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Necessary contact information is included in each announcement
Wednesday Update for December 7, 2016
*Please send announcements for the COE Wednesday Newsletter to by 2pm on the Tuesday prior; confirmation that your announcement has been received will be provided
Office of Sustainability to Host Collection Day – Wednesday, December 7 – 7:30am-1:00pm
Sustainable UF’s Collection Day Event is your one stop drop! Students, faculty, and staff are invited to stop by the NW corner of the O’Connell Center parking lot (near the entrance at 2nd Avenue) on Wednesday, Dec. 7 any time between 7:30 am – 1:00 pm to conveniently drop off any unwanted items, including:
GENTLY USED CLOTHING & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS – which will be donated to Haven Hospice.
NON-PERISHABLE FOOD ITEMS – which will be donated to the UF Field & Fork Pantry.
SCHOOL SUPPLIES – which will benefit the Alachua County Tools For Schools program.
NEW & GENTLY USED HOLIDAY TOYS – which will be donated to a local toy drive.
PERSONAL DAMAGED GOODS or HAZARDOUS & ELECTRONIC WASTE* – which will be taken to the Alachua County Hazardous Waste Collection Center for proper recycling or disposal. Examples of hazardous/electronic waste include things such as oil, automotive fluids, pesticides, paint, TVs, computers and peripherals, car batteries, household chemicals, flourescent light bulbs, etc.
UNIVERSITY ASSETS & IT EQUIPMENT – which will be processed by Asset Management. Approved survey paperwork is still required for any item with a decal, so please bring it with you! Anything without a decal (furniture and peripherals) may be dropped off without a form.
Internship Orientation for Fall 2017 Interns – Thursday, December 8
Early Childhood, Elementary & Special Ed Students who will be doing their FULL-TIME INTERNSHIP in Fall 2017 must attend Thursday, December 8, Norman Hall Auditorium Room 137 – 9:30am ALL STUDENTS.
For more information please visit:
Clearing a Path to Learning for ALL Students – P.K. Yonge/CAST Symposium – Thursday, December 8
Join us for a shared discussion with Universal Design for Learning experts Jose Blackorby (CAST), Kirk Behnke (CAST), and Jon Mundorf (P.K. Yonge) addressing learner variability, implementation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and the impact in today’s schools.
More information:
Limited Seating – Register Now!
Date: Thursday, December 8, 2016
Time: 3:30-5:30pm
Location: Community Classroom, P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School
Cost: FREE!
Contact: Christy Gabbard –
Discussion Topics:
— Exploring the intersection of UDL and Social Justice in Education
— Universal Design for Learning as a driver for School Improvement
— Technology integration and new opportunities for Universal Design in classrooms
With an increasingly diverse mix of students, today’s educators are challenged to teach learners to high standards and meet the needs of a broad range of students in a single classroom. This cannot be done through a single, one-size-fits-all solution. UDL provides flexible scaffolds and supports that result in individualized pathways for a variety of students in one learning environment.
Inquiry Showcase Invitation – Thursday, December 8 – 3:00-7:00pm
You are cordially invited to attend the 2016 Fall Semester Inquiry Showcase on Thursday, December 8th from 3-7pm starting in NRN 2337. This event allows our Unified Elementary ProTeach students to share the inquiry research they have conducted on their professional practice throughout the semester. Showcases like this provide our students and attendees a space to engage in ongoing dialogue about important educational issues. This event is a wonderful learning experience for our emerging preservice teacher educators. We hope you can join us and look forward to seeing you there!
Calling all who are interested: Teaching for Social Justice New and Existing Member Meeting
Thursday, December 8th at 5:00pm in Norman Hall 2411. Email: for more information
SAGE Event – End-of-term Social: Thursday, December 8 – 5:00-8:00pm
Student Alliance of Graduate Students in Education (SAGE) is holding its end-of-term social for the fall semester at World of Beer on 34th street on Thursday, December 8, from 5-8pm. Come join us celebrating a busy yet fruitful semester! For more information, please see flyer and check SAGE’s Facebook Page:
ECC Pop-up Event – Friday, December 9 – 7:00-8:30pm
On Friday, Education College Council (ECC) will be having a Pop-Up Event where we pass out cookies, coffee, and small school supplies in Norman Library! We will be there from 7-8:30 pm during prime study time.
Food Drive for Food4Kids Backpack Program – deadline Monday, December 12
The College of Education is partnering with the UF McNair Scholars to collect non-perishable items for the Food4Kids Backpack program. Please see flyer for items to donate. The food collected between now and December 12th will help to ensure the children have food over the holiday break. A donation box is located in 140 Norman Hall. The collected food will be distributed to the children of Northern Florida.
Toys for Tots – deadline December 22nd
The College of Education is participating in the “Toys for Tots” holiday toy drive. We are collecting new, unwrapped toys now through December 22nd. The Alachua County Toys for Tots program provides toys to children in the age range of infant to 12 years old. Below is the list of COE toy drop sites:
CEEC – 1345K Norman
Dean’s Office – 140 Norman
HDOSE- 1215 Norman
Lastinger Center – G315 Norman
SESPECS- 1403 Norman
STL – 2423 Norman
EduGator Central – G416 Norman
If you have any questions or would like to make a monetary donation, please contact Jennifer Wrighton, or stop by Norman 140. We will do your shopping for you or you can make a check payable to “Toys for Tots”. Thanks in advance for your contribution.
Scholarship Opportunities Now Available for Graduate & Undergraduate COE Students!
Applications are now being accepted for the 2017-2018 College of Education Scholarships Program. Students who will be enrolled in Fall 2017 or who have applied for admission in Fall 2017 are eligible to apply for College of Education Scholarships. Click here for further instructions.
Volunteering – Service
It’s not too late to get involved! Try something new starting in Spring semester by looking into Best Buddies, All Kidz, Noah’s Endeavor, Impact Autism, Balance 180, Camp Boggy Creek, and Camp Kesem. You can also visit Gator Connect to find out how you can get involved in a rewarding experience with people of all abilities. These organizations are a great way to meet new people, make new friends, and embrace diversity here at UF.
Childcare – Tutoring
Childcare needed
In search of after-school babysitting starting spring semester for Mondays & Wednesdays, 3:00-7:30. We have three children ages 9, 7, & 3 and are looking for someone to watch after them, ensure homework has been completed, and feed them dinner. Pay rate is starting at $12/hr. If interested, please contact Kelly Acosta at 978-828-8893, and/or email
Reading tutor needed
Looking for a tutor for my third grade daughter. She’s having trouble remembering what she read. 3rd grade is a tough year due to the FSA. If anyone is available to help her, I can reached at 386-418-3705 or 353-283-5511. Also she gets out of school at 2:45pm and on Wednesdays 1:30pm.
Seeking full-time nanny
Seeking full time nanny (30-35 hrs per week) to care for toddler during the day and then preschooler in afternoons. Duties include playing, feeding and preparing meals, keeping children on schedule, and household chores (i.e. laundry, dishes, etc.). Candidate may be asked to do occasional pick up of preschooler from school. Candidate must:
• Be CPR certified
• Have at least 3 yrs of experience caring for children b/w ages of 0-8 yrs.
• Must be a non-smoker
Candidates with early childhood education background preferred. If interested please send resume and 3 professional references (references from family members will not be accepted) to Compensation will be commensurate with experience and work load. All candidates will be subject to background and driving record check.
Tutor Needed
My name is Ms. Head and I am looking for a tutor for my child. She is currently in the 4th grade and struggling in reading and a little in math. I would like to have someone twice a week for a hour to a hour in a half. If you are available, please give me a call as soon as possible (352) 792-7754.
Spring 2017 – Courses, Seminars, Study Abroad
Undergraduate Courses
DEP 4930: The Developing Mind and Brain: Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
New Class in Department of Psychology – Ever wonder how the brain develops? Or how the developing brain supports learning, memory, attention or emotion processing? Are there important time periods or sensitive periods for brain development? And what happens when things go wrong? This course will be a broad overview of current research and methods in the field of developmental cognitive neuroscience. More details here.
EDA 4930: Introduction to Education Policy (Section # 1004)
Instructor: Dennis A. Kramer II, Ph.D.
This course is an introduction to education policy and analysis. In this course, we will explore: (1) the history of education policy in the United States; (2) key federal and state policies impacting K12 and higher education; (3) the purposes of education/policy; and (4) theoretical and conceptual approaches to policy analysis. In considering contemporary education policy in the U.S., we will pay attention to: current debates, policy designs and their assumptions, and findings on implementation and (intended and unintended) outcomes. In addition, unlike many courses in policy analysis, we will turn a critical eye to the act of policy analysis itself, considering what it means to be a policy analyst and what kind of policy analysis students might engage in as part of their practice
EDA 4930: Athletics and the University (Section # 05D6)
Instructor: Dennis A. Kramer II, Ph.D.
This course will look at the history, organization, finance, governance, leadership and symbolism of athletics as a key part of the political economy of the contemporary university. With student athletes as a primary unit of analysis we will review the history of intercollegiate athletic competition, the symbolic role of athletics in society and the future of athletics on postsecondary campuses. Within the broader study of athletics we will turn attention to issues of institutional equity, gender and power in the modern university.
EDA 4930: Foundations of Social Justice in Education (Section # 1019)
Instructor: Lauren “LB” Hannahs
Adams (2013) states, “social diversity and social justice are often used interchangeably to refer to social differences as well as to social inequality. These two terms are closely related but not interchangeable.” This course will clarify these differences and situate inequities in education within a social justice framework, focusing on the systemic factors that create inequities and maintain oppression. Students will develop a strong understanding of social justice education, apply a social justice perspective to inequities in education, and engage in an action-based project to further understand social justice-based activism.
EDG 4930 or EDG 6931: Language & Education in the Republic of Ireland
The study abroad will take place April 23 through May 6, 2017. Students will stay in Homestays around Dublin (week 1) and County Donegal (week 2) and will attend schools in both settings. This study abroad is officially a Spring semester course for 3 credit hours, so students in our undergraduate programs can use Bright Futures toward this program. See flyer for additional information. Please contact Maria Coady with any questions (
EEX 4905: School Mental Health Practice and Research Seminar
Instructor: Joni Williams Splett, Ph.D.
A NEW Undergraduate Seminar that combines research experience and foundational knowledge about school mental health and graduate school. Students must obtain instructor permission prior to registration. See flyer for course description and contact information for an application.
PHA 4933: Medications and Health
What Medication Questions Come to Mind? Depression, Acne, Travel Medicine, Medical Marijuana … Answers to these and Many More. See flyer for contact information.
POS 4956 or AFA 4905: African Americans in Paris Spring Break Course
Students can earn 2-3 credits for the African Americans in Paris (POS 4956 or AFA 4905) class that will be offered in Paris, France during spring break 2017. Before we leave for Paris, the class will have to watch online lectures and documentaries and write three 3-4 page papers. In Paris, we will visit a number of historic sites of significance to African Americans. Students will also have a free day so that they can visit additional sites in Paris on their own or take a day trip to a nearby city. The $2500 cost for undergraduates doesn’t include airfare, but does include lodging, some meals, transportation in Paris, and tickets to all of the site visits. Please contact Dr. Sharon Austin, Director of the African American Studies Program and Associate Professor of Political Science at or click here for more information.
UF in India: NGOs and Development
FYC4427/6243: Non-Governmental Organizations
FYC4932/4941/6932: NGOs: The Field Study Health
Dr. Muthusami Kumaran, faculty member in Family, Youth, & Community Sciences, IFAS is offering a study abroad program to India in Summer 2017. Click here for contact information and other details. Program information located here.
Graduate Courses
EDF 6938: Teaching Practicum for Graduate Students (Section 2A66)
Instructor: Dr. David Therriault
This course is designed for Graduate students interested in garnering experience to teach at the University level. Graduate students from disciplines outside of education are encouraged to enroll. Please see flyer for course details and contact information.
EDG 7252: Perspectives in Curriculum, Teaching, and Teacher Education (Doctoral Seminar)
Instructor: Vicki Vescio, Ph.D.
This course will involve a collaborative exploration of enduring issues related to teaching and learning in classrooms at all levels. The central questions we will confront appear simple, yet their answers have deep implications for education: What should schools teach? Who should decide how schools teach? How should the effectiveness of schools be evaluated? Traditional answers to these questions have been the topic of theoretical writings and research studies for close to 100 years. However, despite decades of work, the answers to these questions are still debated in contemporary education without a consensus within the profession. Simultaneously, decisions about curriculum are being made through a political process that may, or may not, be influenced by the knowledge of educators. For example, current debates around issues such as standardized assessment, accountability, vouchers, charter schools, the teaching of evolution, performance-based pay, reading instruction, and grade level retention (to name just a few) are largely political debates and the decisions which will impact schools are typically legislative in nature. In this course we will focus on these prevailing controversies to explore how they have come to impact our current system of education.
EDH 7505: Financing (Economics) of Higher Education
Instructor: Isaac McFarlin, Ph.D.
Can higher education make a person more productive? What are the benefits of a college education? How do colleges and universities respond to declines in state appropriations? Are there effective policies to stimulate college-going among high-achieving, low-income students? These questions and others are in the domain of the economics of higher education. To address these issues, we will use basic principles from economics such as supply and demand frameworks and human capital models to better understand individual and institutional decision-making within the higher education sector. Topics will include trends in sources of revenue and expenditure for higher education; the role of information, financial aid and incentives; admissions-related policies; the labor market returns to attending college, and other economic forces shaping postsecondary institutions. Empirical content for the course will be drawn from research using modern quasi-experimental and experimental methods.
EEX 7787: School Improvement for all students
Instructor: James McLeskey (
This doctoral seminar addresses approaches that have proven effective in improving schools to enhance academic and behavior outcomes for all students. Resources for addressing these issues will include Fullan’s (2015) New meaning of educational change (5th ed.), and Bryk et al.’s (2015) Learning to improve: How America’s schools can get better at getting better. The approaches to school improvement in both of these texts are widely used across the U.S., and emphasize systematically learning from and improving on practice. Specific topics addressed will include:
- A brief history of school improvement;
- The current status of problems facing students who experience difficulty progressing in schools;
- Approaches that have proven effective in supporting school improvement;
- Barriers that may impede school improvement; and
- Strategies that have been used to improve teacher practice.
LAE 6865: Teaching Media Literacy (online)
Instructor: Dr. Angela Kohnen
Media Literacy is the ability to ACCESS, ANALYZE, EVALUATE, CREATE and ACT using all forms of media. More details available on the attached flyer.
School of Teaching & Learning (STL) Graduate Seminars. See flyer for more information.
Archived Newsletters
If you want to read about any of the announcements, opportunities, and events posted in last week’s Wednesday Update Newsletters, or peruse previous newsletters, please visit