COE Symposium 2019 Flyer

2019 COE Research Symposium

The Student Alliance of Graduates in Education (SAGE) and the Education College Council (ECC) present:

The 4th Annual COE Research Symposium 

March 21, 2019 (9am-4pm)

Reitz Union

In the midst of the ongoing renovation of Norman Hall which houses the COE, our theme “Constructing our Future” gives us high hopes and pushes us to mold not only our future as critical teachers and teacher educators but also to be instruments in shaping an educational system that is responsive to the needs of all learners in the US. The symposium aims to create critical conversations among students, faculty and practitioners within and outside the college that could generate scholarly ideas and knowledge in response to the persistent call for the production of effective and compassionate teachers.


Below you will find link to the PDF of program for the 2019 College of Education Research Symposium.

2019 COE Symposium Program