COE Fall Faculty Meeting, October 8, 2pm, Terrace Room


16 April, 2007 FPC Faculty Meeting Minutes

College of Education
Spring Faculty Meeting
April 16, 2007

40+ faculty members in attendance

Welcome (Buffy Bondy)
• There was a shooting at Virginia Tech today. Yeager gave an update based on
recent CNN website information.
• Today’s agenda is organized around brief reports from each of the five
departments, the four deans, the Faculty Senate, then from FPC committees.

Department Highlights
The Counselor Education Department (Harry Daniels):
• Continues to be highly ranked by USNews;
• Added two new faculty members, Michael Garrett and Andrea Rayle;
• Became the most diverse unit in the COE and perhaps campus wide;
• Was actively involved in Hurricane Katrina relief;
• Is involved in several major projects. Focus areas include: underachievement of
male middle-school students, family-school communication, accountability
models at the school-level, and needs assessment for a multidisciplinary schoolclinic;
• Is actively involved in submitting grants;
• Is increasing its emphasis on student research. For example, twenty students
presented papers at national or regional conferences and the department held its
first professional development symposium developed by students; and
• Established a memorial award in remembrance of two students who died in an
automobile accident early last semester (David and Brian Marshall).

The Educational Administration and Policy Department (Kathy Grotto):
• Held an international research event directed by students. Students participated in
poster sessions and faculty gave presentations;
• Received several grants including a $1.6 million grant from Lumina Foundation, a
Science for Life grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and a $56,000
research opportunity grant;
• Will host a visiting Chinese scholar for a year (studying comparative education);
• Hired a new faculty member, Pillar Mendoza;
• Participating in the Carnegie project on Professional Practice Doctorate; and
• Initiated two new online-blended doctoral degrees.

The Educational Psychology Department (Mark Shermis)
• Promoted Mirka Koro-Ljungberg and Traci Linderholm;
• Was awarded seven year accreditation from both APA and NASP;
• Was awarded $342K in research funding, up from $123K last year;
• Was named one of the top ten educational psychology programs by School
Psychology Quarterly;
• Faculty/staff received several awards including Diana Joyce, Tom Oakland,
Nancy Waldron, and Elaine Green; and
• Awarded sabbaticals to Tina Smith-Bonahue and Tom Oakland.
The School of Teaching and Learning (Tom Dana):
• Has $1.8 million in active grant awards;
• Submitted 15 proposals this year, including several interdisciplinary;
• Increased funding for doctoral students;
• Is conducting several major projects;
• Expanded online degree programs;
• Enrolled 804 online graduate students;
• Submitted an Educator Preparation Institute proposal for the SITE program (sitebased
implementation of teacher education)
• Continued work on the Duval-UF Lastinger Center Apprentice Teacher project,
professional development models, and assisting east side elementary schools;
• Is working to establish a presence in Alachua County middle and high schools;
• Had more students interested in studying education than spots available.
• Had several retirements (Mullally, George, Gregory, Douglas) and several hires
(Pape, McArthur, Sanders-Cassell, K. Cavanaugh)

The Special Education Department (James McLeskey)
• Lost several valued members of the department to other schools;
• Conducted several searches and hired great people;
• Received a total of $5 million in grant funding this year. Study topics include
aggressive and disruptive students, and leadership in inclusive education;
• Faculty and students received numerous awards;
• Graduated 15 doctoral students including two Holmes Scholars; and
• Moved up from #9 to #4 in the US News rankings.

Deans’ Highlights
Office of Student Services (Theresa Vernetson):
• Advised 2400 people (not just College of Education students—also people getting
• Placed 322 student teachers;
• Gave appreciation gifts to teachers and counselors in Alachua County;
• Initiated four study abroad programs this year (plan to start recruiting earlier next
• Reviewed 158 scholarship applicants (scholarship selection committee);
• Gave graduation clearance for hundreds of students; and
• Reminds faculty to wear regalia to graduation on Saturday at the performing arts

Office of Educational Research (Paul Sindelar):
• Reviewed 52 proposals requesting more than $22 million so far this year;
• Facilitated more proposals this year than in the entirety of 2005/2006 and almost
doubled the amount of money requested.
• Received nearly $6 million in new awards, not including the $10 million Kellogg
• Received more funding than in 2005/2006 including DOE, NIH, and NSF grants;
• Sponsored several grant information sessions and workshops.
Office of Academic Affairs (Jeri Benson):
• Assists in overseeing distance education, institutional research and educational
• Submitted four promotion cases from COE faculty and five cases from PKY
• Working on promotion advisement for non-tenure track faculty promotions;
• Conducted 14 searches and made 15 offers (One of the searches was so successful
we created an extra position);
• Two searches are still outstanding;
• Negotiated a spousal hire with the college of engineering;
• Hired Elayne Colón as Director of Assessment and Accreditation;
• Beginning to gather data for accreditation; and
• Facilitated several awards.

The Dean’s Office (Catherine Emihovich):
• Introduced Bob Henning, new COE Director of Development;
• Presented an overview of the COE in the dean’s budget request to the provost.
Some highlights from the presentation included:

• Collaborative initiatives with other units on campus;
• One of the best records of any college on campus for diversifying faculty;
• Decreasing enrollment in undergraduate education and increasing graduate
education (as desired);
• Outreach programs such as Lastinger Center, UF Alliance, Center for
School Improvement, Institute for Higher Education, and Transition
• Challenges for our college (tight regulatory environment, need to address
alternatively certified teachers, need to recruit top graduate students and
diversify, physical space inadequate and outdated, research expenditures
are low compared to peer institutions);
• COE Goals: increase graduate enrollment through online programs,
increase grant submissions, establish partnerships with Hispanic serving
and historically Black colleges, increase and retain faculty of color, meet
new campaign goal of $13 million;
• Budget requests: funds for east-side training clinic, new tenure lines,
matching funds;
• Other points: Big focus on STEM initiatives, faculty are willing to work
and partner with faculty in other departments

• Addressed proposal to rename the COE after Jeb Bush. Bush is aware of the
serious implications of such a change and did not approve of the proposal. If it
does happen, it will not change anything faculty are doing.

The Faculty Senate (Cyndy Griffin):
• Revised the strategic work plan with Machen (Academic Policy Council);
• Revised the climate survey (Welfare Council);
• Created a committee to look at the future of the libraries;
• CLASS put forth a plan to investigate the financial workings of the institution and
get meaningful faculty review of budget and resource allocations (Budget
• Created a dispute resolution officer position. This will be an objective person who
will help faculty mediate disputes;
• Passed a resolution to have minus grades (Academic Policy Council). President
Machen was concerned that there was not enough student input into the decision.
Now there will be more student members on committees (non-voting).
• Voted unanimously to support President Machen’s Academic Enhancement
• Signed on to participate in the Focus the Nation event on global warming;
• Addressed the need for quality childcare. Current needs are severely unmet.
• Will have chair elect Rick Yost replace Danaya Wright for the remainder of her
term; and
• Has three new candidates for chair, all interested in increasing shared governance.

Faculty Policy Council Highlights
The Curriculum Committee:
• Reviewed course changes and deletions; and
• Considering new proposal related to Professional Training Option.
The Faculty and Budgetary Affairs Committee:
• Recognized members of the committee who did a lot of work;
• Split committee into two parts (Faculty Affairs and Budgetary Affairs);
• Finalized promotion guidelines for lecturers and scholars;
• Established an ad hoc committee with 15 members to develop criteria for tenure
and promotion. The committee is developing criteria for service, teaching, and
• Reviewed sabbatical applications; and
• Budgetary Affairs committee is focusing on FPC’s role in the budget. Members
interviewed department chair’s current practices and how to improve transparency
and accountability;

The Lectures, Seminars and Awards Committee:
• Concentrated on awards such as the Dissertation Advisor Mentor award and
Graduate Faculty Teaching award;
• Members would like to revise some criteria for these awards;
• Had enough lectures due to faculty searches this year.
The Long Range Planning Committee:
• Worked to develop the evaluations for 3 Deans.

The Research Advisory Committee:
• Reviewed Research Opportunity Fund proposals (now the COE can only submit
• One of the Research Opportunity Fund proposals was funded; and
• Reviewed CRIF proposals.

The Student Recruitment, Admissions, and Petitions Committee:
• Recommending that a recruitment task force be led by the Office of Recruitment,
Retention, and Multicultural Affairs, to report to the FPC
• Will be on hiatus next year.

The Technology Advisory Committee:
• Focused on understanding technology initiatives in the college;
• Needs to work on disseminating information. For example, Academic Technology
will implement new collaborative software soon. Faculty need to learn about it;
• Learned about the new VISTA operating system;
• John Donaldson wants to provide a template for putting web pages online;
• Asked Tech Services to provide a tutorial on email management; and
• Is trying to figure out how to become more advisory.
Next year FPC will:
• Stagger committee membership—some members will stay on the committee, and
other members will be elected for two years. Yeager will make sure there is a
good balance between departments;
• Experiment with committee changes. If we want to change the constitution next
year we will do that. The revised committees for next year are:

• FBAC is now Faculty Affairs and Budgetary Affairs;
• New elections committee responsible for FPC, UF Senate, and Tenure and
Promotion Committee elections;
• New Distance Education Task Force will create guidelines for
compensation, class size, procedures, and roles. People are needed for this
task force. Task force will report to FPC in its monthly meetings.
• New Shared Governance Advisory Committee will assess shared
governance, including the deans’ evaluations, and review faculty feedback
on shared governance collected this spring;
• Long Range Planning Committee will be on hiatus. LRP will become
more of a collective responsibility of the FPC;
• Student Recruitment, Admissions, and Petitions Committee will be on

• Provide online access to all the policies that have ever been approved by the FPC.
They are now up there. We will also soon have a link to see the annual committee


• FPC elections close on April 20th;
• New and continuing FPC reps will attend the April 30th FPC meeting;
• FPC committee reps were to tell the FPC committee chair that Yeager needs the
names of two members who agree to stay (by today);
• The chairs’ evaluation will be coming out soon;
• Deadline for applying for market equity consideration is coming up soon (this

The group thanked Bondy for doing a great job on the FPC this year.

Meeting ended at 3:45pm.


19 March, 2007 FPC Meeting Minutes

College of Education (COE)
Faculty Policy Council Minutes
March 19, 2007

Members Present: Buffy Bondy, Mary Ann Clark, James Doud, Zhihui Fang, Cynthia Griffin, Tom Oakland (alt for John Kranzler), Sondra Smith, Elizabeth Yeager
Members Absent: Bernie Oliver, Diane Ryndak, Rod Webb
Non-Members Present: Dean Catherine Emihovich, Marylynn Hall, Bob Henning

Waiting on Quorum (2:00-2:10). Meeting began at 2:10pm
Bondy asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Griffin moved to approve agenda and Clark seconded the motion. The agenda was unanimously approved.

Bondy asked for a motion to approve the February 12, 2007 FPC meeting minutes. Yeager moved to approve the minutes and Clark seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved.

Dean’s Report
• The Kellogg grant is giving the college lots of good press.
• The COE has a new development director, Bob Henning, who comes from California.
• The COE has met its original capital goal of $9 million. The new goal is $13 million.
• Several faculty searches are still ongoing.
• Pat Snyder from Vanderbilt will be the new Lawrence Professor (in Special Ed).
• At most there will be 2-3 searches next year apart from the Fein professorship. The Dean has been using the existing rate of vacated faculty lines for recent hires/searches. There may be 5-7 years before the next wave of searches, based on retirement projections.
• Approx. 40% of the faculty has been hired since the Dean started five years ago.
• Scholarship of Engagement process has changed. There was a university-wide winner and each department also had winners: Maria Coady (Teaching & Learning) Holly Lane (Special Ed), Mary Ann Clark (Counselor Ed), Nancy Waldron (Ed Psych), and Dale Campbell (Ed Leadership).
• There is a strong likelihood that Kellogg will want to take the Scholarship of Engagement to the national level.
• David Lawrence will be the keynote speaker at the Scholarship of Engagement Banquet. Money from ticket sales is used to fund students in special circumstances.


Update on Market Equity Review Committee
Yeager reported that the Market Equity Review Committee is working on a draft proposal via email. They are working on issues such as how faculty members can initiate the process and the role of the department chair. Stephen Smith is coordinating the draft.

Committee reports to Bondy by April 16: (a) Accomplishments (b) Ongoing activity (c) Next steps for Fall 2007
A brief annual report is due from each committee by April 16. It should include a statement of accomplishments, next steps, and ongoing activities. We need the reports to get the ball rolling for committees in the fall. A message will also go out to all FPC reps.

Elections committee work is underway (FPC, Senate, T and P)
Bondy is grateful to David Quinn, Holly Lane and Thomasina Adams for their work on this committee. The committee is taking nominations for faculty senate and FPC representatives. They will work to get nominees for the T&P committee once the committee structure is finalized. Anyone can nominate people by contacting the elections committee.

Committee Reports

Curriculum (CC) Elizabeth Yeager
Yeager reported the CC approved a change in an existing course (now School Evaluation). A new course, Crisis Management in Higher Education, was also approved. The next meeting will be March 26.

Faculty and Budgetary Affairs (FBAC) Sondra Smith
Smith reported that the ad-hoc Tenure and Promotions committee is drafting requirements for service, teaching and scholarship in three groups. The Faculty Affairs Committee will also be looking at teaching load. The Budgetary Affairs Committee is interviewing department chairs as an initial step to see what role the committee should take. The committee wants to include faculty more in budgetary affairs. The FBAC completed review of sabbatical applications. The next meeting is April 5.

Lectures, Seminars, and Awards (LSAC) Diane Ryndak
No report due to Ryndak’s absence.

Long-Range Planning (LRPC) Bernie Oliver
Oliver was absent. Nancy Dana sent a report. Dean Emihovich’s review is ready. Teresa Vernetsen’s and Paul Sindelar’s reviews are being edited and these deans will also be evaluated soon. The LRPC asked Bondy to send out the evaluation surveys from her email.

Research Advisory (RAC) Mary Ann Clark
Clark reported that the RAC will meet tomorrow to discuss research professorship applications. Next on the agenda is CRIF.
Student Recruitment, Admissions, Petitions (SRAPC)
Discussed during action items (below).

Technology (TC) Rod Webb
Webb was absent. Hazel Jones sent a report to Bondy discussing six items on the TC agenda: 1) The TC is working with Trace Choulat to investigate and address faculty/staff email issues. 2) Online survey support. Choulat is considering purchase of survey
software 3) Integration with distance learning office. 4) Concern of faculty/staff with new Vista operating system and possible upgrade. 5) The TC wants to review its charter and make recommendations by the end of the year. 6) A TC representative will attend the department chairs’ meeting to hear a collaborative software presentation by Scott Blaze.

UF Senate Report
The Faculty Senate passed a resolution supporting the academic enhancement program. It also passed a resolution to support an initiative called Focus on the Nation. Focus on the Nation is designed to heighten awareness of global climate change among universities with an event to be held Jan 31st 2008.

Action Items

Four-part handout: committee changes, staggering membership, COE T&P Committee membership, shared governance survey
Part I, FPC Committee Changes. Bondy reminded members of recent discussions about changes to committees. Some committees have too much to handle, others not enough. The proposal in Part I includes revised committees, new committees and a couple of committees on hiatus for a year.
Bondy asked for a motion to approve Part I. Griffin made the motion and Yeager seconded it. The following points were discussed:
• Bondy met with the SRAPC. Recruitment is handled at the department level. As long as recruitment is being addressed in this college, the SRAPC members agreed that they could go on hiatus. They liked the idea that a task force could address recruitment issues that could involve graduate coordinators. Sharing best practices in recruiting might be useful.
• The task force should also focus on geographic and ethnic diversity, including international students.
• There does not seem to be a coordinated effort within the College to encourage internationalization.
• Re: Distance education task force. It is still possible that a standing committee will be needed. But right now there are very specific issues that need to be addressed. Chris Sessums has identified three so far. The task force would report at FPC meetings. The Deans and Sessums together identified people who might have interest in being on the task force.
• Task forces build more flexibility into the structure of the FPC. It can enable us to be more responsive to issues that come up.
• There is no language in the constitution related to task forces.
• We will propose constitutional revisions next year if they are warranted.
• We are not dropping the functions of any committee.
• Should the technology committee handle distance education?
• Sessums felt strongly that there are distance education issues that are separate from technology issues.
• It may be unrealistic to expect the distance education task force to meet twice before the end of the semester.
• Some distance education issues need to be resolved before the fall. Something might be done quickly if there are people willing to do the work.
• An adhoc committee and a task force are one and the same.
A vote was called and Part I, FPC Committee Changes was approved unanimously.

Part II, Proposal for Staggering FPC Committee Membership. Committees need continuity from year to year and this proposal would achieve that. Yeager moved to approve the proposal. Griffin seconded. The following points were discussed:
• Staggering membership is not in the constitution but people are asking for it.
• Which two departments will elect two-year terms for the Shared Governance Advisory Committee?
• It makes sense to wait and see which members are agree to stay on the other committees.
• There might be trouble with the volunteer system if one department has multiple people who volunteer to stay.
• If special ed volunteered five people to serve an extra year on each committee it would be lopsided.
• We may be anticipating a problem that does not exist.
• Not every member of a committee is equally valuable. If we take volunteers we may get the people who are more valuable to the committee to stay.
• Do we want to set up the rotation or do we want the committees to set it up?
• Edit #1: Each of the committees will submit a list to “recommend the names of 2 members who could remain for a second year. Yeager will review the list to ensure balance between the departments.”
• Edit #2: “Based on department membership in other committees, Yeager will determine which departments should elect 1 year members to the Shared Governance Committee”.
A vote was called and Part II, Proposal for Staggering FPC Committee Membership was approved unanimously with the two edits mentioned above.

Part III, Proposal for Electing the COE T&P Committee. Recently the faculty senate required elected members on the college tenure and promotion committee. The Deans were worked on a proposal. This proposal is based on feedback from FPC members. Yeager moved to approve the proposal. Doud seconded. The following points were discussed:
• The T&P committee should choose its chair.
• Someone recommended that untenured assistant professors should all be required to serve on the college’s T&P committee.
• Is the T&P committee meeting public? Probably not.
• No one department can take command of this committee using this structure.
A vote was called and Part III, Proposal for Electing the COE T&P Committee was approved unanimously.

Part IV, Shared Governance Survey. Every unit on campus must implement and get feedback on shared governance in the unit. A subcommittee of LRPC submitted a survey
draft and it received faculty feedback. One criticism was that the survey assumed a definition of shared governance that made it synonymous with FPC. There might also be shared governance at the department level, for example. The new proposal is to use two open-ended questions (provided in handout). The following points were discussed:
• Why don’t we also ask—What is shared governance?
• We don’t want to invent a new term. We want to know the application of the concept to the college of education.
• Is there a definition of shared governance? Does Bernie Machen’s have one?
• If it is not defined in our constitution, it is unclear what definition should be used.
• A question like “What does shared governance mean to you?” might get a more personal response.
• We should provide a definition of what we think shared governance is.
• Shared governance needs to be further articulated in colleges and academic units.
• Griffin read a general definition of shared governance from the Faculty senate.
• Change suggested is to start with the language from the faculty senate.
• If there are open-ended questions, the survey may not get responses.
• This survey will give us some general information, but it will not be the same forever.
• If the survey is presented after an FPC presentation, the results will be different than out of context.
• The Dean would prefer a shared governance council that has all parties, not just faculty, working together – deans, faculty and chairs.
• We should ask about involvement in shared governance in different levels, college-wide, department, and program-level.
• A committee could analyze the results in the fall.
A vote was called and Part IV, Shared Governance Survey was approved unanimously, with the stipulation that Yeager and Bondy add a definition of shared governance.

Discussion Items

Plan for April 16 COE faculty meeting
Bondy is concerned about April faculty meeting. The constitution says we will have it, but there is no agenda yet. Maybe there should be a report from the committees, then faculty can fill out the shared governance survey.

Meeting adjourned at 3:59pm.

Next Meetings: April 16 spring faculty meeting in Terrace Room at 2PM; April 30 FPC meeting for new and returning representatives.


22 January, 2007 FPC Meeting Minutes

College of Education (COE)
Faculty Policy Council Minutes
January 22, 2007

Members Present: Jamie Algina (alternate for John Kranzler), Buffy Bondy, Mary Ann Clark, Zhihui Fang, Cynthia Griffin, Bernie Oliver, Diane Ryndak, Sondra Smith, Rod Webb, Elizabeth Yeager
Members Absent: Jim Doud, John Kranzler
Non-Members Present: Marylynn Hall, Tom Dana

Meeting began at 2:06pm

Bondy asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Ryndak moved to approve agenda and Yeager seconded the motion. The agenda was unanimously approved.

Bondy asked for a motion to approve the December 11, 2006 FPC meeting minutes. Webb moved to approve the minutes and Griffin seconded the motion.

Suggested amendments:

  1. Webb asked to strike the last line of the technology committee report and replace it with “The chair will reconvene the committee in  January.”.
  2. Ryndak asked to replace references to “Benson” with “Dean Benson”.

The minutes were unanimously approved as amended.

Committee Reports

Curriculum Elizabeth Yeager
Yeager reported that the committee has not met. They scheduled to meet again on the 29th but this meeting has now been postponed due to search activities on that day.

Faculty and Budgetary Affairs (FBAC) Sondra Smith
Smith reported that the FBAC met and split into two sub-committees to work on two separate issues: 1) Faculty load; and 2) Faculty role in budget. FBAC will have a separate meeting to go over sabbaticals. There is also an ad-hoc committee working to clarify the criteria for tenure and promotion of tenure track faculty in the COE. Mirka Koro-Ljungberg is chairing the ad-hoc committee.

Lectures, Seminars, and Awards (LSAC) Diane Ryndak
Ryndak reported that the committee has not met since the last FPC meeting. Mary Kay Dykes, chair of the LSAC, has arranged to meet with Dean Benson to develop the committee agenda.

Long-Range Planning (LRPC) Bernie Oliver
Oliver reported that the LRPC has an ad-hoc committee working on a survey to get COE faculty views of shared governance (chaired by James McLeskey). The LRPC is also working on length of terms for committee members and the dean’s evaluation. Griffin was invited to the last LRPC meeting to talk about her and Holly Lane’s work with the dean’s evaluation last year. We don’t know who will lead the dean evaluations this year. Associate and assistant deans are on a two-year cycle, so Paul and Theresa are up for review as well. Their reviews may need to be redesigned because their roles are different than other deans’ roles. Griffin encouraged the committee to reuse the dean’s evaluation from last year.

Research Advisory (RAC) Mary Ann Clark
Clark reported the RAC met January 10 to work on research opportunity seed grant proposals. Three complete proposals came through, so the committee rank ordered them, gave the applicants feedback, and pushed two applications forward. CRIF is the next project.

Student Recruitment, Admissions, and Petitions (SRAPC) John Kranzler
No report due to Kranzler’s absence.

Technology (TC) Rod Webb
Webb reported that the TC has a meeting planned for January 26th at 10:00am.

UF Faculty Senate Report

Griffin reported on three items being discussed in the Senate:

  1. Currently there are three admissions dates: Early decision, Regular I, and Regular II. Early decision candidates that don’t get accepted are dropped from consideration. These candidates are sometimes more qualified than students who get accepted in Regular I and II. President Machen would like to allow the people who don’t get in during early admission to be rolled over.
  2. There was discussion of an academic enrichment program to supplement low tuition.
  3. The administration plans to hire a dispute resolution officer. This person will have faculty credentials and will report to Kyle Cavanaugh. He or she will inform the faculty about dispute resolution procedures and assist faculty in resolving disputes. The chair of the faculty senate used to deal with these disputes. The Union is supportive of this new position.

Dean’s Report


CADREI stands for Council of Academic Deans of Research Education Institutions.
A group headed by Associate Dean Jeri Benson and Linda Hagedorn submitted a proposal to CADREI to help redesign the professional practice doctorate. We were one of
the 20 institutions selected. Several faculty members were involved in developing the proposal and Dean Emihovich named them all and thanked them. This award does not carry money, only prestige. It will be a 3-5 year initiative. Perhaps some of this work could flow through one or more FPC committees.


The COE, along with the Early Childhood Initiative Foundation (ECIF), will receive a grant from the Kellogg Foundation to restructure the curriculum of the Miami-Dade County School District, preK-3rd grade. The COE will receive $5 million through the Lastinger Center and David Lawrence’s ECIF will receive $5 million. There will be a photo op where the Kellogg Foundation will hand a big check to President Machen. This grant improves the COE’s national prestige and standing within the University. The Kellogg Foundation was impressed by our scholarship of engagement work. It is an indicator that systemic, district-wide change is where the field at large is moving. Now that Kellogg has funded this first proposal, the COE is starting to think about our second proposal. The topic is: What does the college of education of the future look like? And how could we serve as a model? Kellogg wants us to be rethinking the entire college of education concept. Faculty members interested in developing the proposal should talk to the Dean. This has the potential to become another multi-million dollar grant.

Salary Equity Review

Dean Emihovich reported that as part of the collective bargaining agreement with the Union, the University must have funds for salary equity adjustments—no less than .0025% and no more than .0075% of the total university budget. And each unit has to fund this themselves. Two faculty members have already requested salary equity reviews. Dean Emihovich does not want to act until she gets input from FPC and departments. Ultimately it is an administrative decision, but she wants to make the review process transparent. The salary guidelines being used are from the Oklahoma State Salary Survey (OSSS). Anyone who thinks their salary is compressed must use the OSSS to make their case. If someone is extremely productive and compressed, he or she is a strong candidate for an adjustment. The Provost has a document suggesting a process for equity reviews. There is also a document outlining the process used by CLAS. Dean Emihovich handed out these documents to FPC members. She asked members to read both documents and provide feedback. She will ask for feedback from department chairs tomorrow. A discussion followed, wherein the following points were raised:

  • About ten years ago the college used a process for alleviating compression. It was completely transparent. Algina found this policy and brought it to Dean Emihovich during the meeting.
  • Asking individual units to allocate this money is not the most efficient way to handle the problem. Could cause conflict.
  • There should be either: 1) a consultant or 2) a college-wide committee to make review decisions. Doing it by department is a bad idea (too much potential for conflict).
  • There is not enough time to bring in a consultant
  • What about extra pay for extra duties? It is an important issue not addressed by this process.
  • These salary adjustments have to be funded out the COE budget. The only place the money can come from is vacant faculty lines not being filled or from the Provost. Dean Emihovich can’t use carry forward money to fund rate.
  • Dean Emihovich needs feedback pretty quickly so that she can have process in place by spring break (March 12).

All agree that a college-wide committee to come up with the criteria, review the salary data, and make initial recommendations is a good idea. Maybe there should be an FPC committee to manage this process every year. Possibly six members on the committee, one from each of the five departments and a dean’s representative. Dean Emihovich and Bondy will work together to choose committee members. Bondy thanked Dean Emihovich for bringing this issue to the FPC. The more these processes are transparent, the better.

Scholarship of Engagement Celebration
There will be one person selected from each department for a Scholarship of Engagement award. Departments will come up with their own selection procedures. There will still be a campus award, a school district award, and a community award. The celebration is at 6pm on April 25th at Emerson Alumni Hall. Student scholarship participants and donors get free tickets. Other people buy tickets. Dean Emihovich uses funds from ticket sales to build discretionary funds for supplementing scholarships and helping students in dire financial or other emergency circumstances.

Discussion Items

1.   Revising FPC committees: number and responsibilities of committees; staggered terms on committees Bondy provided members with a copy of the COE constitution. On page 5 of the constitution is the list of the committees. A discussion on the number and responsibilities of committees followed. Points were:

  • Committees were planned seven years ago and can be adjusted if necessary.
  • FBAC is a really busy committee. It makes sense to divide it into the Faculty Affairs Committee and the Budgetary
  • Affairs Committee. Smith will ask FBAC for a few sentences defining the new committees.
  • FBAC is planning how they will interact with the Dean on budgetary issues.
  • The Budget part of the FBAC role could go to the LRPC.
  • Perhaps the FPC can eliminate the Student Admissions and Petitions committee. We are waiting to hear from John Kranzler.
  • There needs to be some way of monitoring student petitions. If the committee gives up that monitoring role, they may regret it in the future.
  • Every year there is a whole new crew on each committee, so staggering the membership seems important.
  • People like the idea of a two-year term, but the first year you have to stagger some way. Clark suggested that at the end of the year, the committees decide who stays. Webb suggested that each department be assigned to have a two-year person on certain committees.
  • Based on this discussion, Bondy and Yeager may put together a proposal for the next meeting.

2. Elections committee: appoint members immediately for Senate and FPC elections
The Faculty Senate has new guidelines about how senate elections will be handled. The COE needs a nominating committee to identify eight nominees for the four positions that need to be filled on the Faculty Senate. The nominating committee needs to represent the academic interests in the COE, so having representatives from each department makes sense. Bondy will be approaching people and asking them to serve because we need to get this started right away. Later on we’ll be dealing with how we handle FPC elections, and the new nominating/elections committee can help there too. Bondy asked if there were objections to the agenda committee selecting people for this nominating/elections committee. There were no objections.

Future Agenda Items

Bondy reminded members to let her know about cross-departmental issues that would be important for FPC to consider.

Meeting adjourned at 3:59pm

Next Meeting: February 12, 2007


12 February, 2007 FPC Meeting Minutes

College of Education (COE)
Faculty Policy Council Minutes
February 12, 2007

Members Present: Buffy Bondy, Mary Ann Clark, James Doud, Zhihui Fang, Cynthia Griffin, John Kranzler, Holly Lane (alt for Diane Ryndak), Bernie Oliver, Sondra Smith, Elizabeth Yeager
Members Absent: Diane Ryndak, Rod Webb
Non-Members Present: Associate Dean Jeri Benson, Tom Dana, Dean Catherine Emihovich, Marylynn Hall, Chris Sessums

Waiting on Quorum (2:00-2:06)
Meeting began at 2:06pm

Bondy asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Yeager moved to approve agenda and Lane seconded the motion. The agenda was unanimously approved.

Bondy asked for a motion to approve the January 22, 2007 FPC meeting minutes. Lane moved to approve the minutes and Clark seconded the motion.

The minutes were unanimously approved.


  • Market Equity Review Committee
    Dean Emihovich sent a Feb 7 message to COE faculty and chairs to explain the market equity review process. There is now a college-wide committee consisting of full professors from each department.
  • Elections Committee
    The constitution requires an elections committee to handle elections for the UF faculty senate and the tenure and promotions committee. Elections committee members have been appointed for this term and the committee will meet with Bondy on March 1.
  • Revisions to annual report format
    Jeanne Starobin has been working on the annual report format. Now we have a new opportunity to highlight shared governance work in the report.
  • Increasing collaboration among faculty, chairs, and deans
    Dean Emihovich raised a concern that there are some issues that require collaboration between faculty members, department chairs, and deans, but the three groups don’t regularly meet all together. When these issues arise, we will put them on the FPC agenda and make more effort to get more people together.
  • Plan for discussions of the professional practice doctorate: steering committee, 3/21 lunch meeting
  • Paul Sindelar’s office recently sent an email announcing a hour-long lunch meeting on March 21st to kick off a discussion of the professional practice doctorate. Bondy, Lane, and Linda Hagadorn are starting a steering committee for this project. Bondy asked FPC members to discuss the lunch at department meetings.

Committee Reports

Curriculum Elizabeth Yeager
Yeager said the committee has nothing to report. Feb 26 will be the next meeting.

Faculty and Budgetary Affairs (FBAC) Sondra Smith
Smith reported that the FBAC developed language by email to divide itself into two committees (see Discussion Items). It met separately as those two committees to work on faculty load and budget issues. The FBAC also developed sabbatical review criteria and will meet again to go over the criteria.

Lectures, Seminars, and Awards (LSAC) Diane Ryndak
No report due to Ryndak’s absence.

Long-Range Planning (LRPC) Bernie Oliver
Oliver reported that the LRPC has not met since the last meeting but will be meeting soon.

Research Advisory (RAC) Mary Ann Clark
Clark reported the RAC has not met since the last FPC meeting. The committee will work on CRIF next.

Graduate Recruitment, Admissions, and Petitions (GRAPC) John Kranzler
(Formerly Student Recruitment, Admissions and Petitions)
The GRAPC voted to retain its status as a committee by a vote of 4-2. It also developed language to revise its role (see Discussion Items).

Technology (TC) Rod Webb
No report due to Webb’s absence.

Dean’s Report

Dean Emihovich reported that:

• The newly formed market equity committee will meet on Feb 21st. It is an advisory (i.e. not policy making) committee so the FPC will not review its recommendations.
• She is working on identifying a chair for the Scholarship of Engagement Committee and on the call for nominations. Each department will have its own internal process for selecting award recipients. She has also hired a new development director: Robert Penning (?? ). The entire event will be restructured.
• There are a number of searches going on. The quality of the applicant pool has been impressive. Judging by the applicants’ comments, our college’s work is becoming more nationally visible.
• The PR piece on the Kellogg grant will be out March 5.

UF Senate Report

Griffin reported that the Senate hasn’t met again since the last FPC meeting. It will meet on Thursday of this week (2/15).

Discussion Items

1. Proposals for restructuring FPC committees: two issues (see handouts)

First Issue: Which committees do we need or not need?

Bondy passed out two documents for FPC members to read:
a) A memo on the status of the Graduate Recruitment, Admissions, and Petitions Committee (GRAPC); and
b) Proposals for FPC committee changes.

Handout A:

The GRAPC affirmed its own reason for being and redefined its mission (see memo). However, FPC members still have questions about the committee’s roles. A discussion ensued and the following points were raised:
• Faculty should play a role in student affairs, but is this where it is needed?
• Maybe the GRAPC should focus on minority recruitment.
• The committee has undertaken recruitment in the past.
• Perhaps it would be more appropriate for the committee to be a recruitment, admissions, and retention advisory committee.
• The graduate coordinator committee is already a college-wide committee working on recruitment.
• The GRAPC used to look at fellowships, but departments had different criteria for fellowships and it made more sense for departments to handle this themselves.
• What role does this committee give faculty that they don’t already have through their respective departments?
• To have a committee with an ill-defined function can become problematic.
• The FPC can vote to sunset a committee because it no longer meets needs.
• What policy could this committee develop that would apply across departments? The GRAPC should provide a valuable service to students and faculty or disband.
• The jobs of the committee are redundant.
• The technology advisory committee collaborates with COE Technology staff. Perhaps GRAPC can collaborate with COE Admissions staff.
• Bondy and Yeager will meet with Kitty Fallon to represent the views of FPC and discuss next steps.

Handout B:

Several language changes are proposed. First, FBAC proposes to split into two committees: 1) Faculty Affairs Committee and 2) Budgetary Affairs Committee. New committee roles have been proposed. The FPC considered the proposed role of the Budgetary Affairs Committee and the following discussion ensued:
• Perhaps we should give the budget role to the LRPC.
• Committees work best when they have a clear goal to accomplish.
• Long range planning is important, but there may not need to be a standing committee. We appoint task forces for strategic planning.
• If we didn’t have a long-range planning committee, would having a budgetary affairs committee be useful?
• The budget subcommittee of FBAC is considering what faculty would want to know about the budget. Taking a proactive role in budgetary issues helps faculty to be become more knowledgeable, but faculty will still not make budget decisions.
• Departments may still have more impact than a budget committee.
• A budget committee might create more tension than necessary.
• It is important for faculty to help develop priorities for the college.
• Faculty should understand the budget process and be more informed. If everyone agreed that it was all clear, we wouldn’t have this push for a new committee. Committee wants to be a platform for transparency and accountability.
• Department chairs should already keeping faculty informed of budget issues.
• There are so few degrees of freedom. Salaries take up almost all the budget. Then operational money (i.e. paper, copying, money for travel). Then instructional money (used to hire people to fill in where we don’t have full-time faculty). The money left for any new initiatives is very small. The only other resource is lines. There has been no new money from the Provost’s office except for lines.
• There might be further clarification of what the budget role would look like because there is currently a subcommittee working on it.
Next, the FPC considered the proposed role of the Faculty Affairs Committee and the following discussion ensued:
• Taking the minor budget role out doesn’t appear to lighten the load of the committee.
• It may be that there will not be enough time this year to draw conclusions. Maybe we are not ready.
• Smith wants to take FPC comments back to the FBAC and make certain the entire committee approves of the proposed language. The group meets again on March 1st.
Doud motioned to accept the proposal of the FBAC to split into two and to proceed with further language adjustments as necessary. Yeager seconded. A yes vote supports the creation of a budget committee. The committee voted, with 7 in favor and 2 opposed. The motion passed.
Next, the FPC briefly discussed a proposed Shared Governance Committee. There is an expectation that every year the FPC will give feedback to the Faculty Senate on the progress of shared governance. No discussion ensued.
Next, Yeager moved to discuss a suggested change to the constitution for the elections committee (#3 on the handout), Kranzler seconded the motion. The following discussion ensued:

• Previously the Tenure and Promotion Committee (TPC) has been appointed, not elected.
• Half of the college TPC has to be elected now.
• Perhaps the language should be more broad so that the constitution doesn’t have to be changed every time.
• Lane suggested an amendment to replace the words following “for conducting elections…” with “for conducting college-wide faculty elections in the college of education.” All were in favor. The language changes were passed as amended.

Next, the FPC discussed item #4 on the handout, a suggested deletion of language related to distance education in the Technology Committee role.

• Sessums doesn’t believe it is appropriate to link distance education only with technology. There are also non-technical issues such as compensation and course quality.
• An instructional technology advisory committee might be more appropriate.
• Sessums suggested a task force to help get distance ed up and running as opposed to a standing committee.
• They need people who would have an interest in this, and a task force relies on interested volunteers. An elected committee is not always the most interested committee.
• There is a desire to make distance ed more visible.
• What kind of help would be most useful help?
• There has been very little activity for two years in the technology committee.
• FPC inserted the word “advisory” to make it clear that there was a need to collaborate with the technology director.
• The issue across the board seems to be, is the committee a platform for raising questions or a policy-making committee? A number of these committees could generate policy.
• When the FPC first formed it tried to determine where there would be a need for committees. Now it looks like a lot of them aren’t needed. Perhaps we need to go back and eliminate some committees and replace them with task forces focused on needs as they arise.
• Technology is an important committee. It helps us get frustrating technology issues resolved.

Meeting needs to wrap-up. Bondy handed out a proposal for COE Tenure and Promotions Committee. She needs to hear from FPC members soon and asked them to please email feedback. She also asked members to review a document on staggered committee membership.

Next Meeting: March 19, 2007


11 December, 2006 FPC Meeting Minutes

College of Education (COE)
Faculty Policy Council Minutes
December 11, 2006

Members Present: Buffy Bondy, Mary Ann Clark, Zhihui Fang, Cynthia Griffin, Kathy Grotto* (substitute for Jim Doud), John Kranzler, Bernie Oliver, Diane Ryndak, Sondra Smith, Rod Webb, Elizabeth Yeager
Members absent: Jim Doud
Non-Members Present: Jeri Benson, Marylynn Hall, Jean Starobin*
* Not present for the entire meeting

Meeting began at 2:07pm

Bondy asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Yeager moved to approve agenda and Ryndak seconded the motion. The agenda was unanimously approved.

Bondy asked for a motion to approve the November 13, 2006 FPC meeting minutes. Griffin moved to approve the minutes and Yeager seconded the motion.

Dean Benson expressed concern that certain language in the minutes made it seem as though the Provost pressured the COE to align with University policy. The Provost made suggestions—not mandates. Dean Benson suggested removing phrases regarding directives from the Provost from the minutes. The minutes were unanimously approved as amended.

Information items

1. Betsy Creveling, PKY teacher, will replace Maureen Conroy on the Faculty Senate for spring semester
Maureen Conroy is leaving the faculty. Her seat on the faculty senate will be filled by Betsy Creveling. Two of the seven COE senators are supposed to come from PKY. There was only one senator from PKY on the senate this year so now Betsy will be the second. The first faculty senate meeting of the new year will be January 18.

2. CADREI proposal on the professional practice doctorate.
CADREI stands for Council of Academic Deans of Research Education Institutions. CADREI has joined with the Carnegie Foundation to focus on the professional practice doctorate (EdD). The COE may be invited to engage in a 3-5 year effort to enhance the value of the professional practice doctorate. The COE has submitted a proposal and we may hear in the spring if we have been selected. There is prestige, but no money attached to this project. A small number of faculty members would work with the group and representatives from other institutions.

3. Reviewing the Sustained Performance Evaluation policy
The Sustained Performance Evaluation (SPE) policy, developed in 1998, gives procedures for evaluating tenured faculty members each seven years following tenure or their most recent promotion. Bondy asked FPC members to look over the policy and solicit feedback from departments to see if updates were needed. The group discussed the following points:

• This policy is being reviewed because there are inconsistencies in the way departments conduct SPEs.
• Inconsistencies became apparent because two new department chairs needed help finding policies and some of the older department chairs did not know about the SPE policy.
• There may not be much flexibility to change the SPE policy because it was originally a merger of Tigert and union policy.
• If you have good annual evaluations, the outcome of the SPE is fixed. That is an inconsistency that will come up in a review, but may not be fixable since it was a provision of the union contract.
• Is there a policy for the annual review letters? Bondy will bring up annual letters with the Agenda Committee.
• SPE policy is not the process that results in a raise for full professors. That process is the Salary Pay Plan for Professors.

All agreed that it doesn’t make sense to review the SPE policy until after the union contract is finalized.

4. Update on COE consultant

At the last FPC meeting, Dean Emihovich talked about bringing in a consultant. Yeager and Bondy met to design a process for reviewing proposals from the consultant. They also identified emerging concerns about working with a consultant and presented them to Dean Emihovich. She was open to all feedback. If the faculty do not want a consultant, she would not use one. It looks like the COE is going to be invited to apply for a large amount of money. Could be as much as $10 million. Dean Emihovich suggested the consultant could work with faculty to prepare a proposal to get this money. This objective appears more focused and will perhaps be better received by the faculty. The proposal will be on a big, broad theme (kept under wraps right now). We should hear by the end of the year.

Committee Reports

Curriculum Elizabeth Yeager
Yeager reported that the meeting was canceled in November because there were no submissions. January 29th is the next scheduled meeting.

Faculty and Budgetary Affairs (FBAC) Sondra Smith
Smith reported on three items, two informational and one discussion item:

1. There will be changes to how sabbaticals are awarded this year. Previously they were awarded by the University. This year money will come from the college.
There will also be a shift in the committee. Last year the awards committee looked at sabbaticals, now it is the FBAC. FBAC will look at eligible faculty requests and make recommendations to departments. The dean is ultimately responsible for awarding sabbaticals. The group discussed the following points:

• Only eligible faculty applications would go to the committee.
• The criteria for reviewing sabbatical applications are few and vague.
• The department chair has to coordinate how positions would be covered for those on sabbatical (instruction/supervision duties).
• The chair has to write a letter as a part of the sabbatical application.

2. FBAC finalized an adhoc committee to review criteria for tenure and promotion of tenure-track faculty. The adhoc committee represents a cross section of departments and ranks. It will start next semester.
3. There is an open question about FBAC’s role with regards to the budget (see Discussion Items)

Lectures, Seminars, and Awards (LSAC) Diane Ryndak

Ryndak reported that Mary Kay Dykes will chair the LSAC. The dissertation and doctoral mentoring awards are done. Now the LSAC is waiting for information from Dean Benson. They are not sure how to proceed because they need more direction on all of the awards. They wonder if there is any money for lectures and seminars. Benson suggests the committee organize a meeting with her because there is a lot to do.

Long-Range Planning (LRPC) Bernie Oliver

Oliver reported the committee is meeting next week to discuss two things: 1) They need to select a chair; and 2) They need to review the process for the Dean’s evaluation. There are also some outstanding questions about the role of the committee in strategic planning. Bondy suggested the LRPC should avoid redoing the work that was done last year by Holly Lane and Cyndy Griffin on the Dean’s evaluation. She will suggest some work for the LRPC later in this meeting (see Discussion items).

Research Advisory (RAC) Mary Ann Clark

Clark reported the RAC is working on Research Opportunity Seed Grants. Letters of intent came from nine different groups. Proposals are due Jan 4, the RAC gets them Jan 5, and reviews them on Jan 10. Each grant is worth $100,000 and up to 12 will be funded across the campus. The COE is able to submit two proposals for consideration.
Student Recruitment, Admissions, Petitions (SRAPC) John Kranzler
Kranzler reported that the SRAPC met in mid November and plans to meet again January 22nd. They are discussing whether the committee needs to exist and will make a recommendation after January’s meeting.

Technology (TC) Rod Webb

Webb reported that the TC elected a chair. They also began working with Trace Choulat and invited Chris Sessums to be an ex-officio member. The chair will convene the committee this month.

UF Faculty Senate Report

Griffin reported that the Academic Policy Council within the Senate made a recommendation that the University begin to use minus grades. The Senate will vote on whether or not to do this. It would become a university-wide policy. Griffin believes it will pass.

Dean’s Report

Dean Benson reported on three items:

1. Travel money for faculty and grad students has been moved to the departments this year. There is $1000 for graduate student travel, per department.
2. CRIF money is still in Paul Sindelar’s office. It may be useful for the FPC to invite Paul to a meeting to ask him what monies he has available. Sindelar gets the Dean’s portion of all indirect funds.
3. When the COE got our raise pool of 3.5%, we had to pay for promotions off the top of that money. That left 0.9% for average faculty merit increases. If you got more or less, there should be reasons for that. Next year we hope the Provost will fund promotions. Dean Emihovich is writing letters now to let people know what their raises are.

Discussion item

1. Annual report format for shared governance work

The COE would like to highlight the importance of shared governance. Jean Starobin was invited because she would like to get FPC feedback on the current format for inputting service online. She showed the portion of the annual report website called “Service to Department and College”. There is space for people to add accomplishments. The group discussed the following points:

• The intent is to get the individuals’ contributions above and beyond basic committee work. Some suggested adding “Your role on the committee” or “What was your specific contribution to the work of this committee?”
• FPC members should bring this up at department meetings to see what other categories are needed. What are the names of their committees?
• Jean will add a category for faculty mentoring.
• The Agenda Committee will meet with Jean in another month to review the changes.

2. Plan for evaluating effectiveness of shared governance (see proposal)

Every unit on campus was to develop a system of shared governance and some process for periodic assessment. COE already has shared governance, now we need to assess it. Bondy sent an email attachment with a suggested assessment procedure. When the agenda committee met, there was a strong sense that this procedure would not give much information. Bondy recommends that this go to the LRPC. She would like to see a Likert-scale questionnaire to assess whether faculty think the shared governance structure is effective. The group discussed the following points:

• Three years seems like a long time to go between evaluations.
• Every spring a small set of statements could go to the faculty to get their feedback.
• Possible to attach this to elections for FPC reps, the dean’s evaluation, or bring it to the spring faculty meeting.
• The LRPC could develop a plan for how we might do this and develop the survey.
• It should be brief and the FPC needs it by the end of February.
• B and C on the suggested procedure are very important.
• A is also important to do – provide information about what the FPC has done that year. How will people know about the impact of the policies?
• Are the policies making a difference? It would be good to measure this among the faculty at large.
• It would be good to get the information before the spring faculty meeting so that it could be presented at the spring meeting.
• We should present the data once it is collected.

3. Proposal to operationalize the budgetary role of FPC and FBAC (see proposal)

The FBAC has a proposal to further their role and involvement in budget work. They would like to make sure budgetary decisionmaking processes are transparent. Ester de Jong anticipates that FBAC will be charged with a budgetary template report. Bondy read key portions of the proposal to the FPC. The proposal was also sent to members by email. The group discussed the following points:

• It is important for us to know how our money gets allocated and spent.
• Should FBAC talk to the dean about what they would like to see in the budget report?
• How can they help structure a set of questions that both parties might prepare in reports? What questions do we ask?
• What information do we want to have and in what form?
• There may be a need to split the FBAC in two (Budget Affairs and Faculty Affairs)
Yeager motioned to vote on the FBAC’s new role. Diane seconded the motion. All were in favor of the proposed role. Sondra asked for suggestions via email.
Bondy asked for future agenda items. One suggestion:
• Eligibility for the UF research foundation professorship. If you got it before, when are you eligible to get it again? (In 5 years) Are department chairs eligible? (Yes)

Meeting adjourned at 3:55

Next meeting: January 22 (2/12, 3/19, 4/30; 4/16 spring faculty meeting)


13 November, 2006 FPC Meeting Minutes

Faculty Policy Council Minutes
November 13, 2006

Members present: Elizabeth Bondy, Elizabeth Yeager, Jamie Algina (for Rod Webb), Zhihui Fang, John Kranzler, Mary Ann Clark, Sondra Smith, Cyndy Griffin, Jim Doud, Bernie Oliver
Members absent: Diane Ryndak

Meeting called to order at 2:03 p.m.

Agenda and Minutes

1. The agenda was approved.
2. The October 9, 2006, minutes were approved with no corrections.
Action Items

Mentoring Policy for Tenure Track and Non-Tenure Track Faculty:
Buffy said she received one email comment that the proposal was too prescriptive and suggested deleting the part about mentoring roles from “such as development of…” to “the demands of academic life” (about 4 lines). Cyndy said the proposal had been through several iterations with opportunities for faculty feedback; Jamie said that the proposal had not been discussed in Ed Psych but that there was some faculty opinion that the prescriptive aspects of the proposal could discourage faculty from taking on a mentoring role. John raised another issue: whether the policy as written is appropriate for both tenure and non-tenure track faculty. Buffy suggested we vote. Jamie moved that we strike the four lines of text; John seconded. In discussion, Cyndy asked if it was proper for us to revise the proposal and approve it without sending it back to the faculty. Mary Ann, Jamie, and Jim all expressed concern that this prescriptive language could be very problematic for department chairs. Jim called the question on Jamie’s amendment. The amendment to strike the language Jamie suggested was approved unanimously. In further discussion, John raised again the issue of stipulating that only tenure-track faculty be assigned to mentor new tenure-track hires. Jim suggested that this issue stay within the individual departments. Buffy asked for a vote on approving the amended policy. Jamie motioned for another amendment: A non-tenure track junior faculty will have access to a mentor for six years or until s/he receives promotion, whichever comes first. Jim seconded the motion. Buffy asked for a vote; the motion was approved unanimously. Buffy then asked for a motion to approve the amended proposal; Jim so moved and Jamie seconded. The proposal was approved unanimously.

Information Items

1. COE response to UF shared governance effort – Buffy discussed the October
17 workshop that she and Elizabeth attended. Buffy got a message from Danaya
Wright about updating our progress on governance; she has already responded to
Danaya with this information. The ad hoc assessment committee for evaluating shared governance already has met and developed a proposal that will be a
discussion item for the December FPC meeting.
2. Guidelines for promotion of full-time lecturers and scholars – Buffy said
the COE guidelines have been updated to reflect UF policy. Jamie and Jim wanted more information on this and wanted to see documentation from Jeri about why the policy had been updated in certain ways.
3. Buffy said we are in the process of revising the COE Annual Report form in order to let faculty highlight their work in shared governance more prominently.
4. Buffy reminded us to get on the agenda for our department meetings to talk about FPC matters.

Committee Reports

Curriculum Committee – Elizabeth discussed the course approvals and deletions
from Ed Admin that were addressed at the October meeting.
Faculty and Budgetary Affairs – Smith reported on behalf of the committee. They have held two meetings. They adjusted the guidelines for promotion of non-tenure track faculty (approved last spring) to align the policy with UF policy. They are now working on a timeline for addressing criteria for tenure and promotion of tenure-track faculty in the college.

Lectures, Seminars, Awards (Diane) – no report

Long Range Planning – Bernie said the committee is working on getting someone
to chair it. They also want to start collecting strategic planning data from other institutions. Buffy suggested that the LRP agenda may be related to Barbara
Hill’s visit.

Research Advisory – Mary Ann discussed the review criteria for Opportunity Fund proposals funded by the Office of Research. Paul is clarifying a few details on this and will be sending out a memo. There may also be a review of the CRIF
criteria. Buffy suggested the CRIF issue be addressed in the next FPC agenda committee meeting.

Student Recruitment – John said the committee is discussing whether to continue
or disband. They have met with Thomasenia and will meet with Mike Bowie to
find out more about what their offices are doing.

Technology (Rod) – no report

UF Faculty Senate Report

Cyndy discussed Kim Tanzer’s efforts to get faculty more involved in the
Senate; to remove faculty who have excessive absences; and to appoint
temporary senators when necessary. The Senate has a new Compensation Committee that will be added to the UF Constitution. Stephen Smith is a new member of the UF committee that deals with tenure and academic freedom issues.

Also, Buffy announced that Jean Crockett was recommended to serve on the ad hoc UF curriculum committee.

Dean’s Report

Catherine said the Centennial Conference was very successful and well-attended.
She then suggested that we focus on what the COE will be known for in the next
100 years, and said that she has talked with Dr. Barbara Hill of the American Council of Education about preparing a proposal to be shared with an appointed COE steering committee and department chairs, so that we can move our work into more of a state and national scene. This will not be a strategic planning activity; it is a structured conversation among faculty about making explicit our connections to larger issues in the educational landscape and about how to drive the agenda for addressing these issues in the 21st century. Catherine will be in touch with us when she hears from Barbara Hill; at this point we do not have a proposal or specific dates. Faculty will be involved in the proposal and the structure of this activity.

Discussion Items

1. Buffy asked for future agenda items and encouraged us to bring concerns to
FPC from our departments.
2. Buffy asked if the FPC Elections Committee should oversee UF Senate
elections as well. There was no opposition to this idea.
3. Chris Sessums discussed developments in distance education since he came aboard in March. The budget is in the black with some “rainy day” funds. He has met with Catherine and Jeri about our financial model (we get 95% of matriculation fees) and is now meeting with chairs about how departments can use the funds. He has developed handouts for faculty meetings to give an overview of what is happening in distance ed (guidelines for creating a course, etc.). He is also working on a format for reviewing current online courses and on acquisition of collaborative software for conferencing, PPTs, whiteboards, etc. He has talked to faculty about services they would like to have. He also emphasized that the distance ed office does not have control over course content, but it does
need to do the scheduling through UF’s system so that the COE can get the student fees from enrollment. Online courses do not have to be eight weeks only.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:55 pm. The next meeting is December 11th.


8 October, 2006 FPC Meeting Minutes

Faculty Policy Council Minutes
October 8, 2006

Members present: Cynthia Griffin, Diane Ryndak, Jamie Algina (for Rod Webb), John Kranzler, Mary Ann Clark, Sondra Smith, Linda Hagedorn (for Jim Doud), Bernie Oliver, Zhihui Fang, Elizabeth Yeager, Catherine Emihovich.

Members absent: Rod Webb, Jim Doud, Buffy Bondy

Meeting called to order at 2:04 PM.

Agenda and Minutes

1. Approval of the agenda; moved by Ryndak and seconded by Kranzler.
2. Approval of the September 11, 2006 minutes; moved by Ryndak and seconded by Griffin.

Action items

1. Discussion of need for FPC Parliamentarian to monitor adherence to Robert’s Rules of Order. During discussion no concerns were raised about the need for a Parliamentarian. Yeager moved that there is no present need to appoint a Parliamentarian and seconded by Kranzler. Unanimous approval of motion.

Informational items

1. The Dean’s Office withdrew its request for consideration of a new College policy on transfer of graduate credits. Clarification provided in memo from Thomasenia Adams to the faculty on the process and criteria to consider when submitting requests for transfer of credits.
2. Update on ad hoc committee to develop an evaluation of faculty governance in the College. Committee has been formed and is beginning work.
3. Chris Sessums to discuss distance education at November FPC meeting.
4. Update on junior faculty mentoring policy. Griffin discussed nature of changes in most recent draft based largely on feedback from junior faculty.

Committee Reports

Each committee reported briefly on their activities. Many of the committees are in the early stages of their work this academic year. The Graduate Recruitment and Petitions Committee has met and is gathering information on issues pertaining the committee’s workload and responsibilities to evaluate continuing need for this particular committee.

UF Faculty Senate Report

Griffin reported on the activity of the UF Faculty Senate. The main focus of attention pertains to issues of faculty governance in CLAS. Griffin noted that the meeting are available on-line for viewing.

Dean’s Report

1. Emihovich disseminated information on the College budget. Of note are increases in funding for graduate fellows to $20,000 per year. The College also holding back some funds for Summer A 2007. If further information is needed on Research Office funding, she suggested inviting Paul Sindelar. Emihovich also discussed different sources of funding and limitations on how these funds may be spent, such as Foundation funds.
2. Emihovich disseminated information on the allocation of new faculty lines across the College. Criteria used for making these decisions were primarily projected growth, degree production, and program visibility. She also emphasized assigning lines on the basis of potential for inter-departmental collaboration.
3. Emihovich provided an update on the consultant being brought in to work with the College on increasing collaborative efforts and optimizing the work of the College. The consultant’s name is Barbara Hill from the American Council of Education and she is an expert on institutional change.

Discussion Items

No discussion items were on the agenda and no additional items were identified. Griffin moved to adjourn and Smith seconded.

Next meeting: Monday, November 13, 2006 at 2:00 PM in 158 Norman.


15 September, 2006 FPC Faculty Meeting Minutes

Fall Faculty Meeting
September 15, 2006
Terrace Room

Welcome and Overview by Buffy Bondy
Buffy called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m., and she went over the written agenda for the meeting and introduced the speakers and presentation topics. She emphasized the collaborative and interdisciplinary nature of the presentations today.

Dr. Danaya Wright, Chair of the UF Faculty Senate
Danaya Wright talked about shared governance at UF. She met with all UF deans and college governing bodies over the summer to get a sense of the issues they felt were important. She has a PPT on the UF Senate website for basic information about shared governance at UF and reminded COE faculty that there are five policy councils at UF: academics, faculty welfare, budget, research and scholarship, and infrastructure. She said that this year the councils have really started to take the lead on setting goals. There are also numerous committees that report to the appropriate councils. She pointed out that the Faculty Senate last year initiated a joint task force to look at the implementation of shared governance at the local level; the report said that each unit needs to figure out the appropriate balance of faculty input in the mission of the college. It was also recommended that each unit have a task force charged with evaluating shared governance at the college level. However, the specifics of this implementation and evaluation are to remain flexible and open ended, depending on the context of particular departments, regarding elections, constitutions, policies, etc. Danaya has met with senators from each college to have conversations about this process. She also complimented the COE faculty governance system.

However, the recent problem with CLAS at UF has altered her plans for addressing shared governance issues. The Senate is concerned specifically about lack of faculty participation in the CLAS five-year plan.

Buffy mentioned that the FPC has just started the process of talking about the evaluation/oversight piece (feedback) of how COE shared governance is working. A task force will report to the Senate by April 30, 2007.

Danaya said the evaluation of faculty governance is a major focus of the Senate this year, and that there is particular concern about faculty input/participation on college/department budget issues.

Presentations: Research Across Borders – Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Inquiry in the COE
Buffy mentioned some different ways to think about “border crossing” and mentioned the emphasis that many funding agencies now place on interdisciplinary and collaborative research. She chose a few to feature today as examples, but by no means as an exhaustive list of COE projects that involve “crossing borders.”

1. Catherine Tucker, “Working with Children and Parents in Remote Rural Schools in South Africa”
Catherine talked about a South Africa Study Abroad program in Capetown and Plettenberg Bay for six weeks in the summer of 2006. Her elementary PROTEACH students who went on the trip shared their experiences, via narrative and a slide show, with regard to the variety of school structures and issues they encountered in poor, rural areas of South Africa. The students did service projects to improve some of the facilities they visited, and they worked with children on basic academic skills and specific units of study (e.g., geography). One student said she recommended that all students do a study abroad program as a graduation requirement. Several described the changes to their perspectives on teaching because of this trip. Catherine talked about the family literacy piece of the project that involved collaboration between the UF group and local families. Buffy mentioned that the students collected data on the family literacy project as part of their PROTEACH coursework.
2. Mary Ann Clark, “Male Underachievement in Public Education: A Collaborative, Cross Cultural Study” (Paul Thompson and Wilma Vialle, co-researchers)
Mary Ann talked about her work with colleagues in the UK and Australia, supported by her B. O. Smith Professorship in the COE. This work arose from her experiences as a guidance counselor with seeing boys referred to her more often than girls and exploring the possibility that this had more to do with school success skills than ability. She briefly presented some national data on the extent of the issue:

a. Gap between males and females going to college has widened and is expected to keep widening for the next 10 years
b. K-12 males are disproportionately placed in special ed (2 to 1)
c. More male dropouts, discipline referrals, behavior issues, lower grades

Internationally, a PIRLS study showed 4th grade girls outperforming boys in every G8 country that participated in the survey.
The purpose of Mary Ann’s study was to encourage preservice counselors and teachers to collaborate in examining this issue and its contributing factors, to work collaboratively with their own university class/groups as well as groups from other countries, and to do action research projects on possible interventions.
Fifteen students from three universities (UF, Nottingham, Wollongong) participated; projects were done by students in small groups across countries via WEBCT. Themes that have emerged so far illustrate gender differences in children’s views on school success skills and on educators’ lack of awareness of these issues. Next steps include developing and testing the interventions.
3. Catherine Emihovich, “Science for Life: Enhancing Undergraduate Education and Research in the Life Sciences”
Catherine discussed a project involving a number of COE departments, UF colleges, and US and international institutions, funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). HHMI is the largest funder of research in the life sciences in the US; these grants are highly competitive, and UF received $1.5 million this year for a four-year period (with substantial UF, donor, and state matching funds). Initially it was unclear what role the COE would play, but it has
become highly involved. The project is now probably the largest interdisciplinary initiative at the undergraduate level in the US. Components include:

a. Build undergraduate research capacity by identifying promising students early on as HHMI scholars and faculty as HHMI mentors
b. Develop a new research course for freshmen
c. Restructure the curriculum component of the UG life sciences program, including the core lab in the health sciences center (Tom Dana will be involved in this, and a curriculum coordinator will be hired)
d. Create an UG science education minor, which HHMI scholars will be encouraged to complete (Troy Sadler will be creating a new course called Explorations in Science Teaching)
e. Create an outreach program (e.g., summer seminars) for science teachers (Bernie Oliver, Mary Jo Karoly, and Alliance schools)
f. Develop a postdoc mentoring program to help with effective science teaching
g. Develop an assessment instrument (Luis Ponjuan, Linda Behar-Horenstein)

Catherine mentioned that the COE’s profile has been raised considerably through involvement in this project in terms of contributing expert knowledge on teaching and learning. Also, HHMI grants often become long-term and can result in various spin-off projects, including the possibility of new state-of-the-art addition to Norman.
4. Hazel Jones and Lynda Hayes, “Professional Development to Improve Early Literacy Outcomes for Preschoolers”
This started as a service project and evolved into a research study with NEFEC’s “Early Reading First” initiative in five rural school districts. The purpose is to create preschool centers of educational excellence to serve as model/
demonstration sites for Florida pre-K programs (14 pre-K classrooms, 14 teachers, 6 mentor teachers). Goals include development of language- and literacy-rich preschool environments; age-appropriate, explicit instruction in key emergent literacy skills (e.g., oral language, alphabet); increased time for daily instruction and teacher-supported practice in key emergent literacy skills; incorporation of science and math to help build children’s skills; active involvement from parents in literacy skills; use of age-appropriate assessments of early literacy skills; and development of a model for transitioning students into Reading First kindergartens. The project also focuses on successful teacher professional development/school reform via content knowledge, coherence between standards and teachers’ experiences, time span and contact hours, collective participation, and active learning. Project evaluation will address improved child outcomes and improved teacher knowledge and skills.

Conclusion of Meeting
Eileen Oliver reminded about the COE Centennial Conference, “Closing the Achievement Gap Through Partnerships,” November 2-4 in St. Pete.
Catherine reiterated three themes for this year: public scholarship (aligned with T&P issues), interdisciplinary program initiatives, and learning community (both within
the COE and around UF). Dr. Barbara Hill of the American Council on Education will serve as a consultant to the COE on institutional change, and will work with the FPC Long Range Planning committee.

Buffy said the FPC will promote the collaborative climate in the COE and reminded people to bring issues to the FPC as necessary.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 pm.


11 September, 2006 FPC Meeting Minutes

Faculty Policy Council Minutes
September 11, 2006

Members present: Elizabeth Bondy, Elizabeth Yeager, Holly Lane (for Diane Ryndak), Jamie Algina (for Rod Webb), Zhihui Fang, Jim Doud, Cyndy Griffin, John Kranzler, Mary Ann Clark, Sondra Smith, Bernie Oliver
Members absent: None

Meeting called to order at 2:03 p.m.

Agenda and minutes

1. Approval of the agenda; moved by John and seconded by Jim. A correction was made to the date of the fall faculty meeting; the correct date is September 18 in the Terrace Room at 2 pm.

2. Approval of the May 1 minutes; moved by Jim and seconded by Mary Ann.

Informational items

1. Buffy made introductions of all FPC members.

2. Buffy read from the COE Constitution about the purpose and role of the FPC and emphasized that our role has evolved over the last few years from procedural matters to more substantive policy issues. She said her goal this year is to collaborate with deans, directors, etc. to achieve the aims of the COE (because faculty participation in the collaborative process is essential), and to help the FPC committees align with the goals of the COE. Another goal of hers is to be as efficient as possible in conducting FPC business. She encouraged FPC members to get the word out on FPC business to as many people in their departments as possible.

3. Fall faculty meeting is September 18 in the Terrace Room, with the focus “Research Across Borders.” Buffy has invited four speakers to talk about their projects (Mary Ann Clark, Catherine Emihovich, Hazel Jones and Linda Hayes, Catherine Tucker); also the head of the Faculty Senate will speak.

4. Reminder: FPC will meet once a month, rather than biweekly. We will meet biweekly if it becomes necessary.

5. Deans’ evaluation results are now available. Reports of the quantitative data went to each chair, but qualitative data (i.e., comments) are not public. Buffy highlighted a few issues from the results:

a. Compliments, concerns, and recommendations were the three categories of qualitative data. 59% of the faculty responded.
b. For only 10 of 47 items, Catherine received a 3 or lower rating, and these fell in 6 of the 9 categories. Promotion of excellence in diversity among faculty and students, promotion of excellence in scholarship/research, and resource development were the three categories with uniformly high
ratings. Strategic planning, faculty/dean communication, interpretation of the scholarship of engagement concept, and promotion of excellence in teaching were some of the categories where the lower ratings were identified. Catherine will address these issues in a State of the College address at the reception on September 14; she also wants to reinstate dean/faculty lunches this year within departments. In addition, there will be a new process for selecting faculty to be recognized for scholarship of engagement activities.
c. Buffy stated that Catherine has already been responsive and proactive in responding to concerns expressed in the evaluations.
d. John said we need to disaggregate faculty and staff responses in the quantitative evaluation results.
e. Provost will be doing a 5-year review of all deans on a rotating basis.

6. Recruitment of minority graduate students: Any plans for this should be submitted to Michael Bowie and Thomasenia Adams; there is financial support available.

7. Selection of award winners for commencement: Questions were raised last year about how some of the recipients were chosen and who made the decisions. Buffy suggested that we continue allowing the Commencement Committee to decide about the alumni awards so that there is faculty input.

8. Fien candidates reminder: Foster coming in 9/12-9/13; Hall 9/20-9/21; Bracken 9/27-9/28. Faculty input is very important in the process.

Discussion items

1. Faculty Mentoring Policy:
Last spring, faculty had concerns about the policy proposed by the Research Initiative Task Force. Based on feedback from the 5/1/06 FPC meeting, Buffy edited the original proposal.
Discussion: Jamie suggested we strike “and negotiate the particular…” and replace it with “possible purpose and goals.” John suggested replacing “effectiveness of mentoring” with “helpfulness of mentoring.” Buffy suggested a change to “the chair shall consult annually with the mentor and the mentee to discuss the helpfulness of the mentor and progress toward tenure,” with the understanding that the chair could meet separately or together with mentor and mentee. Mary Ann suggested that we set a time for this policy to be in place, and Holly suggested we set mentor meetings for once a month, at least for the first year. Buffy suggested language about “kind and frequency” of mentoring in the “mentoring roles” section of the proposal. Bernie said we should let the mentor and mentee decide the nature of their relationship, rather than the FPC dictating it. Buffy said we can use language that is flexible in this regard. Jamie said we may want to delete the part about the mentor commenting on the mentee’s progress toward tenure because this may inhibit the relationship.
This proposal will be an action item for next month’s FPC meeting. Holly, Cyndy, and Zhihui will edit the proposal draft and follow up on getting feedback from departments and from Jeri’s upcoming meeting with junior faculty.
Departmental feedback should be emailed by FPC members to Holly.
All final comments will go to Buffy.

2. Establishing procedure to assess the effectiveness of shared COE governance:
Buffy said a reasonable way to do this may be to get an ad hoc committee together to draft a proposal for this procedure (e.g., past chairs of FPC). UF Faculty Senate wants to know our procedure soon. We agreed to let Buffy approach several faculty and a dean’s rep to serve on this committee.

3. FPC committees:
Buffy made a handout of the committees and their activities, with members listed, what they have been working on recently, and “to do” list.
We need another member of the Agenda Committee; John volunteered and everyone agreed to this.
We also need a dean’s rep on every committee and Buffy will talk with Jeri about this.
We need an FPC rep on each committee to call the first meeting and set the agenda. At all committee meetings, minutes must be recorded. Also, final reports of committee activity must be submitted to Buffy by April 30.
Buffy said we may want to eliminate the Student Recruitment, Admission, and Petitions Committee because this work is already being done in several other places in the COE (e.g., Thomasenia’s committee of graduate coordinators and Michael Bowie).
John suggested we let the FPC rep to SRAP be in charge of convening the SRAP to decide what to do about keeping the committee, appointing a liaison to Thomasenia’s committee, and/or changing the constitution. We agreed to this.

Other FPC committee liaisons:
Rod Webb, Technology
Elizabeth Yeager, Curriculum
John, SRAP and Agenda Committee
Sondra, Faculty and Budgetary Affairs
Diane, Lectures, Seminars and Awards
Bernie, Long Range Planning
Mary Ann, Research Advisory

4. Transfer of credit from masters to doctoral programs
Thomasenia submitted a proposal because we currently have no COE policy on this issue.
Buffy asked for questions and comments to be emailed to her on this proposal; when she gets feedback, she will give it to Thomasenia. We decided to continue this discussion next month.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 pm.

Next meeting is October 9.