COE Symposium 2019 Flyer

2019 COE Research Symposium

The Student Alliance of Graduates in Education (SAGE) and the Education College Council (ECC) present:

The 4th Annual COE Research Symposium 

March 21, 2019 (9am-4pm)

Reitz Union

In the midst of the ongoing renovation of Norman Hall which houses the COE, our theme “Constructing our Future” gives us high hopes and pushes us to mold not only our future as critical teachers and teacher educators but also to be instruments in shaping an educational system that is responsive to the needs of all learners in the US. The symposium aims to create critical conversations among students, faculty and practitioners within and outside the college that could generate scholarly ideas and knowledge in response to the persistent call for the production of effective and compassionate teachers.


Below you will find link to the PDF of program for the 2019 College of Education Research Symposium.

2019 COE Symposium Program


2018 COE Research Symposium

The Student Alliance of Graduates in Education (SAGE) and the Education College Council (ECC) present:

The 3rd Annual COE Research Symposium 

April 5th, 2018
Norman Hall
2 – 8 pm

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

All undergraduate students, graduate students, teachers and faculty members in the field of Education are invited to submit a proposal for this year’s COE Research Symposium, taking place on April 5th, from 2-8 pm at Norman Hall. Presentation formats include a poster, roundtable, and paper sessions.

During this 50th anniversary year of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., our theme, “A Critical Collaboration in ‘Times of Challenge and Controversy’”, serves as both a tribute and a call to action. The symposium intends to facilitate cross-disciplinary dialogue and, to that end, we hope this annual event will draw interest across all three schools within the college.

We understand the term “research” broadly and welcome submissions of original social science research, historical inquiry, practitioner inquiry, and other research projects that further our knowledge and understanding of education in a variety of settings, both formal and informal. Faculty members who have worked with undergraduate and graduate students and intern/mentor teacher pairs who have engaged in practitioner inquiry are especially encouraged to submit.

While we look forward to highlighting the completed work of students, faculty, and practitioners; we also want to emphasize that projects currently “in-progress” are welcomed as well. The Symposium serves as both a place to share your work and to receive constructive feedback from others within the field.

Paper Presentations

This presentation format provides an opportunity to present an abbreviated version of a scholarly paper. Proposals are due by March 9th and complete papers are due by March 22nd for review. In addition, papers will be judged against other submissions as part of a paper competition and award money will be presented for the highest scoring paper at the conclusion of the Symposium.

Roundtable Presentations

This format will provide an opportunity to present to a smaller group and may include research that is “in progress”. This is an opportunity to receive feedback on a current project and dialogue with others about similar research interests. See link below for additional formatting and submission instructions.

Poster Presentations

As part of a poster session, this presentation format provides experience presenting to and interacting with others about your research. Poster formats may vary but should summarize your research in a concise and attractive manner. Posters will be judged during the session and both Undergraduate and Graduate level award money will be presented the night of the Symposium.

Submission Instructions

To submit, please upload a 1-page proposal of your research to the link below. Proposals should include: a) the title; b) an abstract of 250 words of less (including the purposes and/or objectives of the study and a brief description of findings – if applicable); and c) references.

All proposals are due March 9th, 2018 by 11:59 p.m.

Please complete the online submission form and

upload your presentation abstract at:

If you have any questions about the Symposium or the submission process, please contact Brittney Castanheira at

Call for Volunteers!

SAGE is currently recruiting volunteers to help with the COE Research Symposium. Volunteers are needed before, during, and after the event and will have the opportunity to serve in various roles including: set-up, registration, transitions, and facilitating presentation sessions. If you are interested, please contact Masashi Otani at or sign-up using the link below: